Ayyy, so glad you found the post, enjoyed it, and shared your thoughts here, thank you!
Yes, you seem to be quite at peace with both sides, and get that everyone gets to choose which energy is most dominant within them, if any. It also sounds like you're quite capable of expressing either as suits you, which is a major blessing that makes navigating life much easier, imho.
And wow, I deeply appreciate the high-praise concluding your comment, and thank you for taking action and helping my content 'grace' more people :) You're a blessing to have around too, as far as I'm concerned. !PIZZA! 🙏
I am so pleased I saw it too. I saw you pop up in my notifications just now and I thought....hey, you know what...I need to go read YOU! Little did I know what I was letting myself in for 😂 It is so easy to get tied up in so many little projects that we spread ourselves too thinly in an effort to reach and support as many people as we can and then we forget that there are people that we want to be reading a lot more for ourselves as what they have to say fulfills us and nourishes our souls. So I am glad you popped into my notifications this evening🤗🙏I have some dreemporting to do now but I'll be back in the coming days to read your more recent articles too...although...I've popped my upvote on them already as I know they will be valuable reads already. And yes, I think I am fortunate to feel fairly comfortable in my skin ... I know I have both masculine and feminine strengths and weaknesses and I try to work on enhancing the strengths and reducing the impact of the weaknesses. It is not always an easy task but we can all strive to become more conscious of what makes us tick and helps us to be of better value to our world. Take care Jay, catch you soon on another post🙂
(grin) It's funny how life goes, but I'm glad you managed to make time for and prioritize 'reading for yourself' whatever content that fulfills you (whether that turns out to be well-crafted Netflix shows, or ramblings from me :D)
Wishing you wonderful dreemporting, and I look forward to your thoughts on my other pieces, and am hugely grateful for your trusting 'pre'-upvote! <3
I love people who are comfortable in their skin and love that you aim to enhance strengths and shore-up weaknesses. As long as people are applying themselves and doing their best, then we all continue to #ryze :) Take care and catch you soon! 🙏
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