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RE: Did a mandala just manifest my family financial abundance?

in ecoTrain3 months ago

Man, over the course of my life i've had the "who will build the roads without taxes" question thrown at me so many times. Here in France they were told the motorway taxes (which they pay at toll booths when they exit the motorway) would be removed once construction costs had been 'covered' but guess what? Instead of removing the tax years ago like they promised, they have simply increased it year by year with no end in sight! And people are not burning down French parliament buildings now? No. They are too busy running around in circles so they can pay their taxes on time!

Government = criminal organisation
Tax = theft
Freedom = a world without either of the above!

Excellent meme. Think i will send it to my bro.

Hey, did you hear that @sebcam is coming to see us in Florida when we are there next year with my brother? I will have two brothers to hug! What a ride :)


Amen Sam. If you pay taxes on your wages or property, then it has big meanings about whether you are free or not or own something. How we reached this dystopia is shocking without people saying no.

Wish you a great time meeeting the sebster, give him an extra manhug from me, without his great advice I would have also never found my way to Bitcoin and its great NGU tech. <3