When People We Care About Die, Where Do They Go?


When your loved ones die,

  • do they go to heaven?
  • do they go to hell?
  • do they go to purgatory?
  • do they stay here watching their children and loved ones?


All of those things are true, but they are not where most people think, nor are they what most people believe.

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Does Hell exist?

Unfortunately they rewrote the bible to describe hell as a place of punishment. Just a little change to the word, and you get that it is a fiery place where you are (tortured) and you spend all (eternity) there.

And so, with the new definition, many people just started disbelieving in the whole word. Because, surely it would not be that. No loving God would make that…

Hell is a place where you go to burn the sins out of your soul.
It is part of the reincarnation cycle.
It is part of taking what you learned and condensing it down to become part of you for future lives.

So, everyone goes to hell for as long as they need.
The more sins (hurts to your soul) you did, the longer it will take.
And so, those without sin do not go to hell… sorta.

You need to prepare yourself for your next lifetime, so hell isn't really part of the spiritual world, it is in between. Hell is part of earth, part of the reincarnation on earth cycle. If this was a video game, this is the part where Mario ends up in the lava/warp zone before getting reset to the starting point. It is not outside the video game, and only happens to your video game avatar. (but you, are the video game avatar)

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What about heaven?

Again, the word was changed. The confusing part is they changed "no time passes" to "for all eternity". When heaven is just not in our time. Earth time doesn't really pass when you are in heaven. (and time, from that side, isn't really linear)

Heaven would be best described as a rest stop in between lives. Where you recuperate from the trauma of incarnating.

There are various levels of heaven. People are self sorting, it is not a punishment, it is just about how you can "praise" (interact) with God.

The 3rd level looks very much like the Bible destription, where everyone gets up, walks to the central place and sings praises to God. This level is for people who's focus, or extent of being, is that they can praise God through song.

(God doesn't need to be "praised", it is more of a… this is one way to interact. And sound, there, is a lot more tangible. God used words to create the universe, the heavens and the earth.)

So, heaven is a rest stop in between your lives.

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What is purgatory?

These layers are hard to describe, because they aren't really layers, and your experience will vary depending on how much experience and power you have.

They are just layers in between the solid, you are a physical body, to the aetheric, you are an energy being, in this earth cycle system.

You can get stuck in several of these layers where/when you hold onto life regrets. The trauma, even the trauma of separation, even grudges against the world, or against God can keep you stuck here.

There are beings that help guide people across these layers. But, as with all free will, you can ignore them, and their help.

So, this is where you hear of angry ghosts, and upset poltergeists. People stuck in some of the first layers away from physical earth. But, there are many layers, and many beings stuck. We should NEVER allow a person to die while they have serious grudges against the world. But we can't even solve our serious single mother epidemic.

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Do you stay here watching over your children?

This is a hard one to explain, because people think of themselves as being in one place at one time, and only at one place and one time.

Truly, a part of you never leaves your children. You care about them and always want to be near them and know how they are doing and watch them develop. So, there is a part of you (you could think of it as an angel looking down from heaven) who stays with your children and any important friends.

This part of you is not the part that is going through purgatory/hell/heaven and being reincarnated. But, it is part of your larger self. The part that sits with you in between life times planning your life. Planning who you will be born to, and who are the major players you will meet in your life.

You are heavily invested in this earth, and all the pieces of it. You are watching it, in every piece, as it evolves and becomes something we could not even think of when we started.

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All images in this post are my own original creations.


Really profound and deep! The difference between Earth time and time on other non-physical worlds/spaces is something I always love to ponder about. On Earth, time can move very fast or slow, depending on the standpoint we look at it from. But I think in the grand scheme of things, a thousand Earth years isn't really much compared to other levels of reality.

From a HIGHER point of view, all of time has already happened. You can view it as a movie reel. You can look at any point in time. It is all there at once.

However, all the points are changing as humans live their lives.

From a middle point of view, a being often reincarnates into their own family. Grandpa becomes grandson. And so, they see themselves in the lives they have lived, in a string.

However, this same being may also be incarnating in several other times, like the past, or the future, at the same time. And so, that part of him may be reincarnating in that family, but at a different time. (using the Gregorian calendar)

And of course, you have humans, at this time and place being fully immersed in time. And we generally experience it as linear.

Right. Time can be multifaceted too, everything happening everywhere at the same time. The mind kind of boggles when you look at it from a very zoomed out perspective, multiple time tracks connecting and disconnecting from other time tracks, weaving an intricate and complex cosmic web.

Does Hell exist?

How could one ever answer that definitively?

What about heaven?

How could one ever answer that definitively?

What is purgatory?

How could one ever answer that definitively?

Definitively, means, to you, prove to me so i have no doubt.

And that, another person can never do.
Can't even definitively disprove the theory of relativity. And the light speed has barrier been broken.

You can get data from people who have actually experienced these things and have come back, or from people who remember these times in between their lives.

However, most people believe the pastor in Sunday school when they were taught from a book that was corrupted. The Bible basically says, Work hard for your master (lord) in this life, and then you get to go to heaven, else hell awaits you. (that is what it was changed to say, by the masters who want you to keep working for them)

You can learn to go explore these times in your history. The information is available to each person. A lot of people give up along this journey. So, i can't even say, if you use this path, you will get there.

Definitively, means, to you, prove to me so i have no doubt.

We are in agreement then, that such spiritual believes cannot be proven but normally come down to ones personal belief or faith in the subject. Although your sub-titles were questioned marked that content seemed much more definitive.

Yep, i am just telling you my experiences.
To me, i know. Been there, done that.
To you, take it with a grain of salt, your mileage will vary, we offer no guarantees…

However, it is also the culture in which you were raised.
In Tibet, everyone takes reincarnation for granted.
It is the culture. You hear words from the Dalai Lama about it.

The Dalai Lama is interesting.
So, he dies, and gets reincarnated.
And then, on his 5th birthday, he becomes the Dalai Lama again.
As in, continues the conversation you were having with him just before death.

 2 days ago  

hello! nice post.. i wonder.. do we get to choose? or at least sometimes?
I wonder i wonder how far this free will thing goes!
Maybe we get our sensibility back when we did and can make better decisions ;)

It is free will all the way down. (for this planet)

In between lives, you, and you, and you, and many guides/angels work with you and other beings to plan out your life. Talking to and discussing your birth with your parents, how, why, and where. (like you specifically decide your astrology chart)

Now, a web of contingencies are planned/prepared, but this is more about the structure over there. Such as, say you plan to be born as a Leo in 1990, this also has echos of Leo in 1989 and 1991

Much planning is involved, and arrangements with EVERY important person person in your life is discussed and made.

What you call destiny was all you. And, you are here, right now, and can make almost any choice in steering your life.

 9 hours ago  

right! cant reeally complain then can i. or better said.. only one person to blame!

No, there is more YOU than just you. And so, if you are applying blame, or outrage, there is plenty of other-you to yell at.

However, blame doesn't usually help. Usually the problem inside you is that you are feeling singled out, attacked, hurt. And why would you do that to yourself?

The solution is usually finding out the real, the root cause of what your life/ life lessons are. Then you can more easily comprehend what is happening.