I keep asking myself, what is it going to take for more people to wake up to what is happening. We are being attacked on every level. We have mothers birthing their babies with their faces covered by masks and those that have tested postive to covid are being separated from their newborns . When a baby is born, the mother is their whole world and now we have babies being deprived of this essential bonding, of this essential part of their transition. We can only imagine how this will affect both mother and baby, in the long term. This is simply inhumane!
Between the ages of 2 and 3 we begin to develop our identity , we begin to see ourselves separate from our mothers, it is a huge developmental step and what do those young children see now. Now they are beginning to see the world and those around them are all masked up. How can they begin to learn about humankind, when they can not even gauge other people's expressions. Once again I can not image the affect this will have on our further generations, if this continues. This is taking programming to a whole different level!
So many people are blindly following what they are told, not even aware how unlawful all of these restrictions are. We have the right to life and a livelihood, we have the right to assemble and yet these rights have been taken away from us, and they are not lawful. None of these would stand up in court and yet they are being forced upon us. Those in power are not respecting our rights. What will it take to break the chains of our oppression?
For us to remember how powerful we are!
Everything that they are doing to us, it is to disconnect us from our power and from one another. By forcing us to wear a mask, they are trying to delete our individuality, our creativity. We need to stand in our power and continue to find ways to come together and create. We each have a responsibility to ourselves and to the future generations. I interacted with @sebcam recently on one of his video's, where I told him how inspiring he is, to be walking across America, spreading his light as he travels. He told me that we need to be inspiring others and not instructing them. This has always been my motto, as we have all been preached to for far to long.
We need to create the change, so that others may be inspired to do the same. This is how we can break this circle of fear!
This and helping to get the truth out!
The next stage, in all of this agenda, is mass vaccination. Where many countries have already stated that they will bring in the army to help them administer the vaccination. In the U.K the army no longer belongs to them, but to the European Union, I wonder how many people realize that!
At the moment it is anyone's guess what will be within those vaccinations, but I do believe that they will change our blueprint . Along with it containing the usual toxic ingredients, this vaccine will also most likely contain Squalene,which is an oil found in Sharks. This will result in half a million sharks being slaughtered in order for the vaccination to be manufactured. I know that we have already been damaging humankind through vaccines and we have also killed and used other animals to manufacture them, and now, now we are going to slaughter sharks. Maybe there are those who will stand up for the animals, if they will not do so for humankind.
By all means, we are witnessing chaos, chaos that has been unleashed to induce fear. But we need to begin to calm, the chaos in our minds. To expand our awareness and allow ourselves to evolve. When we become overwhelmed by the information that we receive, We need to remember that we need the darkness in order to really appreciate the light and there is a lot of light in the world. Find that light and nurture it, nurture your creativity, that fire that drives you. We will need that, to help us through this transition.

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Find some peace within. Ground yourself constantly, breathe consciously, feel the body with focus.
Good luck out there!
Thanks Monty, I hope things are okay over your way, I know Australia is really having a hard time of it, but at least you are in the West Coast. And yes we have got to keep grounded and stay focused xxx
Thanks, all clear on the West Coast for now. The grand theatre macabre has not reached this far yet.
If international travel opens up early next year, to be honest, I want to get the fuck out of here. Go find some mountains somewhere in some distant land.
It's going to take a mass awakening and maybe this bullshit is what it takes to trigger one.
Yes for sure, I think it will take a little bit more though to really get people to see xx
Thanks xxx
This is going to go deep, whatever is unfolding around us. Reading your post, dear @trucklife-family, I can almost see the intricate webs around these news, the fog that has been growing thicker and thicker around us.
When I was a child, I loved the dark, I could only sleep in complete darkness. Until I could not anymore. Suddenly, I was terrified of the dark, it felt present and it brought up images of terror and fear in my head. This went on for some years during which I was sick, I destroyed and disrespected my body in so many ways that bring up shame and guilt.
I am just after sleeping again in complete darkness (except for the fluorescent stars and planets on our ceiling, curtesy of the previous owners of the house). All the ways I tested, pushed, rejected, almost destroyed these beautiful body and soul of mine came up to me in dreams and visions last night. It was intense to see the truth, to see the bright side of things - I am healthy, living a joyful, quiet life - and to see the dark side of things that we can do to ourselves.
It is a strangely quiet morning, one I feel rested and refreshed after a good night sleep. During the visions, I noticed how I wanted to escape them, how I longed for the morning to come. And then I rested my hand on my heart and forgave. The shame, fear, guilt - I can still feel them - but now I can see them too, their roots are becoming weaker.
Collectively we are walking through a long, complex, terrifying nightmare. And we can't wake up from it. You know those times you know this cannot be real, and you want to awake but you can't? And then one day you can, you master this skill that pulls you back to light. And when awake, you no longer dismiss the dreams as bad ones, but you go back to them to heal, to understand, to learn.
Not quite sure how this relates to you post, these words spilled from my fingers. While feeling deeply self-conscious, I will still press post because I want to join in with the voices that bring us back to light. Together with a small prayer that we may be reminded of our power and skill to wake up.
It relates beautifully, as we are all journeying through this together and it is bringing up so much for us all and with it the potential to heal. Thank you for sharing, I love the dark myself, there is such a calmness to it, there are of course two sides to everything, it really is all about perception xxxx
On one hand I agree with you, people take these things too far and it does seem likely that there is something nefarious going on, but at the same time, I believe it’s always a balance between our will and acceptance of what is.
Demonizing people who don’t practice the same level of caution is obviously not a good thing, but at the same time I don’t really think this fear of masks is any healthier than the fear of an illness.
While I do feel quite confident that we should rely first and foremost on our immune systems and work to strengthen them, it seems obvious to me that masks have the potential to protect people who are not in the best health (as health is not something that we can build overnight, and it’s holistic so we can only be as healthy as we are ready for).
I know it’s really easy to always find some potential culprit, but I think sometimes the situation is just built out of our collective fears manifesting.
Another thing is, while I totally agree, not letting a baby see their mothers expression is nuts, I was circumcised and I turned out ok. Humans are more durable than we tend to imagine, no one grows up perfect and to say that we need to grow up as natural as possible has the potential to be as extreme as those who insist on everything being 100% clean and medicated all the time.
I don’t want to pretend I know exactly what is safe or healthy all the time, or what is too dangerous. I can just do my best.
You know I’m on your side, I just try to give an opposite opinion sometime for some balance. <3
I say this as someone who has been going and meeting my friends and enjoying life as usual all along, wearing a mask only in crowded places with strangers.
I absolutely love your comment and there is so much truth in your view and opinion that it really astounds me. Thank you so very much for sharing your opinion here.
I agree we do not need to demonize, this only leads to more segregation and right now we need to be looking after one another, but these restrictions make it really difficult to do so. I can't help but speak out but I do really appreciate you sharing your perspective, because we all need to be using our voices right now and listening to one another. Sending you love my friend and thanks for the balance xxxx
I would probably have a very different tone if I lived somewhere that was punishing people for not wearing a mask. Luckily Japan is pretty lenient, because few people make a fuss.
You are wonderful! Thanks for sharing your truth ❤️
Isn't it amazing how a bunch of people making a lot of money off of fear suddenly was able to capitalize on this. And now selling Masks is triple the profit. And I absolutely do have to agree about the psychological implications to the communities as well as children...
Yes, follow the money! This is a physiological and spiritual war for sure xx