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RE: Buying Abandoned Properties for Conscious Community Village

in ecoTrain3 years ago

I've read the other article you wrote relating to this. It's so nice of you. I grew up in a neighborhood which neighbors just not less than 3 meters away from our house. It can be quite crowded but it's fun to live with many people.

I wish more people come and build community as harmonious as possible. 😍


Thanks for commenting.

I wish more people come and build community as harmonious as possible.

It's happening slowly, many are doing so. It will be like a snowball, as more and more people begin creating and living in rural intentional communities.

Especially when communities are very well organised using The Matrix-8 Solution Community Governance System, more and more people will join us at a faster and faster rate, because, all the communities will be connected and inter-trading/sharing in efficient non-violent ways, using their own community crypto coins/tokens (non-violent means of exchange - aka money). We will be able to withdraw our agreement from corrupt governments, stop using them, stop following their rules, and they will then rapidly collapse.

How about you?