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RE: A Walk Down the Old Houses of Town

in Ladies of Hive4 years ago

Happy Autumn!!! A perfect day for a #WednesdayWalk! My grandmother is in a small village on Long Island where most of it was made up of newly arrived immigrants that had settled and built structures that reminded them of the styles they would find at home.

The Italianate Victorian was a very popular style during that time, and I fell in love with the beauty of the lines and its opulence and grandeur. They are glorious! I was so, so close to buying one, but, to put it back into its true state would have been more than was affordable. That was over 20 years ago and when I went back to visit, the house had been bought by people that had the means to make it amazing, so it had found its true destiny.

Thank you for showing off a beautiful part of your California!! It was wonderful walking with you today!


Happy Autumn!!!
I made it.. late, but I'm here!!!
And I will take a shower and get cozy in my warm bed!

I should make it a point to feature all the homes here!
They are lovely!
And I see you very well living in houses like those!

I see me too! Lol Good night!!