Hello Beautiful Community 🌸 I'm glad to come back here to participate in this week's initiative. I've been a bit absent here because I'm working and it's a bit cumbersome to keep up with the platform. But as always, there are questions of the week that catch my attention and I can't let them pass. Total thanks to @merit.ahama for proposing them and inviting us to participate.
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In the following, I will answer the questions as objectively as possible, but always giving my peculiar point of view.
1.¡Madres solteras!
No hace falta ser madre soltera para compartir tus pensamientos sobre esto, ya que todas hemos visto o hemos estado cerca de una, si no lo hemos sido. Ellas también son madres, pero ¿en qué se diferencian? Tienes algún consejo para ellas para que sigan empujando?
About single mothers. You don't have to be a single mother to share your thoughts on this, as we all must have seen or been close to one, if not been one. They are mothers too, but how different? Do you have any advice for them to keep pushing?
I believe that a single mother is different from another mother because of the triple effort they put into raising and caring for their children when they love them unconditionally. Let me tell you an anecdote: When I was in college, I had several friends who were single mothers. They would go to school with their babies or toddlers by their side and still work very hard to get good grades. This was to be admired.
Many of them also worked, since most of them, after having their babies, were separated from their fathers. The vast majority of each of them were the breadwinners because they lived alone or at home with their parents. In fact, many of them lived about one, two or three hours away from the university and were on time for our classes. I really don't know if I would have been able to be a mother and study at the same time. But since a woman is the quintessential multi-tasking being (as well as a robot), I figure I might have made it by printing my effort my way.
I believe that these women who go through life alone and make the best of the worst of their situations have earned heaven for their dedication and effort. As mothers, we put our children above all else. Well, I'm talking about those who truly love their children and make sacrifices to get them through life. Especially when we do not have a close support system such as our children's father, our mother, our mother-in-law or a relative we trust; I say that we make a triple effort because motherhood is the most dedicated job in the whole world. Only a mother is capable of leaving behind her dreams to fulfill those of her children without regard. And not just any human being is capable of this gesture.
2. Las mayores mentiras!
Algunos hombres creen que las mujeres aman el dinero más que ellos, otros creen otra cosa... ¿Cuál es la mayor mentira que has oído o visto que creen los hombres sobre las mujeres?
About bigggest lies! Some men believe women to love money more than they do, others believe something else... What is the biggest lie you've heard or seen men actually believe about women?
This topic is a bit controversial for me because I have always been independent. When I was in college I always tried to schedule my classes in either the morning or afternoon shifts so that I could work and be able to afford my needs and cravings. Although I work in this platform, currently the main breadwinner in our home is my husband Adrián ❤️ Clearly, he does not mind this action but I am a person who likes to be very independent in the economic issue and at the beginning it was very difficult for me to accept this very much.
It is also true that since ancient and colonial times, men have always found it difficult to recognize the good work or performance of a woman in a job or performing an action that only they believed they could do. I believe that women have shown what we are made of and that we are as qualified and capable as men to develop all kinds of activities and skills. It is sad that nowadays employers still see us as inferior and we do not get a job for being mothers or for wanting to be one in the future. Because in many job interviews this is one of the most shocking and intrusive questions they can ask.
Continuing with the topic of women, on the one hand I see many women empowered, fulfilling their dreams, creating their own businesses from scratch and becoming very successful. But also on the other side, I see women who still dream of getting a man with money to solve their life. The reality of this position has two sides and that is undeniable.
The man, due to the stigmas of society, has always had the task of fulfilling the expectations, whims and needs of the woman with whom he is paired. But I think this is a double-edged sword for both single and married women. Today, as women in our multiple facets (mothers, daughters, single or married) we have a wide spectrum of infinite options to get ahead and create our own mini or mega empire that will sustain us financially.
My mother always told me: "Study what you are passionate about so you don't depend on any man". And I always remember this because as a woman we must always be objective and dynamic. We can't just sit on our devices and watch life go by. If you are still waiting for a sign to move out of your comfort zone and security in order to achieve your dreams, then look at this post as one of them.
Gracias por dedicarme unos minutos de tu tiempo y leerme 📖 Nos vemos en otra oportunidad! 😊❤️
Thanks for taking a few minutes of your time and reading me 📖 See you another time! 😊❤️
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Ciertamente las madres solteras tienen un empuje total y se esfuerzan triple, se ganan el cielo la verdad.
Y mi madre decia lo mismo estudia lo que tu quieras para que no dependas de un hombre, yo repito lo mismo, gran post saludos.
Gracias amiga @yolimarag ♥️ Si todas las mujeres entendiéramos que el futuro está en nuestras manos, habría menos dependencia hacia el hombre y luchariamos más por nuestros sueños.
Las mamás solteras siento que se merecen todo, por la dedicación y esfuerzo con sus bebés 👏🏻
La verdad que sí. Reconozco que su esfuerzo es el triple.
Sigue, contacta y apóyanos en:
Hola Rosalmys, buen día. Me gustó el tema expuesto en tu publicación, sobre todo el de las madres solteras. Ultimamente se había generado un clima de "burla" en Argentina sobre ser madre soltera, llamandolas despectivamente "mamás luchonas" y esto me daba tanta rabia jaja. Como alguien puede pensar que ser una madre soltera es motivo de burla, siendo que ellas ponen todo el esfuerzo que el padre de sus hijos no ha querido poner. Ellas son realmente admirables, porque sacan todas sus fuerzas para seguir adelante con sus propias vidas y dar un buen futuro a sus hijos. Muy valientes en verdad.
Gracias por compartir tu opinión. Saludos y que tengas un gran día 😃.
Así es mi querida @lauramica Creo que ser Mamá es hacer un esfuerzo todo doble. Imagínate ser madre soltera, esas mujeres siempre tendrán mis respetos porque lo viví de cerca con mi hermana menor y lo hizo increíble 🥳✨ Saludos!
Oh wow! You really did had a lot of experience watching those single Mothers live the efforts doubly... It isn't easy but they make it look like it's easy don't you think? 😅
Thanks for sharing your thoughts on the topic.
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Yes. The truth is that I admired my friends or classmates a lot for that reason. And even more so my younger sister because I lived it up close with her. Greetings.
Nosotras las mujeres somos muy fuertes e independiente, aunque aún existan las sumisas.
Considero que en este mundo se necesitan más hombres con ganas de aportar más en la relación que sólo existir y llevar dinero al hogar.
Totalmente, Ana. Así es ♥️
Me gusta mucho los temas que abordas en tu publicación, considero que tanto la maternidad como la paternidad deben ser responsables, ambos por igual deben atender a sus hijos y darle amor, y lo necesario para que crezcan con bienestar emocional, con respecto al tema económico creo en la igualdad de géneros, la pareja por igual debe aportar al hogar y ninguno depender del otro, es importante realizarse como persona y ser capaz de producir para beneficio propio y de la familia. Saludos 😊
Thanks for your support 🥰
These are some very strong women, who have so much of power within them to manage their own life as well as of their child. I admire them a lot.
Totally. They are an example of perseverance and mettle. Greetings 🙏🏽✨♥️