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RE: LoH Contest #64 - What are you most grateful for right now?

in Ladies of Hive3 years ago

Aww! I can only imagine how your little boy makes your heart melt that you don't get mad even with the things he does :) There are much to be grateful for indeed and your list is amazing!


He is so sweet, smart and extremely strong. Juts doesn't listen when I am telling him to not climb somewhere but he is almost 2 ... after 13 days he makes 2 years :D

He must be a joy around and a force so strong yet gentle to reckon with :) Most kids these days are very active and they run and climb and not scared at falling. Advanced wishes for his 2nd birthday :)

Thank you so much for the nice words. He is very active no matter that we go out or not, there is no difference. Like he as different powers for going out and playing home ..

Oh, wow... He is a very active and strong young soul :) it must be fun to be running after him but can be tiring too hehe

haha, when he is around you only must say " 3 2 1 start" and he starts to run all over the place... All I must not forget to say it again after 20 seconds :D

Ahahaha, that must be really fun!