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RE: Walking Through the Autumn Solstice

in Ladies of Hive3 years ago

I love the idea that as the nights start to equal the days, so we are reminded of the balance that this brings to our lives and the need to achieve balance💗

It is very comforting, isn't it? Thank you so much for your words. Where is South Africa were you from and was it school that brought you to the UK?

I love summer, but, Autumn is such a refreshing change, I love it, but, am always happy to invite the warmth back. There is beauty in the demise of things, so I look forward to the different types of beauty that I will be seeing.

Thanks so much for stopping by!


I was born in Durban and raised about 30km inland from there :-) I finished my University education in South Africa, got married a few years later and then we decided in 2001 to move to the UK. We both had great jobs, a home and family around us but the writing was on the wall with respect to the politics, crime, economy, unemployment, disruptions to electricity and water supplies. A number of my colleagues had been hijacked, robbed, or burgled and some were lucky to be alive still. I witnessed a drive-by shooting in central Durban and then was mugged at a traffic light in broad daylight. We just wanted something better for ourselves and for the family we envisaged having one day. Always living with ones' door and windows locked and eyes in the back of your head, not stopping at red lights or stop signs at night unless you had to for fear of being hijacked was no way to live. We had also seen a lot of people losing their jobs, having their homes and vehicles repossessed, and thought we'd get out whilst we were still on top and had assets to take with us. we still went back for many holidays over the years to visit family, but my last visit out there was 2019 when my Mom passed away and we have recently brought my dad over to the UK to live here, so our visits back 'home' will be a lot fewer and far between now. You mention that "There is beauty in the demise of things" and that is true in nature, and I guess when we apply the same construct to a society ill at ease with itself, complete fallout is sometimes required so that regeneration can bring something new and fresh to the table. I do hope that South Africa can one day take it's place at the world's tables with pride. It has so much potential but is sadly still subject to immense corruption.