The world is over populated and this is a fact that is as clear as crystal to everyone but still nothing is being done to stop it from getting over populated, It kind of look somehow to me when a family gives birth to 8 children and yet can't take care of those children, this is part of what makes the crime rate to be high in most countries and my own country especially..
The children that were given birth to without parental care and support end up becoming street thugs and from there they might upgrade to become something much worse and at the end we still end up blaming the country and the government for the misfortune that befell us when who we ought to blame are fellow citizens like us...
The rate at which it is going, we can only hope mother nature will continue to help us with natural resources and may we not run out of these things because it will be really disastrous but do we have high hope? trees are being fell on daily basis due to people, as we increase in population so do we need more lands to cultivate or to live on...
It is actually the uneducated ones that gives birth to many children they can't take care of, you can rarely see a literate planning to give birth to a team of football because they reason well and know the right thing to do and the right step to control unwanted pregnancy...
In other for the population of the world to be controlled there are some certain things that needed to be done.. These are :
This should be done on daily basis to enlighten both educated and uneducated on the need to protect themselves during sex if they do not want to have many children, the meds they can use to prevent pregnancy should be shown and explained to them on how to use itLaw
There should be a strict law against anyone having more than four children, and there should be a strict law for poor people trying to have the max four without a good source of income to ensure the children will be taken good care of, Like for real why would you want to give birth to many kids and end up suffering them because you do not have money to take goood care of them..
So in this case, the rich can have max four and the poor can have 2 max, i am not trying to enforce discrimination but this is necessary to avoid the over population getting out of hands or a situation where by children won't have adequate care and support from their parent ...

Just call me Burl.
I am a professional gamer, motivational speaker and a crypto enthusiast
Discord: burlarj#8326
Twitter id: burlarj1
Telegram: burlarj
God exist, i am a living testimony
Giving up is not an option, every hustler has a pay day
Don't wish for it, Make it happen

Education is the most valuable weapon to fight poverty and illiteracy. I think it’s necessary for communities to take responsibility for spreading the word, since governments and traditional education facilities are failing in this regard. Thank you for posting in the EcoTrain community ❤️🤗💕🤗
yes you are right, we dont need the government to always do everything for us, even people in the communities can organize this...
I love how you explained your point very clear. If we are to look at it, poverty and illiteracy makes some families give birth to more children with no source of income to help train them plus ignorance. I used to observe the educated and rich people, they do not have the same mentality like others and they are wise to give birth to few children that they can take care of without suffering these kids.
The only solutions are what you have mentioned especially sex education. They should be aware of the right medicines to use for family planning and government should provide free access to these meds especially for the poor families. Thank you for sharing your thought with the Ecotrain community.
yea i have also noticed it, the rich knows what they are doing and they only give birth to the number of children they can fully take care of, unlike the poor people, i wont blame them much tho, they just lack orientation...
well done my mentor... nice work
thanks my man
Hmmm... Vaild points you have expressively explained to us. My favorite out of your points is the Law. I totally agree with you that there should be a strict law to people who have more children without a stable income because it will reduce the population rate and most especially crime. But then, will this be possible? We can't know unless the world come together and try it out. Enjoyed reading your post.
Thank you for participating in the QOTW! We hope to see you next week 😊
estilo spotted! yea the government can actually gave out this law accompanied with a very brutal punishment, anyone caught having more than four kids must be castrated lol, just joking but then something that will make people scared of breaking the rules should be the deserves punishment, the world will be a better place and there will be a decrease to the population growth
It is disheartening how some children are left no other option other than the negative spheres of life because this f overpopulation primary to parental sex negligence.
A wonderful post
Thanks for sharing
yea the parent are to blame, no one else
The parents and also the person..
The fact that the system is already messed up shouldn't make you just flow with the system.
Find a way out
What you propose already exists in certain parts of the world and it is not working out.
Ask China LOL
I also think it is funny that when people see problems in the world they go for blame and authoritative control based of loose facts.
We are not over populated we are badly managed in my opinion.Hey @burlarj
If we are being as strict as you want to be do you think there is room in the world under this new state you created for us for any freedom or free thinking.
I doubt it.
The kind of places that have these kinds of rigid control would not let you have your freedoms either.
Taking freedom from someone means someone will take yours from you too, all you have to do is look at actual history.
We also have to consider you have one solution for population control, someone elses maybe even more stricter cause these things always goes in one direction or another depending on who holds the power.
There are a lot of people that would not exist in your world, i think it would be much more different that you could imagine.
Without going to deep into the topic, i would say that the world is not overpopulated at all. This is basicly like a lot of other issues a political and economical interest creation. What we need is to learn how to share the assets Mother Earth gives us. This is ofcourse a complicated matter with alot of market exploiting and system failures involved. To the favour of the global industry and the few huge entities owners.
greed is winning , so no way that will be possible
The world is not overpopulated nor will it be.
We are seeing the fertility rate in the entire developed world, including China and India dropping. The developed world is way below replacement rate meaning that they populations are either in decline or about it.
China will be half the population by 2070 or 2080. Japan is losing 450K of their native population each year. Russia and Germany are seeing their working populations shrinking (people get old before they die).
Thus, you wrote an entire article based upon no facts.
The fertility rate in my country is not dropping and now the country is no longer save because of this reason, parents gave birth to children they can't cater for and they end up becoming problem in the society... I think a nigerian will understand me better and some other country and probably i should not have generalized it using world?
Several years ago a friend of mine had an idea. Put birth control in the water. For those that wanted to have children, the pills to counteract birth control would be free and easily available. There are a lot of problems with that idea but it is food for thought.