[ENG/ESP] A day in the life of an hospitality student: the final products.

in Ladies of Hive26 days ago


Hi guys, I hope you are doing great. It's been a long day but I have to keep my promise to you guys and post the last part of my previous post. Although it is a bit disappointing that I won't be able to show you step by step process of how the dishes were made because we weren't allowed to bring our phones into the food production laboratory. But nevertheless, I will be writing the step by step process of some of the indigenous food that we made and showing you the final results. So let's get right into it.
PS: I was delegated to cooking the ofada and ayamase sauce, with groundnut milk drink and soya milk drink. So I hope you pardon my inability to go into detailed process of preparation of the other dishes.


Appetizer; Breadroll and assorted meat pepper soup.
Assorted meat pepper soup:
We rinsed our assorted meat thoroughly to get rid of dirt.
We put it in a pot and added seasonings(salt, chopped onions, maggi, curry and thyme) with little water to boil the meat and make it tender.
Once the meat is tender, we added grated scotched bonnet pepper, pepper soup spices, ground paprika, ground crayfish, onions,and let it boil for 10-15 minutes on medium heat.
We added few drops of groundnut oil and sprinkled finely cut scent leaves in it and let it simmer for 2-3 minutes on low heat and turn of the heat.
Then it was ready to be served.


We mixed our flour,sugar, salt, yeast, eggs, and warm water to form a dough.
We kneaded the dough untill we got a consistent texture.
We then covered the bowl with clean film and placed it on the preheated oven for a while to allow the dough to rise.
We then kneeded again to get rid of bubbles
We divided into smaller portions, shaped it and arranged it in a tray
We then put it into the oven for it to bake.
After baking, it was brought out of the oven to cool it down and serve.


Main dish; ofada rice and ayamase sauce garnished with assorted meat,eggs and fish:
Ofada rice:
We washed the rice several times to get rid of dirt.
We parboiled it for a few minutes and strained it.
We poured the parboiled rice back into the pot and added more than enough water to it, and allowed it to cook untill its tender. We added our eggs into this mixture to boil it.
Once tender, bring out the eggs and sieve the rice.
Once strained, we cleaned our moimoi leaves(Thaumococcus daniellii) and portioned our ofada rice in it and wrapped it up. And it was ready to be served.


Ayamase sauce garnished with assorted meat, eggs, and fish:
We poured our palm oil into a dry pot and place it on the burner to bleach it for 10 minutes on medium heat.
We added our chopped onions and locust beans, then fry for a while.
We added our boiled assorted meat to fry for a while and took it out.
We added our blended mixture of green scotched bonnet pepper, onions, green bell peppers( for this sauce, only green peppers are used to give it the distinctive taste and color).
We added some of our meat stock to add flavor to the sauce.
We allowed to fry for some minutes and added our crayfish and dried fish, them allowed to simmer for 2 minutes.
We added our assorted meat next and allowed it to simmer for 2 minutes.
We added seasonings to the sauce.
Once it was almost done, we added our eggs and allowed it to simmer for 2 minutes.
And then it was ready to be served.


Dessert; fruit cake and fruit salad
Fruit cake:
We measured and mixed the sugar and butter together in a bowl untill we got a consistent and fluffy texture.
We measured our flour,yeast, baking powder, grated cinnamon into the bowl and mixed together.
We added our eggs and milk into another bowl and whisked.
Then we added it to the dry ingredients.
We mixed together to form a batter and added our strawberry flavoring, mixed fruits and alcohol to it and mixed it to get a consistent texture.
We grease our baking pans and poured the batter in.
We then placed it in the preheated oven and baked.
After a while, we checked whether it was baked, we took it out of the oven and allowed to cool down.
We then cut it into four smaller pieces and cover with clean film. And it was ready to be served.


Fruit salad:
We cut our fruits(pineapple, apples, cucumbers, watermelon) into small pieces and mixed them together.
We then portioned them into four bowls and squeezed orange juice into them.
We then refrigerated them.


Groundnut milk, tiger nut drink and soya milk drink:
We soaked the groundnut,tiger nut and soya beans in separate bowls with water for 3-4 hours.
After they had become soft, we blended them.
We then strained them to get the milk out of them.
We then cooked for few minutes while stirring them constantly.
We then added our various flavorings like syrup to them.
We then portioned into two cups each and refrigerated.


Groundnut milk drink.


Tiger nut drink.


Soya milk drink.

We cut our fruits(bananas,carrots,cucumber,pineapple) into smaller pieces.
We placed them into the blender and added our coconut milk and blended them together.
We poured into 2 cups and refrigerated.


Chapman drink:
We measured and mixed our carbonated drinks(coca cola, fanta, amd sprite,) together.
We measured amd added our gin to it.
We portioned and refrigerated.


Zobo drink:
We placed our hibiscus flowers, ginger,cloves, garlic, pineapple peels, and apple skin into a large pot amd boiled to extract the flavors.
We strained it to remove the solid materials.
We then added our flavorings amd syrup to it
We portioned amd refrigerated.


I complained so much that I was tired yesterday but that is an understatement compared to today's tiredness. Despite all that, I'm just glad it all came out nice and great. To @livinguktaiwan, @silversaver888 and every other person reading this, I hope you guys enjoyed my post. So up untill next time❤🥰.


Food production uniform



Food service uniform.



Hola chicos, espero que estéis bien. Ha sido un día largo, pero tengo que cumplir mi promesa y publicar la última parte de mi post. Aunque es un poco decepcionante que no voy a ser capaz de mostrar paso a paso el proceso de cómo se hicieron los platos porque no se nos permitió llevar nuestros teléfonos en el laboratorio de producción de alimentos. Pero sin embargo, escribiré el proceso paso a paso de algunos de los alimentos indígenas que hicimos y os mostraré los resultados finales. Así que vamos a ello.
PD: Me delegaron la cocción de la ofada y la salsa ayamase, con bebida de leche de cacahuete y bebida de leche de soja. Así que no podré entrar en el proceso detallado de preparación de los demás platos.

Aperitivo: Panecillo y sopa de carne y pimientos.
Sopa de carne a la pimienta:
Enjuagamos bien la carne variada para quitarle la suciedad.
La ponemos en una olla y añadimos los condimentos (sal, cebolla picada, maggi, curry y tomillo) con poca agua para hervir la carne y que quede tierna.
Una vez que la carne esté tierna, añadimos pimienta scotched bonnet rallada, especias de sopa de pimienta, pimentón molido, cangrejo de río molido, cebollas,y dejamos hervir durante 10-15 minutos a fuego medio.
Añadimos unas gotas de aceite de cacahuete y espolvoreamos hojas de azahar finamente cortadas, dejamos cocer a fuego lento durante 2-3 minutos y apagamos el fuego.
Ya estaba listo para servir.

Mezclamos la harina, el azúcar, la sal, la levadura, los huevos y el agua tibia para formar una masa.
Amasamos la masa hasta conseguir una textura consistente.
Después cubrimos el bol con film limpio y lo metimos en el horno precalentado durante un rato para que la masa subiera.
Amasamos de nuevo para eliminar las burbujas.
Dividimos en porciones más pequeñas, le damos forma y la disponemos en una bandeja
A continuación, la metemos en el horno para que se hornee.
Una vez horneado, lo sacamos del horno para enfriarlo y servirlo.

Plato principal: arroz ofada y salsa ayamase con guarnición de carne, huevos y pescado:
Arroz ofada:
Lavamos el arroz varias veces para quitarle la suciedad.
Lo sancochamos durante unos minutos y lo colamos.
Volvemos a echar el arroz hervido en la olla, le añadimos agua en cantidad más que suficiente y lo dejamos cocer hasta que esté tierno. Añadimos los huevos a esta mezcla para que hiervan.
Una vez tiernos, sacamos los huevos y colamos el arroz.
Una vez colado, limpiamos nuestras hojas de moimoi (Thaumococcus daniellii) y porcionamos nuestro arroz ofada en ellas y lo envolvimos. Y ya estaba listo para servir.

Salsa ayamase con guarnición de carne, huevos y pescado variados:
Vertimos nuestro aceite de palma en una olla seca y lo colocamos en el quemador para blanquearlo durante 10 minutos a fuego medio.
Añadimos nuestras cebollas y algarrobas picadas, y freímos un rato.
Añadimos nuestra carne variada hervida, freímos un rato y la sacamos.
Añadimos nuestra mezcla licuada de pimiento morrón verde, cebollas, pimientos verdes (para esta salsa, sólo se utilizan pimientos verdes para darle el sabor y el color característicos).
Añadimos un poco de nuestro caldo de carne para dar sabor a la salsa.
Dejamos sofreír unos minutos y añadimos nuestras cigalas y pescado seco, dejamos cocer a fuego lento 2 minutos.
Añadimos a continuación nuestra carne variada y dejamos cocer a fuego lento durante 2 minutos.
Añadimos los condimentos a la salsa.
Una vez que estaba casi hecho, añadimos los huevos y dejamos cocer a fuego lento durante 2 minutos.
Y entonces estaba listo para ser servido.

Postre; tarta de frutas y macedonia
Tarta de frutas:
Medimos y mezclamos el azúcar y la mantequilla en un bol hasta conseguir una textura consistente y esponjosa.
Mezclamos la harina, la levadura, la levadura en polvo y la canela rallada.
Añadimos los huevos y la leche en otro bol y batimos.
Luego lo añadimos a los ingredientes secos.
Mezclamos hasta formar una masa y añadimos el aroma de fresa, la mezcla de frutas y el alcohol y mezclamos hasta conseguir una textura consistente.
Engrasamos nuestros moldes y vertemos la masa.
A continuación, la colocamos en el horno precalentado y horneamos.
Pasado un rato, comprobamos si está cocido, lo sacamos del horno y dejamos enfriar.
A continuación, lo cortamos en cuatro trozos más pequeños y lo cubrimos con papel film limpio. Y ya estaba listo para servir.

Ensalada de frutas:
Cortamos las frutas (piña, manzanas, pepinos, sandía) en trozos pequeños y las mezclamos.
A continuación, las repartimos en cuatro cuencos y les exprimimos zumo de naranja.
Después los refrigeramos.

Leche de cacahuete, bebida de chufa y bebida de leche de soja:
Dejamos en remojo el cacahuete, la chufa y la soja en cuencos separados con agua durante 3-4 horas.
Una vez blandas, las mezclamos.
Después las colamos para sacarles la leche.
Después las cocinamos durante unos minutos removiéndolas constantemente.
A continuación, les añadimos los distintos aromas, como el sirope.
Los repartimos en dos tazas y los refrigeramos.
Bebida de leche de cacahuete.

Bebida de chufa.

Bebida de leche de soja.

Cortamos la fruta (plátano, zanahoria, pepino, piña) en trozos pequeños.
Las colocamos en la licuadora y añadimos nuestra leche de coco y licuamos todo junto.
Vertimos en 2 tazas y refrigeramos.

Bebida Chapman:
Medimos y mezclamos nuestras bebidas carbonatadas (coca cola, fanta y sprite).
Medimos y añadimos nuestra ginebra.
Porcionamos y refrigeramos.

Bebida Zobo:
Colocamos las flores de hibisco, el jengibre, los clavos, el ajo, las cáscaras de piña y la piel de manzana en una olla grande y hervimos para extraer los sabores.
Lo colamos para eliminar los materiales sólidos.
A continuación, añadimos los aromas y el sirope.
Porcionamos y refrigeramos.

Uniforme de producción de alimentosMe quejé mucho de que estaba cansado ayer, pero eso es un eufemismo en comparación con el cansancio de hoy. A pesar de todo me alegro de que todo haya salido bonito y genial. A @livinguktaiwan, @silversaver888 y a todas las demás personas que lean esto, espero que os haya gustado mi post. Así que hasta la próxima❤🥰



Uniforme del servicio de comidas.


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Congratulations on a job well done! It all looks so lovely! I hope they enjoyed the food. Thank you for doing 'part 2' to this. Take care and have a lovely day! !LADY

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Thank you so much. Yes they enjoyed it because we received compliments from them. And you too❤

🤗💜 !LADY

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@elizabethbit, you successfully shared 0.0100 LOH with @adur and you earned 0.0100 LOH as tips. (5/30 calls)

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I love the process of the food you prepared and the final result you share, it was worth the effort, all the food looks delicious, congratulations, much success!

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@cautiva-30, you successfully shared 0.0100 LOH with @adur and you earned 0.0100 LOH as tips. (8/11 calls)

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Awwnn thank you ❤

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@hive-124452, you successfully shared 0.0100 LOH with @adur and you earned 0.0100 LOH as tips. (1/25 calls)

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I imagine the other dishes must have been just as delicious. What was your experience like cooking the ofada and ayamase sauce, and did you enjoy the groundnut milk and soya milk drinks?
Wow, your culinary journey sounds absolutely amazing! You managed to create a feast fit for any celebration. Your descriptions bring the flavors and aromas to life!
You certainly deserve a round of applause for all that hard work! It sounds like you pulled off an impressive culinary feat, even with the exhaustion setting in. Your dedication and passion shine through, and I'm sure everyone else thoroughly enjoyed your post.
Take some well-deserved rest and recharge those creative batteries. Until next time! ❤🥰
!LADYSounds like you've had quite the culinary adventure. @adur ! Although it's a bummer you couldn't bring your phone into the food production lab, your detailed description of the assorted meat pepper soup is mouth-watering.

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@silversaver888, you successfully shared 0.0100 LOH with @adur and you earned 0.0100 LOH as tips. (19/50 calls)

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Yes it is a bummer. Cooking the ofada was quite easy and challenging at the same time. Some people don't like much seasonings in food while some do, so I had to keep that in mind while cooking and also try to meet up with the time limit. I really enjoyed preparing the groundnut milk and soya milk drinks too because it was quite easy for me being a rookie. Thank you so much for your compliments❤🥰. Untill next time!