LoH Contest #64 - What are you most grateful for right now?


The beginning of a new year always brings up an idea about the meaning of the past year. Consciously or not we take stock of the time that has passed. Hoping that the new beginning will be a better one than the previous one.

What am I most grateful for right now?

I'm thankful for my family, I'm thankful to have an amazing man by my side in whose eyes I can see my reflection. I'm thankful for my child, he's a little mischief maker, but just because of his smile I can forgive him everything, even the crayon painted walls and the washing machine full of shoes and jars of jam...

I'm thankful we're all healthy, at least so far none of us have managed to catch Covid19, though my grandmother and aunt got it last year, even a little badly.

I'm grateful that with small steps I'm managing to get closer to my ideal weight. It's slow going, I don't have much time left but I'm making some small steps in that direction. The pounds are coming off slowly, but at least they aren't going up.

I am grateful that I am doing what I enjoy. It makes me happy and appreciated.

I'm thankful that last year we were able to find an app to watch TV online where for close to $8 we can watch over 200 TV channels from around the world + about 15 kids channels.

I'm thankful I signed up for Hive last year. I've found a lot of people here that I have fun with on Discord as well as reading their articles. On many occasions I've laughed out loud at the risk of waking the kid in the other room...

I'm thankful for so many things that I can't fit into one article.


Началото на новата година винаги поражда една идея за смисъла на изминалата година. Съзнателно или не ние правим една равносметка на изминалото време. Надявайки се новото начало да бъде едно по-добро от предходното.

За какво съм най-благодарна в момента?

Благодарна съм за семейството си, благодарна съм че имам до себе си един невероятен мъж, в чийто очи мога да видя отражението си. Благодарна съм за детето си, той е един малък пакостник, но само заради усмивката му всичко мога да му простя, дори и нарисуваните стени с моливи и пералнята пълна с обувки и буркани със сладко...

Благодарна съм че всички сме здрави, поне за сега никой от нас не е успял да се зарази с Covid19, макар че баба ми и леля ми го прекараха миналата година, дори малко тежко.

Благодарна съм че с малки стъпки успявам да се доближа до идеалното ми тегло. Бавно става, не ми остава много време но правя някакви малки стъпки в тази насока. Килограмите се свалят бавно, но поне не се качат нагоре.

Благодарна съм, че работя това което ми харесва. Това ме прави щастлива и оценена.

Благодарна съм че миналата година успяхме да намерим приложение за гледане на телевизия онлайн където за близо $8 ще гледаме над 200 телевизионни канала от цял свят + около 15 детски канала.

Благодарна съм че през изминалата година се регистрирах в Hive. Тук намерих много хора с които се забавлявам в Discord, както и като чета статиите им. В много случаи съм се смяла с глас с риск да събудя детето в другата стая...

Благодарна съм за толкова много неща че не мога да ги събера в една статия.


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Thank you for reading and have a gorgeous day!


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Hello @projectmamabg. I'm happy to hear that you are managing your weight loss so far and are getting closer to your goal. That's exciting news. I know how hard it is on that particular journey. I wish you all the success.

Thanks for sharing the things in your life that you're grateful for. Take care, and stay safe.

Thank you for your support! Sometimes when we have small wins in something we feel really appreciated when somebody tells is that we are doing it great!

Have some !LUV and be safe!

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Check out the last post from @hivebuzz:

Happy New Year - Feedback from the first Hive Power Up Day of 2022
PUD - PUH - PUM - It's all about to Power Up!

Enjoyed reading your gratitude list :D
LOL - washing machine full of jam jars? hahaha
Awwww, you two will have a good laugh later in life

All the best in 2022

I just couldn't make a picture.. it was going to be a great Christmas card .. but still fun .. !LUV

Aww! I can only imagine how your little boy makes your heart melt that you don't get mad even with the things he does :) There are much to be grateful for indeed and your list is amazing!

He is so sweet, smart and extremely strong. Juts doesn't listen when I am telling him to not climb somewhere but he is almost 2 ... after 13 days he makes 2 years :D

He must be a joy around and a force so strong yet gentle to reckon with :) Most kids these days are very active and they run and climb and not scared at falling. Advanced wishes for his 2nd birthday :)

Thank you so much for the nice words. He is very active no matter that we go out or not, there is no difference. Like he as different powers for going out and playing home ..

Oh, wow... He is a very active and strong young soul :) it must be fun to be running after him but can be tiring too hehe

haha, when he is around you only must say " 3 2 1 start" and he starts to run all over the place... All I must not forget to say it again after 20 seconds :D

Ahahaha, that must be really fun!