I think this is a good lesson for anyone who wants to disparage anyone else based on their nationality. Seriously. Just shut the fuck up.
I've just been listening to the Empire podcast and the whole first 20 episodes are based on the English in India. I've just got up to the bit about the Partition of India/Pakistan and the terrible violence that happened when they drew up the border, and how Muslims and Hindu were basically killing each other - it was incredibly traumatic and three generations afterwards, they're still fighting and still fucked up over it.
And it struck me, that's the world, right? All this bullshit over religion, nationality, etc etc. We're always finding a reason to hate each other instead of a reason to love each other.
History keeps repeating.
England didn't do such a great job in partitioning Pakistan after WWII, either. Their track record is pretty dismal.
I'm not an overly religious person, but I really admire Hippy Jesus and his teachings. Be good to each other. Respect each other. All will work out well in the end.
No they did a terrible job. Guy had ten weeks to draw it up and it was his first time in India. He never went back. Crazy.
Yeah look I'm more a Buddha fan than a Jesus gal but yes that works for me.
One of the woman I was mates with in town goes to church. She was staunchly pro Israel bombing the daylight out of Gaza because they had right to defend themselves. Even killing thousands and thousands of woman and children, I asked? Yes.. I was horrified. Christian my ass. I don't talk to her anymore and told her expressly why.