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RE: Anger is an emotional expression / #95 Edition Ladies on Hive Contest

in Ladies of Hive2 years ago (edited)

I know the feeling, being falsely accused would get my temperature up!
Getting stuck in the kitchen has a way of calming me, with the help of much slamming and slapping in the process. All those sweet treats are simply irresistible but so bad for the waistline, not so! I'm also starting a diet on Monday...and then will start a new one the following Monday...and so on... :):)
Apple pancake I will not resist though! Glad you responded to this contest my friend, loved your fun blog!


Thank you @lizelle , I wasn't sure if I had time to finish it, did it at the spur of the moment Lol! Ladies of Hive is one if my favourite communities.
I have to do something and cut out the sugar, not good for one at all.
Thanks for inviting me to take part in the contest, it was fun. Have a great day my friend.