I am aware the media's hyperbolic fear porn that continues to propagate their narrative with poor medical science. As the real medical science slowly comes out, the powers that be, still expounds the old outdated 'facts' to maintain their control. Seldom tyranny gives up its Emergency powers. Ask, 'Who benefits?" Qui bono.
I am a Nurse.
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Thanks for your insightful comment and question, @kerrisravenhill. I appreciate your presence and thoughts.
Well, the biggest beneficiaries of 2020 include heads in Big Tech (like Zuckerberg and Musk), Big Box (like Bezos and Waltons) patent-holders in Big Pharma (like Gates), centralized banking families, those with interests in depopulation, eugenics and overall chaos (like Soros and Gates), those poised for the cheap real estate grabs that will come from the destroyed property value in looted locations, and those who want to access and misuse our data (like China). There is no shortage of forward-thinking VULTURES, that's for sure! Who's/what's missing from this quickly cobbled list?
Question for you: How has it been to work in an environment that reflects the exact opposite of the one portrayed on all screens?
I'm regularity the Night Shift Nurse and most of my duties are sanitizing high contact equipment and surfaces including all stationary items aside from primary patient care.
My unit is at a raised level of General Asepsis that can be raised to full PPE the moment a confirmed positive case is present in my unit. For now all Staff are not required full PPE and it hasn't yet.
Wearing of masks, etc rules are mandated by the Administration.
Most worker shortages are attributed to compartmentalization of staff, Many Part Time staff are allowed to work in one facility and no more. This shortened our Staff pool as with many units. At the same time other facilities had suspended Elective and Day surgeries then laying off staff. A lot of patient suffering with correctable ailments.