Genocide is indeed transformative, as Shapiro points out. However genocide is a crime against humanity, and ejecting the Palestinian people from their ancestral homeland is indeed the crime of genocide. It is ethnic cleansing, and intolerable to just people.
Netanyahu's prior support for Hamas makes clear that the Hamas attack was a deliberate device to enable ethnic cleansing the Palestinians from the Gaza strip.
The whole creation of Israel has been a crime against humanity since before WWI when the machinations began.
The Ukraine money laundering project isn't comparable to 9/11, Iraq, Afghanistan, and other projects that eventually extracted $T's via those mechanisms. $B's is a rounding error in comparison. $100B is 1/10 of $1T.
The funding of Politico exemplifies gaslighting of Americans that has been legal in the USA since Obama. While it's good that Politico has been defunded, it's unlikely that Trump won't adopt these mechanisms to further his own ends. We'll see.
Censorship is an existential threat that causes people to die. Censoring Deepseek grievously endangers Americans, and may result in many deaths, by forcing US projects to be adopted and their obvious flaws and drawbacks causing erroneous decisions that results in suffering and death. This is why the US Constitution has the First Amendment, because censorship by the King of England caused many of the founding father's generation to suffer and die.
The flip side of this token is that we soon won't be able to tell AI from human social media posts, and this will eliminate the value of social media beyond networks that are comprised of human beings vouching for other human beings. There will be cheaters in such a system, and those will be banned from systems they cheat, which is a dire and severe punishment. Exclusion, banishment, firing have all been devastating punishments that have been used to sanction people by ejecting them from society, and that's what will be the resort of social media apps that strive to survive the infiltration of AI.
The crisis confronting Neil Gaiman makes me wonder if there is a way to short social capital and profit thereby. The lack of criminal charges against Gaiman points out there is an absence of actual evidence beyond allegations.
It is extremely interesting that gut issues underlie autism. This only affirms that we have as many neurons in our gut as we have in our heads. Some months ago I quit putting sugar on and in my food. No more cereal, no sugar in coffee, and etc. My gall issues have not recurred, and I hope to have dramatically improved my health. While I continue to struggle to reduce all carbs and comprise my diet of meat and veg alone, the cessation of the abdominal pains that the gall issues caused has been so rewarding I continue to resist temptation to sweeten my coffee or consume cereal with sugar. Further information that cancer is a metabolic disease and that cancer cells can only consume glucose as fuel, has informed by seeking to live on a diet of meat and veg, which will largely feed my mitochondria ketones instead of glucose, and hopefully prevent cancer, while continuing to improve my overall health. The gut fauna we support are determined by our diets, and it is my hope that a healthy, carb poor diet will support my health and prevent neurodegeneration, such as Alzheimer's disease.
Strangely, this is the new diet I am trying - I am eating only whole vegetables - so you know, vegetables that have not been processed, and meat - and trying to have salt, that is more natural salt - or lower salt etc., I'm also taking 5000mg of fish oil a day and 10,00IUs of D-3, 400mg of magnesium, and that is it - I've just started trying something new. I took the vit d3 before etc., but the diet is new and the fish oil. About sugar, - I don't eat a lot of sugar myself - also don't eat a lot of fruit - even when I was eating only plant based - i felt great on a plant based diet, but it was so hard to get there - so my goal is to get back there, but this is my path to get there - it might take months, I don't know. I was watching a video today - about coconut milk for parasites - I never knew that, even though there is studies - as to be from a real coconut so they say, not processed - I had no idea.
What is happening in Gaza, is just sad - the saddest part, is it is happening in front of the world, and there is largely no real criticism in the mainstream. It is a genocide.