
All 4 verses~! You know that's love. :)Hahahahaha~! Miss you and think about you two lovebirds a lot~! My bride already has me moving waaaaay to fast on this as it is....Posting is far down the line. Hope all is well, please give your sweetheart our kindest regards. Praying "Showers of Blessing" over you. @dreemsteem

Hey, @biggerjoe!!!

When do we get to have another double-date at Panya Thai Kitchen? :D

Good to "hear" your voice. We miss you, gentle giant...

Random question for you: have you ever tried brewed cacao?
We have not, but some arrived just today. It's an experiment. I may never give up coffee, but this is reputed to be a much healthier substitute...

Back to "biz..." Our guest room is now empty one granddaughter, who is away at college. You and your bride need to come stay with us for a while!

Love and blessings,

- @creatr