David Halliday is a very special kind of multi-media artist who understands the vibrational quality of form and the effect it has on those who observe and spend time around it. He is in fact more like a modern witch doctor than a creator of art, audio files and videos because his primary goal is to heal & elevate busy people in a digital world through his various wizardries and I found myself instantly fascinated by his Mandalas upon being introduced to them a few months ago, to the extent that i tried running a Mandala called Financial Abundance for two weeks on my computer and before the end of the second week i received an email from my brother in America, carrying with it a tale so fantastic (it involves bitcoin!) i will of course be sharing it with you in this post.
David Halliday: Quantum Dowsed Subtle Energies
With over 15 years working in subtle energy research and development Halliday has an impressive list of gear at his disposal along with extensive experience in the field of radionics. Beyond art Halliday understands how audible frequencies and even videos have the ability to interact with our reality in a way that goes beyond conventional medicines. He uses dowsing, quantum and scalar tools to assist on his journey and is the inventor and owner of Image-Onics, Wishing Machines Project, Quantum Energetic Transfer (QET) System & DH MP3 Isochronic AUDIO tones and programs.
The legal notice at the bottom of Halliday's website reads as follows:
Please note that these experimental Isochronic MP3 audio files are protected under 'Spiritual Copyright.' Illegal copying and distribution are not advisable, as they may incur negative karmic energies. source
For this reason i will not be showing you any of his Mandalas i have been working with except for those already posted on his website.
How can a mandala change our reality?
I have investigated in previous posts how physical form (pyramids, Irish round towers, old churches & copper wire antenna) creates strong vibrational frequencies beneficial to all life, so the idea that a 2D image, or even a digital image can produce a vibration strong enough to interact with our experience of this 3D video game (life) is very interesting to me.
Upon reflection it is evident that every physical aspect of our lives (clothes, jewellery, bedsheets, toothbrush, mobile phone, car, house, it doesn’t matter what it is) has a vibrational quality which is always interacting with our own. So this must also include the 2D aspects of our 3D playground, such as the information displayed on our computer screens or the art on our walls. Even our thoughts are playing a massive role in that which manifests into our 3D reality, so it should not be a surprise that a bold artist with a strong intention and a clear goal is able with his work, which he is giving out for free in its most basic form, to interact with the reality of others.
Mandalas have been around a long time, first mentioned in the Rig Veda, a Hindu scripture written in the Vedic Period (1500 BCE - 500 BCE) and right from the outset they were used for rituals and meditation, opening a door between us mortals and the infinite perfection of our physical playground.
Just as Tibetan or Buddhist monks meditate and enter elevated states of mind prior to creating their Mandalas so that they might imbue the final piece of art with something magical, Halliday's machines are somehow able to tap into this same Source Energy, giving his images something which goes far beyond physicality.
Digital mandalas
Halliday recommends that we not change the names of the digital files when we download them, making sure they are labelled in the same way as the originals, because yes, even the file names we choose for things have a vibrational quality which interacts with our own.
He posts new images most days from his private Facebook group, always for different conditions or to replicate the vibrations of medicinal plants, different states of mind and even spiritual ‘upgrades’ using images he calls virtual Wishing Machines. In his group you can read the many testimonials coming back from people, all claiming positive effects.
He gives out a single free image for each idea he comes up with but encourages us to pay £7 for X6 images built around the same frequency/vibration/idea and to use the one which resonates the most with us. This seems a little steep but I do still resonate with the idea that some kind of exchange is important if one is seeking to fully unlock the desired door, while still remaining in harmony with the whole. Just as it is in nature where there is no biological exchange between two forms which does not affect both of them in some way, an energetic exchange made between two humans cannot serve only one party. With this in mind I have given his mandalas out to many family members over the last few months, some of whom have gone on to buy more from his website, completing my exchange with him. Here is an image of my sister in the UK who has trouble sleeping and is now ‘running’ his Deep Sleep mandala.
Checking in with her yesterday she says she still doesn't sleep good (this has been a life-long problem) but also says this: "Something about the colours and configuration are very soothing - it's almost like an older, wiser part of me has seen this image before and understands it on a different level".
The images can be printed and will still be effective, but they are primarily designed to run on computers and phone screens, for those of us who have these kinds of devices around us every day. As long as the image is open, even if it is not visible behind other pages, it will still be active and therefore interacting with your reality. Halliday does however recommend spending some time meditating with the mandala, appreciating its form and then closing your eyes and feeling all that it brings. And then just getting on with your life! While continuing to run the image on your machine.
It is possible Halliday uses some form of AI assisted software (the style is unmistakable) but i don't think this matters. Somehow, using his quantum dowsed wizardry he has been able to put this tool to work for the better good of humanity and i for one am very grateful for his efforts to help others.
I will now tell you about my experience working with his Mandalas, along with a bit of backstory so that you may fully understand how this came to pass.
Financial Abundance manifested?
Just over ten years ago i lived a very different life to the one i live now. I was a porn film director in London with a bunch of unhealthy addictions and despite a desire to leave this life behind i felt trapped by monthly expenses and the cycle only ever continued. But then out of the blue my American brother contacted me for the first time in years and invited me to his family home in Virginia. I had a bedroom full of weed plants i was growing at that time and felt reluctant to agree for this reason but let it go in the end and went to America. My brother was amazing and friendly, like a warm reminder of the man my father once was, but the journey ultimately led me to a situation with the police (having discovered the room full of weed back in London) and no choice but to leave the UK, barefoot and brave into the world.
I walked a section of the Camino de Santiago, making timelapse films all the way.
I went to Barcelona and made a timelapse film in Gaudi's park.
Then i had an invitation to make time-lapse films in Thailand and this ultimately led me to sit down on a bus next to Sabrina.
So in many ways my brother was the one who instigated my meeting with Sabrina because i never would have ended up in Thailand were it not for his invitation to America.
I wrote him emails from time to time after that, doing my best to keep in touch. But the last and most important email of all was in 2018 (shortly after the euphoria of the 2017 bull market) in which I strongly advised him to buy bitcoin. He wrote back telling me he wasn't interested and that was the end of that. Or so i thought.
It turns out i was not the only person to offer this advice, but i was the first. So he had four years to ponder my words always watching the price action and in 2022 when bitcoin dipped below $20k his experience as a stock market trader told him this was the time to buy "a ton" of it. Am going to keep the numbers vague here but let's just say he invested over $1M when the price dipped under $20K. And to be clear, he says he didn't understand crypto but was still keen to get in on the action, so he didn't actually buy bitcoin but rather shares in Michael Saylor's MicroStrategy, a company which buys bitcoin.
Fast forward to today and i was feeling inspired after seeing all my UK family a few months so i wrote him an email, just to get in touch, without any idea of the above story. The title of my message was "It has been six years since my last email!"
At this time i was running two Mandalas on my computer. Financial Abundance & Everything in My Life is Wonderful.
So my brother wrote back straight away, having been reminded who it was that began his bitcoin story. He was particularly excited and grateful because as a stock market trader he is not accustomed to seeing his investment grow this fast. Unlike bitcoin which has increased X5 since the lows in 2022, MicroStrategy shares have risen over X20 since then, making him a substantial amount of money. Enough to retire and never have to work again, with multiple mansions & yatchts worldwide!
He went on in the email to tell me that he is now reaching the same kind of levels as our father in terms of wealth, which is really saying something as our dad was one of the richest men in Asia in the 1950s & 60s, certainly the richest man in the Philippines. And somehow i have been able to play a part in this!
He says he wants to send us some money in order to help us get our business up and running, on that new land i was dreaming about a few posts back.
Plus he has invited my family and i to his Florida home for two weeks in Feb, to meet his family and discuss some ideas i have about growing a food forest for him next to his Virginian home. We will also be discussing the idea of creating an eco arm to his housebuilding business in VA, potentially building houses which work off grid, in harmony with nature. A project I could feel good about getting involved with.
And all i can think about is how wonderful my life is and how awesome it is that i have been able to manifest some financial abundance for my brother!
You can make of that what you want, but for me it is an exact match to the desired goal of the Mandalas and i was in shock for the first few days, completely blown away by what had happened. Did the Mandalas really play a part in this? Sure, the financial abundance is not directly mine but with my brother's help i will be selling kale and electroculture antennas in no time and this my friends will lead to my own financial abundance.
In addition he mentioned how his US siblings are rude to him these days (likely due to his success) and he has had to cut them out of his life. So i felt him quite lonely, lacking a sibling to share his life with and i felt him reaching out, asking me if i would be okay to have regular weekly conversations with him and an ongoing connection so that i might always be a part of his life. Of course i said! It will be my pleasure reconnect with him on a permanent basis and once more i find myself marvelling at the timing here because this really was the perfect moment to write him that email, despite not having written to him for six years.
As is my way, i also wrote to David Halliday expressing my gratitude and sharing the above story in brief. He seems a unique kind of man, keen to minimise his involvement with the public and content to watch his business grow slowly without the usual routes of advertising. Indeed, even his website does not show the actual images you are buying. Only the one at the top of this post.
So the only place you can actually see his work prior to purchase is in his private Facebook group.
Should you find yourself joining his group as a consequence of reading this post and downloading some of his free offerings there, I recommend using prayer to cleanse your Mandala of any unwanted energies prior to use, a bit like one would do with a new crystal.
You can print them out and stick them on a wall, as my sister did. Or you can just run them in their digital form, but to remain on at all times, the device must also remain on, so it is better in my opinion to get yourself down to the printers and create posters which remain 'on' forever. Make sure to keep the print quality as close to the original image as possible and in an ideal world you would write the name of the Mandala on the back and also the name of its creator, David Halliday.
A big thank you to my wonderful BQH guide Fina who alerted me to the work of Halliday even before he was making mandalas. I remember looking at his audio files which were available at that time, wondering if they really worked, but i didn't think much more about him till i saw the Mandalas for the first time a few months ago.
Fina's timing with her messages to me are always amazingly in sync with my own actions, sending me this one yesterday, just in time to make it into this post:
"I found a phone app called MyPoster that lets you get 50 free photos per month - you just pay 2.99 EUR for the shipping. I order the 10x12 retro style so that I can add a label at the bottom of the photo."
This seems a pretty amazing deal as for €2.99 you could have a home full of Mandalas, boosting your life in a plethora of different ways!
And you would not be breaking the spiritual copyright by doing this, as confirmed by Halliday in his FB group.
Final Thoughts
I have learned since all of this happened that the French government tax monetary gifts by an insane 55% in this situation so have told my brother not to send any money as i am not in the habit of financing corrupt governments. We will see if another way manifests but for sure it won't be that way. Particularly as we stand now on the precipice of war with Russia (NATO giving Ukraine permission to fire long range rockets is an act of war), in addition to the Middle East dramas around which everyone is taking their sides, i am ethically obliged to not finance it.
Chatting with people about the 55% i have been blown away by how they just seem to accept this blatant theft, all of them advising me to just take the 45% and be happy! "It's just like that" they say, "it's the law!" Wow. How far has humanity sunk to believe this kind of monetary theft is justified? People i once thought were my friends i now look at with fear, wondering if they are going to call the tax office when my brother starts financing my business? What has happened in the world that people cannot simply be happy for me? Are they jealous? Or just so deeply brainwashed they cannot see my perspective?
I have endured the 'classic list' from government lovers more than once in the last week. "Taxes pay for the roads Sam, they pay for the water, they pay for the schools and they pay for law and order". Well, your motorways still make us pay taxes when we drive on them, i don't drink your poisoned water and loathe showering in it, i would love to remove my children from school but cannot do this without that law & order you mentioned turning up at my doorstep and forcibly removing them from my care. So yes. I want nothing from the French government. Yet they seem to want a lot from me.
This story may even see me leaving France and moving back to the UK, where i wouldn't incur such insane taxes on a simple gift from my brother. Let's see. For now everything is up in the air and i am yet to see where the pieces will fall.
The feeling is a bit unsettling if i am going to be honest and i have been spending a fair bit of time isolated in my new sunken greenhouse where i am able to find some peace.
Of course everything in my life remains to be wonderful with or without my brother's help, but at the same time i have been provocatively reminded of those oft forgotten words, be careful what you wish for.
Love & Light everyone 🌱
But Sam... who will build the roads?! LOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOL I was just reading that the UK has built the least new roads in western europe and it probably is because they dont have this 55% gift tax ... LOOOOOOOOL
But seriously, Sam, I am so pleased for you and I couldnt think of a better person to get some abundance to channel all of that positive energy you have into worthwhile projects. The run up in MSTR has been pretty amazing and I have not expected it at all either.
Man, over the course of my life i've had the "who will build the roads without taxes" question thrown at me so many times. Here in France they were told the motorway taxes (which they pay at toll booths when they exit the motorway) would be removed once construction costs had been 'covered' but guess what? Instead of removing the tax years ago like they promised, they have simply increased it year by year with no end in sight! And people are not burning down French parliament buildings now? No. They are too busy running around in circles so they can pay their taxes on time!
Government = criminal organisation
Tax = theft
Freedom = a world without either of the above!
Excellent meme. Think i will send it to my bro.
Hey, did you hear that @sebcam is coming to see us in Florida when we are there next year with my brother? I will have two brothers to hug! What a ride :)
Amen Sam. If you pay taxes on your wages or property, then it has big meanings about whether you are free or not or own something. How we reached this dystopia is shocking without people saying no.
Wish you a great time meeeting the sebster, give him an extra manhug from me, without his great advice I would have also never found my way to Bitcoin and its great NGU tech. <3
Wow, what an amazing story! Reading this just made me feel such gratefulness for life!
Thank you for sharing, this came at the right time for me.
Your post just reminded me of how magical Life can be and that we are always protected on the good path.
I am so happy for you and your family! This sounds like the start of a new exciting chapter, on a new level of possibilities ❤️ Yeih!
Am super happy the story resonated with you 🙏
I would like to add this morning that a magical solution to the problem described at the end of this post has arrived in the most wonderful form, though i better not say more than that. Just know that my 'Protectors' are never far away, tweaking reality in our favour.
Yes, life really is magical. Thank you for appreciating it with me :)
All the best to you on the journey ahead!
Your story was one of the last nudges I needed to make an abundance decision that felt very important to me. Finally bought that online course that I wanted to take for so long and I’m super duper happy now 😊
Glad to hear the problem got solved so quickly!
Can’t think of a better recipient than you and your mission ❤️
I'm grateful that I opened your post, and took the time to read it all the way through! You weave a wondeful story, and I'm happy for your fantastic good fortune! I always so appreciate your posts, even if I don't see them that often! Big congratulations, and thank you for sharing your experiences and perspectives! 😁 🙏 💚 ✨ 🤙
Hello there! Thank you for the story compliment. It was certainly a fun one to tell :)
Yes, smells a lot like the beginning of a new chapter for us.
Am excited to see where the story goes from here...
...and of course to keep sharing the ride!
All the best 🌟
Warm greetings again! You're most welcome, absolutely! Those are the best kind! That's really good to hear, and it seems that way for a lot of people as of late! I can't wait to hear about how it all unfolds! I look forward to it!
Many thanks, and very likewise, may your Friday be brilliant! 😁🙏💚✨🤙
You can query your personal balance by
@tydynrain just sent you a DIY token as a little appreciation for your comment dear @samstonehill! Feel free to multiply it by sending someone else !DIY in a comment :) You can do that x times a day depending on your balance so:!DIYSTATS
You can query your personal balance by
@tydynrain just sent you a DIY token as a little appreciation for your post dear @samstonehill! Feel free to multiply it by sending someone else !DIY in a comment :) You can do that x times a day depending on your balance so:!DIYSTATS
The last photo was very funny with the cat looking at you!
I would think that Europe is a no go area in a few years’ time. You should move to the Far East, where survival would be a bit easier during the Solar Minimum and the arrival of Mini Ice Age.
Britain is falling to pieces soon. It won’t be safe or ‘free’ any longer in the near future. Your sister should also move out soon.
Best wishes.
Hello there! How are you?
I do agree that Europe is not looking good for the future, not only because of the weather but also because of the insane immigration which has been going on for the last decade. All of this will lead to chaos. But if things get too much for us here we have a pretty clear escape route through Spain and into Africa where i have friends.
Have warned my sister but she isn't interested in leaving. Too many friends there now. Though i do think she is aware of what's coming and doing a great job getting herself and her family ready to live off the land in some remote place ultimately.
Sending hugs :)
Hi! I am alright! Thanks.
Good to hear that you have a backup plan for safety. Please make sure you make the right move at the right time.
People in the UK would have a really tough time in the near future. Must of my friends there didn’t have any idea how things could develop. But some are very wealthy so I hope they would have the time and resources to get out to safety.
People who live far away and off grid as much as possible would probably fair much better than others.