NO ! I could not would not go to the beach in winter.
ha ha
First, I don't like the cold and would not want to spend a lot of time outside.
Second, what good is being at the beach if you cannot be outside, down at the water, with the warm breeze whipping your hair and waves lapping at your tootsies??
No... oh no.... no winter beach for me.
OH... and I forgot, suppose to start some snowy stuff here around 5 am. Hype, hype and more hype. The stores are empty and people are fighting over generators. LOL !! Gotta luv it ! Sure we could get a bleezard, but we also could just get a dusting. "Those people" don't really know. The last time there was supposed to be such a bad hurricane that we were all supposed to blow away, only a couple days of very hard rain and some wind and when it was done, we were all still here ! Thankfully of course but..... they had people buying 6 months worth or non perishable provisions. ha ha....
I ain't afraid of no snow ! (famous last words?)
Me neither, but I still go out for a good walk to see the snowy and frozen environment. The beautiful sight is well compensating for the cold temperature.
Have a nice day and have a nice weekend.
All the best. Greetings and much love from Hungary.
Ha! Isn't that the truth! They have no clue, so they make up a good story. Several times two years ago, the government shut down for the big one!! Oh yeah! Twenty-four inches of snow. Not even a dusting and all the workers, home. Twice that year. Now they don't call it early.
I'm a New Englander. We love the winter beach.
Le sigh.