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RE: News roundup

in Deep Dives4 days ago (edited)

Yay! Native Hive video. Awesome. Still nothing on Odysee, so I await any results on that platform.

These spooks and government agents demonstrate their derangement and the danger(s) they present to humanity, and particularly our children whom they clearly desire to groom and to subject to obscene and perverse sexual practices, castrate, and render permanently infertile without ever experiencing normal human sexuality. It is clearly, plainly obvious these people are enemies of humanity, wholly given over to evil intention to exterminate humanity, rendering the human species extinct, absolute traitors to the human race, that have been infiltrated into positions of power in government agencies, exactly as Klaus Schwab has described and gloated about in video that is commonly available on the internet.

Our phones and 'smart' devices are literally tracking and surveillance tools deployed to deprive us of every privacy, and enable social media corporations and spooks in government agencies to know where we are at all times, everywhere we take our phones, know everything we discuss in the presence of our phones they listen to without any limitation for privacy whatsoever, and also take pictures and video of us and our surroundings at all times of night and day, with emphasis on capturing facial recognition information of our friends, families, and 'co-conspirators'.

Frankly, I cannot grasp the full extent of danger all humanity presently faces from such threats Big Tech, Big Pharma, and the Military Industrial Complex that has today released self-replicating 'vaccines', which are in fact viruses that preferentially attack our sexual reproductive organs, where they insert a variety of artificial DNA into our germ cells, the sperm and eggs we deploy during sexual reproduction to create offspring, and pass these genetic mutations created in the lab by the evil, deranged government agents like Ralph Baric and Shi Zhengli that have produced these harmful biological weapons in the Wuhan Institute of Virology, and continually lie and claim these biowarfare weapons are 'vaccines' intended to cure Covid19, itself a laboratory created chimera virus that alters the common cold to produce a means of falsely claiming there is a natural pandemic that requires we submit to the jabs they have designed to exterminate the human species.

No matter how evil and dangerous you believe these people to be, it is not enough. The ancient spiritual principle of evil that has been variously ascribed to a demigod like Satan, Ahriman, and an infinite variety of demons and evil gods like Moloch and Remphan, has incarnated in the secret societies such as Skull and Bones, Freemasonry, Shriners, Zionists, Nazis, Communists, and etc, with full participation from the financial comptrollers that run global monetary policies and entities such as the World Bank, the IMF, the Fed, and etc, with military and spook agencies of government that contracted with Pfizer and Moderna to inflict these bioweapons on humanity.

There can be no worse evil. There can be no worse attack on humanity. This is the ultimate act of evil to eradicate the human species. There are mechanisms that the creator of the universe, whether God of laws of physics, that can be employed to preserve our lives, retain the value of the sacrifices and love of our forebears, and deliver the world to our posterity with the full potential naturally available to them. I post a couple medical protocos here, and there are also phones that are not tracking and surveillance devices we can use instead of those from Big Tech that track and surveil us at all times.



Odysee will not sync my Mirror World channel, so I’m not sure what’s going on there—just The Outer Light.

About self-replicating 'vaccines' / biological weapons tech released for profit—this is where the biggest issue lies. We are on a dangerous horizon, where the maniacs in control are so insane that they are willing to use bio-agents as a profit proxy. This will affect everyone, forever. I am very concerned about this. In many ways, I still find it hard to believe that they will actually go through with it—it’s like self-destruction. But on it goes.

The only real hope is that the money is drained from these networks so that less funding flows into propaganda. If the continued influx from mainstream platforms shifts toward less speech-controlled platforms, then, at some point, propaganda will lessen, and people will start to care more about real human rights issues—such as being exposed to gene treatments against their will—instead of distractions like trans issues, climate change, or other purposefully laid paper targets. Of course, this will take time, but we will see.

At the moment, at least, minds seem freer from the chains of propaganda than they were two years ago. A great deal of mistrust toward the mainstream has been established—quite rightfully—due to the endless lies. So there is hope that this mistrust will continue to fuel people’s motivation to seek out different platforms for relevant life information.

As for occult agents in government—you are right. Everything is controlled by a network of occult outfits. The signs are there in plain sight for those willing to read them. For those who wish to enter a sizeable rabbit hole, this layer is on everything. So you’re right about adding another dimension to what’s happening—maybe that’s why nothing makes sense anymore. It’s all driven by cryptic motives that only make sense to the priests of our world.