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RE: When People We Care About Die, Where Do They Go?

in ecoTrain3 days ago

Does Hell exist?

How could one ever answer that definitively?

What about heaven?

How could one ever answer that definitively?

What is purgatory?

How could one ever answer that definitively?


Definitively, means, to you, prove to me so i have no doubt.

And that, another person can never do.
Can't even definitively disprove the theory of relativity. And the light speed has barrier been broken.

You can get data from people who have actually experienced these things and have come back, or from people who remember these times in between their lives.

However, most people believe the pastor in Sunday school when they were taught from a book that was corrupted. The Bible basically says, Work hard for your master (lord) in this life, and then you get to go to heaven, else hell awaits you. (that is what it was changed to say, by the masters who want you to keep working for them)

You can learn to go explore these times in your history. The information is available to each person. A lot of people give up along this journey. So, i can't even say, if you use this path, you will get there.

Definitively, means, to you, prove to me so i have no doubt.

We are in agreement then, that such spiritual believes cannot be proven but normally come down to ones personal belief or faith in the subject. Although your sub-titles were questioned marked that content seemed much more definitive.

Yep, i am just telling you my experiences.
To me, i know. Been there, done that.
To you, take it with a grain of salt, your mileage will vary, we offer no guarantees…

However, it is also the culture in which you were raised.
In Tibet, everyone takes reincarnation for granted.
It is the culture. You hear words from the Dalai Lama about it.

The Dalai Lama is interesting.
So, he dies, and gets reincarnated.
And then, on his 5th birthday, he becomes the Dalai Lama again.
As in, continues the conversation you were having with him just before death.