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RE: On Climate Change / Sobre el Cambio Climático

in ecoTrain3 years ago

You've addressed this beautifully.

Pollution isn't just the CO2 of industries, the infested landfills and the noise of busy highways, it's also everyday complaints, falsehoods, aggression, the things we do against one another and against ourselves.

This absolutely rings true. I feel like we've come to a stage where the climate movement is being polluted by aggression and it doesn't matter what you personally do you can get derided for it not being enough. Each person you encounter has their biggest priority that they go all out on and if you don't meet their expectations then you're not up to scratch. Then when you have different people pushing each of their own priorities, there's no way you can reach all of them short of removing yourself from the planet.

I've recently started trying to remove myself from the arguments of what is the best way forward and find my own path, because everyone's journey is their own and if we can't accept that in the knowledge that we are all still trying to move towards the same goal then we're either contributing to the aggression or we're beating ourselves down into worthlessness (I tend to do the latter). Never before have I felt like there is an undertone constantly telling us that we don't deserve anything in this world. There is often this voice in my mind shouting "you can't have that" to the tune of a character I once saw on an episode of Two and a Half Men. 😅


Thank you for your awesome comment! I agree entirely, a lot of people are out to push their own agenda and only like to spend their time and invest their resources on people who think or can be swayed to think like them. It's what brought us to this mess. I know I've been guilty of that myself before.

That last part resonated strongly with me, I've been having a bit of a hard time allowing myself to receive rewards for my effort, to feel that I deserve my gains. That voice in my mind telling me that I can't have nice things is so subtle and buried so deep that only now I'm perceiving it for what it is, fear of notoriety, of giving too much power to my ego and losing myself in vanity, devolving to that Javier who imposed his views on others.

Funny, it's precisely that fear which would secure such an outcome, I think. Once again, thank you and bless you!

I find it hard to imagine that you were ever like that and have a lot of respect for you that you were able to recognise it in yourself and change. That said, I believe it is not uncommon to think that way in youth, wisdom only comes with experience and some may never gain broad enough experiences in life to even see a need to change from a narrow viewpoint of the world.