Odysee will not sync my Mirror World channel, so I’m not sure what’s going on there—just The Outer Light.
About self-replicating 'vaccines' / biological weapons tech released for profit—this is where the biggest issue lies. We are on a dangerous horizon, where the maniacs in control are so insane that they are willing to use bio-agents as a profit proxy. This will affect everyone, forever. I am very concerned about this. In many ways, I still find it hard to believe that they will actually go through with it—it’s like self-destruction. But on it goes.
The only real hope is that the money is drained from these networks so that less funding flows into propaganda. If the continued influx from mainstream platforms shifts toward less speech-controlled platforms, then, at some point, propaganda will lessen, and people will start to care more about real human rights issues—such as being exposed to gene treatments against their will—instead of distractions like trans issues, climate change, or other purposefully laid paper targets. Of course, this will take time, but we will see.
At the moment, at least, minds seem freer from the chains of propaganda than they were two years ago. A great deal of mistrust toward the mainstream has been established—quite rightfully—due to the endless lies. So there is hope that this mistrust will continue to fuel people’s motivation to seek out different platforms for relevant life information.
As for occult agents in government—you are right. Everything is controlled by a network of occult outfits. The signs are there in plain sight for those willing to read them. For those who wish to enter a sizeable rabbit hole, this layer is on everything. So you’re right about adding another dimension to what’s happening—maybe that’s why nothing makes sense anymore. It’s all driven by cryptic motives that only make sense to the priests of our world.