Well my friend, I think part of the problem is I have no self-preservation instinct when it comes to livestock. My mom would often find me in the middle of a herd of horses or down amongst the cows, lol!
Goats are ridiculous when it comes to keeping them in. If I were ever to have goats again it would be in an open range in the scrub brush sort of scenario lol, just me, the herd, and a couple of LGD's. This is gonna crack you up, but my cows are kept in by 1 strand of hot wire. That said, I have had some athletic, pain in the butt ones that have been culled out of the herd. Every one that I have now is slow, chunky, good-natured, and super easy going. They don't test the fences and if they did/do get out, they would go to my dining room window and bawl at me.
We had katahdin hair sheep at one time, I enjoyed them a lot:) For some reason I can totally see you getting a steer at some point😊
I grew up with a pair of miniature donkeys, a standard and a mix, and they were a fun handful. I've run through all the smaller livestock but actually having a steer has been one of those fantastical types of thoughts. I'd love one as cows are pretty cool, it would just have to be a mellow one that wouldn't end up out on the higway charging at the on coming traffic. Or end up wandering through Chattaroy, there is a herd across the river he would likely try to find if he did.
Ahh, I love donks! They are way smarter than me though, so I have never owned one lol!
Eeee, you definitely don't want one of those athletic cows! A nice, slow, docile bovine that abhors getting its heart rate up seems about right. I did laugh and snortle a bit when I thought about you chasing an escaped beef through Chattaroy, that would be legend🤣
My grandparents had a herd of them, all standards and they were hilarious. One hell of a cacophony when they were all baying for food.
I don't relish the thoughts of trying to steer a steer across the 4 lanes of highway, LOL!
Just chiming in here. That. Sounds. Delicious.