Thank you, beautiful @trucklife-family, for inspiring and inviting me to join in this thoughtful exercise with your own wonderful post. "A Letter To Me In 2019" ( #mein2019 ) was initiated by @livinguktaiwan, and invites us to review 2020, and prepare our 2019 self for it, retroactively.
Dear Erika,
It's great that you've already been working from home online for 5+ years,
because you'll be "mandated" to stay home quite a bit more this year,
due to an unfounded global lockdown that is called a "pandemic,"
but is really a technocratic takeover.
Reality will split in two:
(1) Those who see the world slipping
into transhumanistic enslavement.
(2) And those who don't.
It will break your heart daily.
You will lose friends, clients, and contracts,
because you dare feel verbally entitled to breathe.
There is a social and professional price to pay for opposing
bacterial pneumonia, tyranny, genocide, censorship,
surveillance, and medical molestation. And you will pay it.
You and the entire world will be engaged in deep psychological
warfare... but most will not even be aware of the actual war.
The majority will appear to dismiss, deny, and avoid "the truth,"
because the truth is disgusting, hard-to-believe,
and sounds bat-shit (pardon the pun) crazy when spoken.
It's a burden to know these things.
And empathically feel these things.
Dark, sinister, and inevitable without opposition.
It's a very austere year, that will strip and distill you.
Grieve. Dry heave. Cry and cleanse. Cry and cleanse.
2020 is a shameless, twerking exhibitionist
that holds the whole world captive with a vice grip
of satanic wealth and luciferan influence.
MEDIA IS ITS MOUTH, and its hypnosis makes logic lewd,
and reason rancid. In other words,
2020 is backward backward.
An organization that isn't even federal, but private,
declared a public health emergency...
...that was based on a virus that was never isolated, and continues
to be built on cases derived from a test that isn't even really a test.
While a man who isn't even a doctor, will push a vaccine
that isn't even really a vaccine, (but a sterilizing gene modifier!)
Doctors, nurses, journalists, governors, mayors, and law enforcers
will betray themselves, their professions, and the rest of humanity
by mindlessly parroting and executing death-scripts written for them.
Soulless muppets with mics, will relentlessly implant and embed
sights and sounds of corona all over every inhabited surface of this planet.
For nearly a year, you will be puppy-trained + indoctrinated:
😷 to wash yourself (because you are filthy!)
😷 to mask yourself (because you are contagious,
and/or vulnerable to contagions!)
😷 to silence yourself (because you are rude and hateful!)
😷 to doubt yourself (because you are unresearched and unscientific!)
😷 to hate yourself (because you are non-essential!)
😷 to poison yourself (because you are unsafe as a natural human!)
😷 to quarantine yourself (because everyone is a threat to everyone else!)
😷 to behave yourself (because you don't want to be
registered as a public health dissident!)
In 2020, the offenses hurled against humanity will be so obscene, YOU WILL HAVE NO CHOICE BUT TO RISE.
That is the revealed gift behind all the unacceptable threats that will be shoved in your face:
They will PUSH + DRIVE you beyond your small self...
...beyond your sense of helplessness and alienation.
And just like the caterpillar 🐛 thinks that its life is over...
you, too, will discover and accept another way to organize yourcellf
and your life, so that it can be lived with dignity and divinity.
It's not the end of time, but the fullness of time!
Heaven on earth isn't experienced more often by more people,
because of the mass-conditioning to believe distortions, and limitations.
Many good people were socialized to give more credence
to soulless muppets, than to their own Wise + Brave Heart.
But that can be corrected in any, decisive moment.
We can each enter 2021 with the confidence that
the greater the challenge appears outside of us,
the greater the capacity appears inside of us.
What was intended for humanity's demise can,
instead, incite our overall and overdue greatness.
Lamentablemente uno le explica a sus allegados lo de la "plandemia" y lo miran como un "bicho raro". Nosotros somos los que estamos equivocados. Y no es tener o no la razón, es que nos quitan la vida poco a poco.
Yo me he desmayado por usar el "fulano tapabocas", lo que me dijeron era que eran manías mías. Y eso que le expliqué que eso conduce a una merma de oxigeno, que no nos llega al cerebro, porque respiramos nuestros propios desechos; pero nada siguen ciegos.
Me imagino que todavía queda tiempo para despertar y apoyar a los valientes médicos que están alertando sobre ello.
Gracias por su sinceridad!!!!
Lamento mucho saber que te desmayaste! Eso no es nada bueno, y debería haber sido una señal para cualquier persona con sentido común. SE NECESITA OXÍGENO PARA VIVIR. La gente está segura de lo incorrecto!
Ser alentado, @katleya. Otros (como yo) creen como tú crees. Estamos en lo correcto. Estamos cuerdos. Somos más poderosos de lo que creemos.
"Es que nos quitan la vida poco a poco". <--- Sí, debemos defender tanto como queramos mantener.
Mantente fuerte, mi amigo. Tendrá que tomar decisiones difíciles en nombre de su cuerpo y su salud. Incluso puede que tenga que oponerse a sus seres queridos. Permanece en tu verdad. Eso es lo mejor que podemos hacer. Estar.
Gracias por su comentario.
Si una parte de la familia piensa que uno esta loco. Mi mama tiene 90 años y trato de llevarla poco a poco. Pero definitivamente siempre hay médicos que aconsejan y no se dejan intimidar. A ellos mi agradecimiento. Lamentablemente para seguir las reglas me coloco el TAPAVIDA cuando lo requieran en los comercios donde voy, de lo contrario no nos dejan comprar. Del resto ya hay,aunque pocas personas tomando conciencia. Se lo colocan solo cuando se les exije, del resto solo se tapan la boca, de manera de poder respirar
I love how you answered this and managed to fit in all the deception and craziness and yet come out super positive. We are made for these times and I am so happy to be sharing this journey with you as we all step forth more empowered xxxxx
Thanks so much, @trucklife-family. I've made a deal with myself that if I write a rant, I'll also write a way out. lol
And it makes a real difference in my days to know you are there, as well. 💐
WOW, excellent!!!!
Aw, thank you, @silversaver888. 😊
I am aware the media's hyperbolic fear porn that continues to propagate their narrative with poor medical science. As the real medical science slowly comes out, the powers that be, still expounds the old outdated 'facts' to maintain their control. Seldom tyranny gives up its Emergency powers. Ask, 'Who benefits?" Qui bono.
I am a Nurse.
Posted using Dapplr
Thanks for your insightful comment and question, @kerrisravenhill. I appreciate your presence and thoughts.
Well, the biggest beneficiaries of 2020 include heads in Big Tech (like Zuckerberg and Musk), Big Box (like Bezos and Waltons) patent-holders in Big Pharma (like Gates), centralized banking families, those with interests in depopulation, eugenics and overall chaos (like Soros and Gates), those poised for the cheap real estate grabs that will come from the destroyed property value in looted locations, and those who want to access and misuse our data (like China). There is no shortage of forward-thinking VULTURES, that's for sure! Who's/what's missing from this quickly cobbled list?
Question for you: How has it been to work in an environment that reflects the exact opposite of the one portrayed on all screens?
I'm regularity the Night Shift Nurse and most of my duties are sanitizing high contact equipment and surfaces including all stationary items aside from primary patient care.
My unit is at a raised level of General Asepsis that can be raised to full PPE the moment a confirmed positive case is present in my unit. For now all Staff are not required full PPE and it hasn't yet.
Wearing of masks, etc rules are mandated by the Administration.
Most worker shortages are attributed to compartmentalization of staff, Many Part Time staff are allowed to work in one facility and no more. This shortened our Staff pool as with many units. At the same time other facilities had suspended Elective and Day surgeries then laying off staff. A lot of patient suffering with correctable ailments.
The truth indeed is disgusting but you survived, and a new year is starting keep strong and safe and thank your for the letter to yourself it is a good one and inspired