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RE: On Family, A Dawg & A Screensaver

Yes these confounded gadgets that were touted to be vaulted tools of Productivity and Convenience, simplifying or lives at a touch of an app. But not advertised is the mind numbing addiction of demanding every moment of your attention away from even life itself. The heart of it Pavalovian in nature, training and rewarding appropriate behavior by it's designers every time there is a beep, buzz or custom tone of your choosing. By habit I check my phone as I retire instead of muting the BLOODY PHONE!
On a lighter note, the smartphone does replace all those precious photos of family, friends, and my kids growing up and does a nice job holding a thousand pictures (That I should back up) than my old wallet. My problem is always narrowing it down to a few favorites. You don't seem to have that problem?

image.pngThanks @riverflows in joining this week's Pajama Party 🤗


Oh yes they have TEAMS on this stuff ensuring we are addicted. I have to say I do ALWAYS have the phone on mute, much to the consternation of people trying to call me.

Eek, it's totally hard choosing the best photos! Don't you love a collage for enabling one to include heaps in one frame?