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RE: Movies, Like "Back To the Future" Explain Timelines Incorrectly

in ecoTrain3 months ago

"...time travel is possible..."

No, it is not. Because spacetime is actually what exists, reversing the arrow of time requires creation of negative space, which doesn't exist. Please refrain from posting insuperable drivel, and post things that are true and factual, which you do from time to time.


I do not believe in Einsteinian spacetime.
Cozyrev's ideas of time is much more accurate.

And when i am posting in EcoTrain, like this article, it is all metaphysical stuff that i have experienced.

I used to think Yilmaz's conjecture about the Einsteinian constant, that reckoned gravity was a force like the others, and thus caused gravity as did the others, and this eliminated the need for the constant.

However, gravity is clearly not a force, being the shape of spacetime, so I gave up my infatuation with Yilmaz. Cozyrev, whose conjectures I am not familiar with, has not produced reckoning preferable to the engineers who put human lives on the line by putting them in rockets and shooting them beyond Earth's atmosphere. What could be the reason, if Cozyrev has arrived at a preferable reckoning, that men whose lives depend on their reckoning decline to use it?

Edit: know that my regard for your intellectual ability has caused me to investigate Kozyrev, and his work. It will take some time as his work spanned decades, so I am not yet conversant with his work yet.