Movies, Like "Back To the Future" Explain Timelines Incorrectly

in ecoTrain3 months ago


I watched a clip from "Back To the Future" which reminded me how much humanity is unaware, and misguided about how time works.

In the part of the movie, Doc describes to Marty how the timeline (normal world) was shifted to a new timeline (Biff owns everything), and so they would have to go and fix it to get back to the original timeline.

This seems very logical to most humans, however, to the universe, it is like, backwards, upside down, and weird thinking.

The universe does not throw timelines away, if there is a possibility that they will get to a novel place. (an heretofore unexplored space)

So, in "Back To the Future" all those 'parallel' timelines still exist. The only difference is where Marty's current focus is. Or, this was a journey to get Marty to a much better place by healing many of his soul-wounds.

All of those other timelines are still there, and a part of Marty may also be there. Or, if Marty's higher self doesn't see any advantage of being there, Marty will have "died" in that other timeline.

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Schrödinger's Cat Experiment

In this experiment, the "scientists" work really hard to make an exactly 50/50 chance of releasing a poison, that would kill a cat, inside a box.

And now, the thought experiment (no cats were harmed so far), says that we don't know if the cat is dead or not until we open the box. So, there are two timelines, that collapse into one, when we open the box.

The problem is, they had to put a cat in this. It might have worked, except, they had to put a cat into it. And further, the scientists forgot about the experimenters.

So, we don't have anything close to a 50/50. We have the outcomes of ALL the future possibilities that would lead to novel outcomes. They do not collapse. They ALL continue on. Including the ones where the lady scientists screams "screw this", rips open the box, saves the cat, and leaves to never be a scientist again. With her new cat.

The cat's desires are also taken into account. Maybe the cat is old, and thinks this would be a great way to leave.

And all the interaction possibilities between all the experimenters. Maybe one will be so upset by a dead cat, that their life will be forever changed.

Universe doesn't care one iota about the 50/50. And EVERY timeline that could possibly be novel, will continue on.

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Is time travel possible?

The answer is sorta. However, you can't kill Hitler. As that timeline point is SOOO important to SOOO many people, that you would find it impossible to do.

And, if the timeline that had Hitler win WWII, or the timeline that Hitler was killed, and so avoided WWII were viable options, then all you would do is switch to that already existing timeline. (yes, you may have caused it, but universe just uses whoever was there at the time. Further, WWII was a set up, it was designed to happen from WWI, and so, a war was inevitable. And the future where Hitler won ends up much worse, where we have a horrible police state)

Further, you cannot go back in time and correct a mistake you did, and then you get to live a better life because of it. You have to heal the energy structure that caused you to make that mistake.

An example is the practice of "reparenting", where you go back in your mind, and heal the wounds/trauma you got as a child from bad parents/parenting. You give yourself a better parent. And this unties a lot of the traumas you are carrying, shifting your energies in the now. However, when you have done this enough, it WILL BECOME your past. People will remember your new story, and not the trauma story you remember.

So, time travel is possible, but the way most people would use it can't happen.

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How many timelines are there?

There are infinite timelines in the universe.

And we are constantly making more. So, there is ∞ + a bunch of timelines now. (we really need to fix our math)

The better way to think of it is, how many timelines are present that concern you, and are of interest to you. Most people only have a few. Their lives are pretty much set in stone, from a universe point of view. After they decided on their career, all they did was go to work, come home, sleep, repeat. (yes, we are not supposed to be living like this) And so, if you look at all the timelines around them, there are only a handful.

However, their being here, and their dreams of what they would really like, effect the forward path of the world. Some call it the collective conscience. Because they desire something, the universe brings it into being. Unfortunately, many do not accept that the universe created it, so they do not get to partake in it directly. But, it did manifest.

So, if you want to change your timeline, you not only have to practice thinking about it/focussing on it. You have to work on letting yourself allow it to come to you.

And, the reason i bring up timelines, is that it is possible to directly shift to a world where it is manifested.

Lets say you wanted a better husband, and you did this work. You would end up with a better husband. But do not be surprised if it is the same guy.

There are people that can jump between timelines, but for most people, you do so in tiny steps. Each trauma you heal within yourself brings you a step closer to what you want to be.

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Right now, there are several major timelines spreading out from this point.

  • sci fi world, where we invent all kinds of things that only exist in science fiction
  • Mad Max, radioactive fallout world.
  • A world where most humans live on a space station above the earth, allowing earth to heal.
  • A world where we have really gone back to nature.

And many others, which are mostly derivatives of these.

So, an analogy is, the trains are leaving the station. Right now they are moving slowly, so you can run and jump onto another train. But the trains are picking up speed, and will be moving further and further apart.

Right now is the time to work on yourself, and healing your traumas, and imagining the best life you can.

This choice will affect not only this life, but also your next lives.

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All images in this post are my own original creations.


"...time travel is possible..."

No, it is not. Because spacetime is actually what exists, reversing the arrow of time requires creation of negative space, which doesn't exist. Please refrain from posting insuperable drivel, and post things that are true and factual, which you do from time to time.

I do not believe in Einsteinian spacetime.
Cozyrev's ideas of time is much more accurate.

And when i am posting in EcoTrain, like this article, it is all metaphysical stuff that i have experienced.

I used to think Yilmaz's conjecture about the Einsteinian constant, that reckoned gravity was a force like the others, and thus caused gravity as did the others, and this eliminated the need for the constant.

However, gravity is clearly not a force, being the shape of spacetime, so I gave up my infatuation with Yilmaz. Cozyrev, whose conjectures I am not familiar with, has not produced reckoning preferable to the engineers who put human lives on the line by putting them in rockets and shooting them beyond Earth's atmosphere. What could be the reason, if Cozyrev has arrived at a preferable reckoning, that men whose lives depend on their reckoning decline to use it?

Edit: know that my regard for your intellectual ability has caused me to investigate Kozyrev, and his work. It will take some time as his work spanned decades, so I am not yet conversant with his work yet.