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RE: News roundup | US Bill proposes banning downloads of Deep Seek in US

in Deep Dives14 days ago

Strangely, this is the new diet I am trying - I am eating only whole vegetables - so you know, vegetables that have not been processed, and meat - and trying to have salt, that is more natural salt - or lower salt etc., I'm also taking 5000mg of fish oil a day and 10,00IUs of D-3, 400mg of magnesium, and that is it - I've just started trying something new. I took the vit d3 before etc., but the diet is new and the fish oil. About sugar, - I don't eat a lot of sugar myself - also don't eat a lot of fruit - even when I was eating only plant based - i felt great on a plant based diet, but it was so hard to get there - so my goal is to get back there, but this is my path to get there - it might take months, I don't know. I was watching a video today - about coconut milk for parasites - I never knew that, even though there is studies - as to be from a real coconut so they say, not processed - I had no idea.

What is happening in Gaza, is just sad - the saddest part, is it is happening in front of the world, and there is largely no real criticism in the mainstream. It is a genocide.
