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RE: Thoughts after giving birth, dealing with Postpartum.

in Ladies of Hive7 months ago

I can relate to you! Although it's been 36 years since my baby was a baby, lol! He tried to come into the world when he was only 6 months in-utero. By the grace of God, he did not deliver. Then, when it was time, I wouldn't go into labor and had to be induced. He was born and everything was fine-or so I thought!

Within 3 days of birth, he became jaundiced and was back in the hospital. It turns out that his blood type and mine were not compatible, and as long as I carried him, things were okay, but once delivered, things went haywire; hence the jaundice. It was kind of like a warped version of the Rh factor.
Anyway, from the hospital, he pick up Thrush (a mouth bacteria) and I was not able to nurse him because of his staying there. I practically lived at the hospital, but it was a difficult situation. Postpartum was my middle name! I was over emotional, felt like I had no support and depressed.

Hang in there! Things will improve as time goes by. I know what sleep deprivation is like as you can imagine, but they are so worth it! Take care, and don't forget to breathe now and again! !LADY🤗💜🌻