Why Girls Run The World (Except For One Key Thing)

in Ladies of Hive3 years ago (edited)

Disclaimer: A zoologist doesn’t need to be an elephant to teach you about elephants. An author doesn’t have to be a criminal to write insightfully about them. And I don’t need to be a woman to offer valuable wisdom about them. I’ve studied women deeply since I was a child. All 4 walls of my childhood room were covered in images of them, I was raised to respect women by my brilliant, unconditionally loving mother, and now I help women improve their lives through the law of attraction. I’ve studied relationships, non-violent communication, philosophy, spirituality, and much, much more. I’ve poured my heart, soul, and decades of experience into writing something valuable. I'm not a 'lady', but I wanted to share this with the beautiful souls at /C/LadiesOfHive. Please be kind enough to read it with an open mind, thank you.


Women are infinitely powerful.

In fact, every human being is infinitely powerful.

So you are infinitely powerful.

I’m not kidding, this is no joke, it is 100% true.

You are powerful.

And you’re connected to a vast power-source.

Some people call this connection your ‘consciousness,’ or ‘awareness,’ or ‘presence’, or ‘soul.’ The name you give it doesn’t matter as much as understanding that it’s there, and that every person has a connection to this infinite power.

It’s the reason you can be, do, or have anything you want. It’s the reason anyone is able to realize their dreams.

Society (and science) doesn’t really understand ‘soul’, or how a new child’s consciousness and ‘life’ is actually brought into the world.

But the fact is, you are a soul experiencing life in a human body. You have the power to direct your thoughts at all times, because you are not your thoughts. You have the power to tune into your emotions at all times, because you are not your emotions. You have the power to make choices at all times, because you are not your choices.

Those things are your tools.

They exist to help you express your boss-babe power. And you, well, you’re something jaw-droppingly more powerful than those things. All of us are.

So how to express this power? How to use it to truly run the world?

The same way humans have manifested change since the beginning…

Law Of Attraction.

Law Of Attraction says that you can be, do, or have anything you want (in essence.)

It says that you have the power to create whatever life or change you want.

It basically says ‘girls run the world.’

Except for one key thing.

Most women don’t realize just how powerful they are.

Most don’t realize their true potential, and sublime source of energy they have inside themselves.


You have energy inside to create, express, and influence life.

So why do a noteworthy portion of women –possessing infinite power inside them– feel so oppressed?

Why would insanely powerful souls, goddesses in physical form, feel so small, so powerless, so oppressed? Do you feel ‘not up to the task’ of changing the world? Do you feel less-than-powerful to create the life you want? Or is it possible you feel this way secretly, deep down? If not, great! Still, chances are someone you know does feel disempowered in the face of patriarchal society.

This article is aimed at helping anyone who feels even slightly less than powerful.

It’s not your fault. There’s a good reason a feminine-identifying person may feel this way. And we’ll explore that much deeper shortly.

But first let’s look closer at the energy you have inside you.

As a ‘woman,’ your energy is ‘feminine’, right?

Well, not exactly.

Before we really get into talk of girls running the world, it’s important to understand feminine and masculine.

‘Feminine’ and ‘masculine’ are universal characteristics.

They exist in the animal kingdom. The exist DNA. They’re not some new invention. They existed before language.

They aren’t just ‘woman’ and ‘man’ or ‘female’ and ‘male.’ They’re far greater than that. They’re yin and yang. And these labels are actually talking about something much deeper than ‘sexism’ or ‘gender.’

Feminine and masculine symbolize the relationship of The Universe / God / Source (feminine) and Human / An-individuated-piece-of-Source / You (masculine).

Don’t worry about the weird language or needing to understand the universe or whatever– all that matters is that you ‘get’ that there are two ‘polarities’ of energy that make up you and the universe.

These two polarities are ‘negative’ and ‘positive’, ‘female’ and ‘male’, ‘yin’ and ‘yang,’ and both are beautiful and vital to maintain balance & harmony in life.

Both are essential if you want to live as the light you truly are.

[Note: Feminine is yin / black / ‘negative’ not because it’s 'bad,' but because feminine holds the ‘space’, the ‘void’, the ‘womb’, the ‘place’ from which all magic / energy / reality / life is born (or manifested.) This form of being ‘negative’ is something to celebrate and be proud of.]

Some people don’t like that certain traits are labelled as ‘feminine’ and others are labelled as ‘masculine’, but there’s no point getting annoyed about it, because…

…yin and yang are literally the foundational duality of all life experience.

No matter how much you don’t like that there are two polarities, both different, both powerful… This truth is woven into the fabric of the universe.

One thing is ‘space’ (feminine), another thing is ‘matter’ (masculine), together they let us experience reality in ‘form.’

They’re both incredibly precious, and essential for the universe to exist. They’re both drastically opposite one another. And like any duality, one side must be called something, and the other side, something else. One side’s called ‘light’, the other ‘dark.’ One side’s called ‘hot,’ the other’s called ‘cold.’ To discuss the spectrum of human values and gender with the aim of getting anywhere… one style of values gets the label ‘feminine’ the other ‘masculine.’ This language will have to do for me to have an effective way of communicating about them, and I don’t have time to re-invent an entire non-gendered language for this article.

So if you want to get decent value from this post, please make peace with, understand, and be wise about these words… because we’ll be using them often throughout this post.

Why is it so important to understand feminine & masculine polarity?

Because these two polarities are how power flows.

Power always flows from one polarity to another.

Imagine you have a flashlight.

And let’s say you want your flashlight to shine bright. For that it needs power from a battery. And for that battery to work, it must have two connections. It must have connections both negative (female) and positive (male). (I touched on why 'feminine' is the 'negative' polarity above. And it's a very 'positive' thing.)

If either is missing, the flashlight remains dead, and there will be darkness.

The same thing goes for us as people.

For us to ‘light up’ in life and be truly effective, both feminine and masculine energies must be operating within us. Without them we’re also a ‘dark’, ineffective light.

So, having access to both energies is the only way we can light up and be our whole selves.

And humans are designed to be ‘lights’ on earth.

We’re all meant to ‘light up’ our lives, and that can’t be done without some amount of both energies. Feminine and masculine.

Polarities are important.

As I mentioned above, they create experience. Frictions and ‘opposites’ create form. Light creates shadow. Polarities are in everything. Atoms for example, have a negative electron (feminine) and a positive proton (masculine).

Humans are made of atoms, and we have these two ‘charges’ too. We have both energies within us. We’re bioelectric –living ‘electrical instruments’– similar to the flashlight. Every thought that we think is an electrical impulse. Every movement of every muscle is an electrical impulse, blazing a trail down our nerves.

And just like every other electrical instrument, in order for us to ‘work’ properly…

…we must have connections that are female and male, negative and positive.

We can either light up well and shine out our true selves, or we can imbalance our connections and end up ineffective, dim, or completely ‘off.’

What do we do if our energies are imbalanced and we’re struggling in life?

Well, meditating can help us rebalance both parts, (it can literally ‘enlighten’ us), but we’ll get to that later. For now, let’s look at an example of a woman who animates both energies well.


Beyoncé animates both feminine & masculine energy well.

Sometimes Beyoncé may be ‘animating feminine’ almost entirely.

This can be seen when she’s nurturing her children or dancing femininely or sultrily on stage.

“Bringing work up on top of me / I’mma let let you be the boss of me / I know everything you want / Give me that daddy long stroke” – Beyoncé, Blow

Other times she may be reprimanding staff, firing her own Father, or making lucrative deals, masculine-style.

“Gimme my check, put some respeck on my check / Or pay me in equity, pay me in equity“ – Beyoncé, Apesh*t

She’s been able to express either energy well since she was a child, and you can too.


You have the exact same ability as Beyoncé, and you can express whatever energy you want.

So what does all this mean for women?

(Or feminine-identifying people...)

Does it mean women are feminine, masculine, both, neither?

Well, it’s individual, and can change over time. If you were to examine every moment of your life, the answer would likely become clear. Because the majority of the time, you’d have been expressing one energy over the other. Perhaps you express more feminine traits, characteristics, approaches, and energy. Or perhaps you express more masculine ones, overall.

Take an honest look at your life, and you can determine whether you’re ‘more feminine’ or ‘more masculine’, at least up to this point. (Non-binaries may argue that they’re neither/both/neutral, and that’s fine, I won’t get into whether someone can be ‘perfectly neutral’ every moment of their entire lives or not.)

If it’s the former, we could say you’re a ‘feminine-leaning’ being.
If it’s the latter, we could say you’re a ‘masculine-leaning’ being.
If it’s perfectly balanced, we could say you’re ‘ambi’ or ‘neutral.’

And it’s totally fine to be any of these things –no judgment– do whatever suits you because the universe has room for (and values) all.

In fact, no one can ever be completely one or the other, because there’s always an element of the feminine in the masculine, and vice-versa.

But most people are masculine-leaning or feminine-leaning people.

This is why many people identify as a ‘man’ or identify as a ‘woman’ whether physically, mentally, or otherwise.

Because they spend more of their lives animating one type of energy, and incline towards being in a certain ‘polarity’ (aka ‘mode’) more of the time.

Feminine polarity is receptive – it’s nurturing, sustaining, and seductive.
Masculine polarity is transmitive – it’s goal-setting, taking action, and being assertive.

The ‘feminine’ side of things is the heart, spirit, emotion, intuition.
The ‘masculine’ side of things is the mind, intellect, logic, reason.

The ‘right-brain’ hemisphere is responsible for the creative, intuitive, divine ‘god’ side.
The ‘left-brain’ hemisphere is responsible for the critical, logical, earthly ‘physical’ side.

None of these things are ‘better’ than the other. Both polarities bring epic value to the table. Both energies are powerful. Both energies can accomplish tremendous things. And each energy may be ‘called for’ at various times in life.

‘Rest & recovery’ are just as powerful and important as ‘ambition & challenge.’

I hope you’re clearer now on how both polarities are absolutely vital to a harmonious life, and also how we each lean more towards one or the other, (barring much less common ‘neutral’ types.)

Feminine and masculine are part of our universal reality.

And the universe was designed to have a balance.

A balance of both ‘polarities’ is how things are ‘meant to be’, how life’s been designed, set up, or evolved.

A healthy ecosystem is meant to have a stable balance of feminine and masculine. A healthy society is meant to have a stable balance of feminine and masculine. A healthy soul is meant to have a stable balance of feminine and masculine.

This doesn’t mean you can’t be a girly-girl. It doesn’t mean you can’t be a bossbabe. It doesn’t mean guys can’t cry or get emotional. It doesn’t mean they must be dominant and violent.

It just means stability and balance are key.

Because the yin-yang symbol (Tao symbol, or Taijitu) is like a wave in a circle. It symbolizes the ebb, flow, duality, balance, and flexibility to lean more feminine or more masculine at any given time.

The Tao acknowledges that we can be any of the above, or something else entirely… but we must do so with a reasonable balance. Swinging too far one way will cause undesired, disharmonious results.

And today’s society is a stunning example of exactly that.

I’m not saying prehistoric cultures were definitively female-centric.

But it’s certainly possible that they were. Such a thing wouldn’t surprise me. But whether they were or not isn’t really what’s important here. Anthropologists or historians are welcome to debate exactly when and where western matriarchies thrived or didn’t. Determining the truth of what happened thousands of years ago in a scientifically provable way is challenging at best and a foolish waste of time at worst.

What matters for our discussion about girls running the world is more about the meaning of matriarchies existing… ever.

It’s important because people (both men and women) love to talk about ancient times, reference myths, and tell stories in order to further their agenda.

Many feminists will swear prehistoric civilizations were female-centric. Many chauvinists will laugh at such a thing and say the exact opposite, whereas you and I are best served here by seeking deeper truths beyond the agendas.

And the truth is that whether you reference Nubia, Khasi, or some other civilization…

Sometime, somewhere, there existed (or exists) cultures where the feminine was worshipped. Where goddesses abounded. Where clear matriarchies were in place.

And if we were to study those cultures, we’d easily observe less violence and greed, along with more nurturing and connection.

But for many years society’s polarity has leaned masculine.

And I’m not saying that that’s a terrible thing. It’s brought us impressive technological and economic advances.


I’m simply pointing out that like taijitu, it’s OK to ebb and flow more towards one side or the other, as long as yin & yang are stably balanced. Leaning too far feminine or masculine for too long, brings undesired results.

Whatever matriarchies existed have mostly faded from people’s hearts and minds (there’s a few small, outdated, under-developed ones left). Meanwhile current governments, religions, wars, finance, language, law, rules, and intellect are the dominant forces in society.

Love, compassion, subtlety, nurturing, connection, and so on have taken a back seat.

And taking a look at things, it’s hard not to view this masculine-leaning landscape to be intentional.

It certainly seems as if…

Male-led institutions have tried hard to degrade the feminine.

And if that’s the case, it’s easy to get ‘triggered.’ It can be easy to rage at men for such oppression and atrocity.

But you’re not meant for tension and triggered, knee-jerk reactions.

If you feel angry at such heinous degradation, please…

Take a breath.

I’m not excusing misogynists, but before dehumanizing them and labelling them monsters who’ve ruined the entire world, take a few deep breaths.

Then realize that any men who contributed to feminine-oppression actually came from mothers who birthed, and likely raised them.

Did their mothers raise them well? Or is it possible they made some poor choices? Can we simply point our fingers at this corrupt king or that corrupt pastor, reducing our society to ‘men’s fault’ and ‘patriarchy = bad?’ My point is…

It’s good to keep in mind that we’re all human.

Who knows why people did what they did way back when? Who knows how exactly our society ended up here? Was it an accident? Did they do it on purpose? Was it a malicious purpose? A selfish one?

Sigh. Well, likely yes, at least initially.

I won’t get into ‘proving’ all this, as many passionate feminists have made entire careers doing so.

I’ll simply say that men in positions of authority have (subtly and overtly) demeaned, lessened, and degraded women for years and years, and there’s little point in debating that fact.

But you may want to explore the question:

How did priests (male), kings (male), and authors (male) do this to the feminine?

Well first, contributions from women were ignored, dismissed, or discredited. Women’s ideas were left out of most religious texts, and women were rarely allowed to hold positions of authority or power. They were made to feel like they were property, replaceable, and often of minimal value, not people.

As time went on, those attitudes were found to be less acceptable, so instead, women were made to feel inferior because they didn’t bring the same things to the table that a man did. Earning money by going out in the world was seen as ‘far superior’ to the nurturing role a woman plays at home of uniting family, nurturing others, and satisfying needs. Plus women were often forced, pressured, or bullied into staying home as the ‘only thing they’re good for.’

At this point women’s contributions were acknowledged slightly more, but still treated with disrespect and contempt.

In response to this, women took up an attitude of “Oh yeah? Watch us earn money in the workforce then!”

This helped in some ways, but made things worse in others.

It helped because women were then seen as more capable than previously thought, and of increased value to society (even if they were still paid less wages for the same job as a man.)

And it was good timing, because eventually the war took center stage and a huge chunk of males left their jobs and businesses to be soldiers. This left thousands of jobs, businesses, and sports teams to be managed by women. And so they were.

Rather than women being thanked and applauded for this, their contribution was taken for granted. It was seen as ‘the least women could do’ while the “far more important” job of fighting was done by men.

Again, women’s natural feminine value was demeaned.

And in the face of all this, instead of ‘standing up’ for the value of their nurturing, family-bonding, beauty-offering, cyclical contributions to society…

Women just became more masculine, and started behaving similar to men in the workforce.

And at first, it seemed like a good move.

Progress happened as women’s steps into ‘the market’ was celebrated as ‘being more on the same level’ as men. It had a side-effect though. The art of being feminine, homemaking, nurturing, and everything traditionally connected with women came to be perceived as derogatory –not just by men– but by women themselves.

And recently, our society praises women who embody masculine traits. Ambitious, badass women are the ‘go-getters.’ Our culture went from preferring women as chattel centuries ago, to preferring women who prioritize a career over home-making. Qualities like gentleness, kindness, softness (that should be highly valued by society and come naturally to many people) are much less celebrated.

This is often referred to as ‘internalized misogyny.’

It’s the idea of women suppressing their own, natural, feminine traits or approaches to life in order to fit into ‘masculine spaces’ better.

Basically, the overt external oppression begun by insecure masculine authority figures ages ago, has been evolved by early feminism and ‘entry-level feminists’ into an insidious, internalized oppression dwelling in many women themselves.

In their passionate desire to ‘show men’ they can be valuable too… they’ve accidentally contributed to ongoing oppression at times. How? By acting, dressing, and becoming as cut-throat as men, against their better judgment. Many women see their menstrual cycle not as a blessing, but a curse, so they take painkillers and ‘hustle’ for money, instead embracing once-sacred ceremonies for birth and cycles. Many feminine-identifying people today see even less value in their natural divine design and feminine power than their initial oppressors.


Often we see women who make no attempt to reclaim and laud the nurturing way of the feminine. We see women who refuse to embrace their naturally joy-bringing allure, connectivity, receptivity, beauty, family-uniting powers… preferring instead the strive to imitate men.

And again, I’m not saying that’s wrong.

We all have both polarities within us, and we can all animate whichever suits us, moment to moment, just as Beyoncé has done.

But many in our society are convinced that to be ‘truly feminist,’ we should leave little room for people who enjoy the priorities of raising a family, nurturing, and caring for others by doing whatever (traditionally feminine) roles might feel close to their heart.

They suggest that no one would want such a life, but the truth is, with 8 billion people on earth, and family being at the heart of society, it’s likely many souls come to earth specifically to contribute such things. If someone tells me that they have their heart set on being SAHM, I take them at their word. Only they know their heart’s desire.

Still, there’s a huge pressure now for all women to create massively successful ‘careers’ even if that might not be their natural inclination or alignment with their heart’s true desires. Current society is so blinded by the idea that earning money is the only really valuable thing a human being can do… that we’ve forgotten what’s truly important. Not money, but the life-affirming values and human potential that it’s meant to symbolize.

Anyway, all this is another form of female-oppression which leaves almost no place for gentle, traditionally feminine women in today’s ‘feminist’ society.

So yes, women now compete (and even beat men) in the workforce, but many are still not valued for the things they easily, naturally, and instinctually brought to the table in the first place, such as beauty, nurturing, solace, nesting, and more.


The ‘feminine’ side of things is the heart, spirit, emotion, intuition, beauty.
The ‘masculine’ side of things is the mind, intellect, logic, reason, finance.

Both polarities are equally important, equally powerful, equally effective, inter-connected, inter-related, and must be stably balanced in order to have a healthy culture

And that balance has been royally fked.**

So from the early mistreatment by corrupt patriarchies, a society that undervalues feminine traits and qualities, as well as the women who can so naturally embody them… has now become mostly institutionalized.

Many people today perpetuate the degradation on autopilot, barely even noticing they’re doing it.

And it sucks.

And this attitude is reflected in how society treats nature.

Now, I’m not trying to ‘gender’ nature on you, I know some people get pretty passionate about labelling nature as feminine. (Although many cultures have traditionally seen nature as feminine, with pride — Greece’s Gaia, or Incan’s Pachamama, for example… Plus, many women intuitively ‘get’ their connection to the cycles of life, the ability & choice to birth new souls into the world, nature’s power of reproductive evolution, and so on.)

Regardless, while some cultures see nature as ‘masculine’ and other cultures see nature as ‘feminine’… what really matters is that there is masculine and feminine in everything.

Each polarity can be expressed at any moment by us, and by nature too.

I repeat, ‘the universe’ is a balance of masculine and feminine polarities, perfectly expressing whichever energy is needed to maintain balance in any given moment. And nature is either a) one aspect of the universe, or b) another word for the universe.

Either way, humanity’s attitude towards nature can unbalance things temporarily, until nature / the universe gets pissed enough to reset the balance with a volcano or something. A feminine approach to nature would be to connect and harmonize with it. A masculine approach to nature would be to control it, dominate, or subjugate it.

Which approach do you see society taking?

The way we’re treating women is a mirror to the way we’re treating nature, because whatever people’s dominant attitude or polarity is, is what will be brought to bear. We don’t respect nature for being the selfless, loving ‘mother.’ A male-run society fails to recognize the value that ‘she’ provides to us and the many ways she enriches our lives. Why? Because we’ve become over-focused on ‘money’ and economic growth. Just like nature is perceived as not adding any value in her pristine, unexploited state, we don’t see the value that a ‘feminine’ woman brings into this world. (Again, I’m not gendering nature here, please look past the pronouns) Nature generously sustains and nourishes us. And how do we treat her? As a ‘resource’ to be manipulated and exploited for short-term monetary gains.

This is a very masculine approach to nature.

And for the last century at least, male-centric society has been over-emphasizing the masculine, and abusing the feminine side of nature.


It’s also reflected in how society views moms.

I love my Mom.

She did an absolutely masterful job at raising me. I literally brag about her with pride whenever I get the chance, because the stories I could tell of her raising me would bring a tear to anyone’s eye.

She’s a radiant light of a woman.

And she raised me on a heavy diet of the bible, but in her own special way. She pulled me out of church at an early age because she felt they were teaching it poorly. And instead of emphasizing all the weird, sexist parts of the bible, she emphasized the truest, clearest teachings of love she could find in it.

Every verse or parable she taught me were the ones about integrity, kindness, self-discipline, commitment, compassion, forgiveness, and unconditional love.

I was raised by a loving woman, teaching loving principles, from a book that seems to have minimal lines from, or wisdom by, women. A book that has little place for women, and instead a huge emphasis on how valuable ‘fathers’ and males are.

‘Religion’ is a strange beast.

We’ll look at it deeper later on.

For now, just know that religion and government are society’s biggest and most impactful institutions and they’re mainly responsible for what people think of as the ‘evils’ of the world.

And they’ve created this situation mainly by destroying the universal influence of ‘mother’ and replacing it with the universal influence of ‘father.’

Just look at a world full of violence, conflict, child-exploitation, money-chasing and ask yourself… is that the influence of a nurturing feminine polarity, or of an ambitious masculine polarity? Is that the influence of ‘mother’ or is that the influence of ‘father?’

Next look at the way nature operates and ask yourself the same question. Is nature a more feminine energy, or a more masculine one?

(Again, as above, nature is actually a beautiful, self-sustaining harmony of both energies, but the point is that an over-masculine or hyper-masculine society will ‘imbalance’ things with noticeably undesired results, and nature knows when to rebalance things with ‘added feminine values.’)

Masculine energy is not ‘bad’, but over-masculine energy creates undesirable results.

(Over-feminine energy does as well, but society hasn’t been ‘over-feminine’ in hundreds of years.)

A ‘fatherly’ desire is likely to want victory, strength, and success for his children. A ‘motherly’ desire is likely to want healing, connection, and joy. Too much of either creates an imbalance or ‘lack’ of the other, but when both blend in balanced harmony, magic happens.

My mom taught me that violence is to be avoided as much as possible. She raised me to be generous of heart and kind to others. She raised me to seek understanding and harmony as a priority, rather than jump to conclusions. She taught me to have perspective and be considerate rather than selfish, petty, or antagonistic. She taught me to be in tune with my feelings and to the feelings of others… without compromising my integrity.

My mom embraced her feminine values, and instilled them in me as best as she was able, giving me a deeper understanding of life, despite my a) being male and b) being surrounded by a hyper-masculine society.

Imagine if my mom raised everyone in our society.

But she didn’t. And judging by how our governments behave, I’m not sure most politicians even had mothers. I know my mom wouldn’t have tolerated even a hint of the self-serving, narrow-minded, short-sighted behavior many authority figures indulge in today.

So, let’s take a look at governments.

Politicians seem driven to excel materially. They seem driven toward self-righteousness and conflict. Their need to be ‘victorious’ is a crazy high priority for them.


Military might. Political power. Economic strength. This is basically all they care about, and it shows in their decision-making and behavior. The happiness of people is barely, if ever, spoken of. The spiritual health and emotional well-being of citizens is rarely considered. The harmonious connection and union of humanity is nearly always relegated to an afterthought, if at all.

Oh, and most current governments, women often are as well.

In 1776 women weren’t even allowed to vote because they weren’t considered equal with men. In fact women didn’t get the right to vote until the 19th amendment was passed in 1920.

At time of writing, 46 presidents have been inaugurated in the United States and not a single one has been a woman. The United States had Donald Trump –a bumbling celebrity entrepreneur– as a leader for four years and the country came out unscathed. Would the world end if they tried out a woman leader for a spell?

(I’m Canadian and it’s not like we’ve had tons of female prime ministers, but we did have Kim Campbell.)

Anyway, our male-centric government officials usually don’t want to talk with, understand, or compassionately consider those they disagree with. Instead they spring into action driven to fight, be right, and come out on top.

And this male-centricity is etched into the United States Constitution.

All ‘men’ are created equal.

“We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness” – The 2nd paragraph of The United States’ Constitution.

Now I’m not one who gets caught up in semantics. Even though I’m fairly choosy with my words and do my best to be understood… I don’t nitpick the words of others very often.

I don’t believe we need to revolutionize every word or phrase or replace the ‘e’ in ‘women’ with a ‘y’, or make latino & latina gender-neutral by making them end with an ‘x.’

But when it comes down to it, sometimes it’s important to look at language, because our words are reflections of our thoughts.

Language is powerful.

So in light of that, when the constitution was written, we can ask…

Did they not have the words ‘women’, ‘people’, ‘humans’, or ‘citizens’ back then?

Of course they did.

So why did they choose the word ‘men’ in such a pivotal, important sentence?

Were the authors just not thinking?

Of course they were thinking.

They were crafting a world-changing document, and had it gone over with a fine-toothed comb by many bright minds.

They were crafting an insanely pivotal document, and they knew it.

Which means?

Which means they intentionally used the word ‘men’, because to them women, children, and slaves didn’t count where equal rights were concerned.

And a similar attitude applies to most male-centric religions.

Women didn’t count as priests or pastors. Women weren’t leaders of the church. Women’s stories were barely told in religious texts. Women were degraded and marginalized so commonly and deeply, that it became ‘part of the culture’, leaving us with a male-dominated society, heavily lacking feminine traits or values.

That’s why we rarely see women leaders, or a woman president. (Though encouragingly, a woman just became President Of Barbados.) That’s why women get paid less than men for the same job. Feminine embodiments are simply not valued as highly, overall, by these cultures. If they were, that’d be reflected in their authority, economic recompense, and reverence.

And church and state are extremely similar in this.

Now take a deeper look at religion.

Whether Eastern or Western, modern or ancient, most ‘recent’ religions have been male-centric and patriarchal, so we could easily dig into Islam or Hinduism if we wanted, but I’ll focus mostly on Christianity since, as I mentioned above, my childhood immersed me in it.


And although I’m far more ‘spiritual’ and ‘law of attraction’-focused these days, I still see Jesus (fictional or historical) as a radiantly loving manifestor, and role model of how to live well.

And Jesus’s core, most essential, most vital teachings boil down to one verse, Matthew 22:37, which reads:

“Thou shalt love the Lord thy God with all thy heart, and with all thy soul, and with all thy mind…. thou shalt love thy neighbor as thyself. On these two commandments hang all the laws.”

I consider this to be the core of Jesus’ teachings.

He taught love.


Love, as in, the feminine side of things. He taught listening, connection to our fellow humans, and leading with the heart. Jesus was totally at peace with the divine feminine, intuition, and the language of the heart. He easily chose love in situations where others would choose fear. He easily chose his right-brained intuition over prevailing left-brained ‘logic’ of the day.

But the world today is a far, far cry from following in his footsteps of love. The verse above is overlooked in favor of so many other fear-based, misunderstood, (likely man-made) agenda-based lines.

Countless religious texts all relegate women to a lower stature.

Or the texts leave women out entirely. Or they mention them as an afterthought.

And all these texts claim to be the ‘inspired’ or ‘official’ word of god!

(If they are, then god apparently sees women as less-than-valuable, since that’s the most obvious, nearly undeniable message one might get from most religious texts.)

But how can all these texts be the ‘inspired word of god’ when between now and the time they were first written, countless ‘uninspired’ people with agendas have gotten their hands on them and cut out certain stories, altered certain words, and drastically twisted the meanings to suit their own personal agendas?

Here’s one small example of someone making adjustments to degrade women, found in the official text. Note the difference in message and meaning between the Old Testament and the New Testament:


Sanctify unto me all the firstborn, WHOEVER opens the womb among the children of Israel, both of man and of beast: it is mine.


As it is written in the law of the Lord, every MALE that opens the womb shall be called holy to the Lord;

They’re basically the same line, but the first said ALL life that comes from the womb is sacred, while the second changed it to say all MALES who come from the womb are sacred.

Like… c’mon.

This smacks of a human, political, insecure-male agenda.

But even if it was a mistake, or mistranslation, or something else… my point stands.

It’s not a kind, loving message that values women. Even if it’s an accidental mistranslation, it ‘just so happens’ to be one that doesn’t err in women’s favor.

Whether intentional or accidental, the result is the same: religious texts downplay the value of women. They downplay femininity, allure, nurturing, sensuality, home-making, nature, etc.

And this kind of thing happens abundantly, across a variety of religious texts.

Feel free to explore others like the Quran, and its insistence that women cover up, wear burkas, and other peculiar ‘rules’ that potentially impinge on a woman’s freedom.

And it’s mostly men who are responsible for these creations.

(Except to note that most of these male authors were literally raised by women.)

At the time these texts were created, can you picture women being included in the discussion? Can you imagine women sitting around saying “hey, let’s cut Mary Magdalene’s story out of the bible.”


There were no women gathered around the parchment saying “hey, let’s make sure all the religious texts downplay the role of females!”

Regardless, these male-agenda edicts got passed on to the rest of society like a ‘broken telephone’ game of memes.

And so, since government institutions and religious institutions have been allowed control of educating the masses through schools, media, law-making, and spiritual teachings…

They continue to shape the vast majority of our culture.

“Men have had every advantage of us in telling their own story. Education has been theirs in so much higher a degree; the pen has been in their hands.” – Jane Austen, Persuasion

And male hyper-prioritizing ideas get parroted automatically from parent to child, from teacher to student, from presenter to viewer, with only the occasional person here or there freeing themselves from the influence of church and state.

So due to these two male-dominated institutional behemoths…

Many years ago, society veered away from feminine values.

Female-centric institutions tend to give a sense of future through connection, intimacy, value of all persons, respect for children, and a deep sense of humanity. (Jesus actually taught these feminine values, interestingly.) Female-centric institutions tend to side-step the aggression, crab-bucket, fear-based sense of ‘sin’ male-centric ones gravitate to.

Anyway, many years ago the world shifted away from peace, healing, and love, to righteous indignation, strength, and victory.


And the current state of the world is largely because we’ve gone so far in that direction with minimal change in trajectory.

This is why the world is currently a mess.

Because of an imbalance in feminine and masculine polarity.

The world becomes ‘darker’ every time we disconnect, demean, or degrade our connection to either one of the universal polarities. But it’s not the masculine side that’s been distanced. It’s by reducing the power of the feminine that we’ve torn loose a precious connection.

In order for there to be light there must be both male and female. They complement one another. When you disconnect either the male or female polarity you eliminate the true power of nature.

You will not have light, you will have darkness.

And that is exactly what the church and state have created, intentionally or not.

They’ve denigrated the thriving, organic side of nature by cutting away the female. They’re trying to light the flashlight with only one part of the connection, the ‘male’ one. It won’t work.

And the world today is a symptom of that.

(Hmmm, I wonder, pandemic, anyone?)

In caveman times, women looked out for those more undernourished than themselves, while her mate knew only one thing, pursue and kill. They were a good team, when balanced. But that balance gradually crumbled, and the love of ‘divine mother’ gave way to the fear of the ‘father god.’ Religion developed fear as a controlling tool back then, even as the government does the same today.

There’s more masculine-style arguing, conflict, polarization, debate, criticism, judgment, and fighting to be ‘right’ than ever before.

Cancel culture. SJWs. Law, after law, after law. Wars. Violence. Molestation. Panic. Fear. Intolerance.

These things don’t really arise from feminine energy, feminine polarity, feminine values.

(Note: I’m not saying ‘Feminine’ power is some perfect panacea. Just like over-masculinity causes problems, so does over-femininity. If a society becomes ‘over-feminine’ issues don’t manifest as wars and intolerance though, instead they manifest as over-passivity, circularity, ineffectiveness, backstabbing, lethargy, over-indulgence, and so on.)

Anyway, my point is we’ve been unable to achieve the community, love, and peace we seek as a society because we’ve minimized feminine power, energy, and values.

But things are much brighter than I've outlined.


Think back to the beginning of this article.

What did I say?

I said women are infinitely powerful.

I said you are infinitely powerful.

You’re so powerful in fact, that no matter how many years of oppression, or how much darkness, or how bad things look…

You can flip the script.

You, personally, are powerful enough to create massive change in yourself, in your community, in your world.

You’re powerful enough to change things now, for this generation, and for many more to come, if you want to.

So let’s talk about how you tap into this power.

Using your power is only possible by tuning into your true self.

A lot of people don’t know what I mean by ‘true self’, so…

Call it soul, source, gut, instinct, feelings, emotions, heart, inner-child, etc.

Whatever you call it, you are powerless and ineffective at life without it, and epically powerful when you tap into it.

And it’s a skill that needs to be practiced.

Rosa Parks practiced it. Princess Diana practiced it. Beyonce practices it.

They started as ‘normal kids’, blank-slate infants, just like everybody else.

But they practiced tuning into their true selves often. They got good at it, and they used their power to create change, more impact, and better lives for themselves.

You can do the same, but you will almost certainly be rusty at tuning into your true self at first.

The women I mentioned above had a huge impact on the world.

Because they knew what Jesus knew…

The feminine side runs things.

The heart, the intuition, the right-brain, mysterious, divine, life-giving womb is what runs things.

It’s the true leader.

It creates, advances, and evolves life.

It summons desire and life-force through us all.

And connecting to it, using it, and leveraging it is the ultimate way to navigate life.

It puts us in touch with love, harmony, connection, and divinity.

It’s what lets ‘girls’ literally, as Beyoncé says, ‘run’ the world.

And I don’t mean ‘girls’ or ‘women’ in a physical sense necessarily… I mean any individual who understands well how to tap into their feminine power.

Because although that feminine power has been largely ignored and trained out of us, it’s still mind-bogglingly powerful.

Because it’s the right-brain intuition that guides and evolves humanity.

Because it’s our hearts, not our intellects, that continually serve us with truth and inspiration.

Our emotions are incredibly powerful, and we’re meant to use them as a compass to keep our easily corruptible thoughts on track. People who disconnect from their emotions become cold, violent, and end up harming society and themselves, with their decisions.

Whether they realize it or not.

If we feel bad about a certain subject at a certain moment, it means our thoughts aren’t correctly aligned with truth, light, and harmony.

If we feel good about a certain subject at a certain moment, it means our thoughts are serving us in a loving way.

Every heroine (or hero) you look up to started as an infant, just like you. Each one of them discovered that tapping into their personal power meant leveraging their emotions and thoughts well. They discovered that ‘power’ literally flowed from one polarity to the other. From thought to feeling, and from feeling to thought.

They discovered that the path to gaining influence in the world, the path to creating true change –while different for everyone– all comes down to practicing mood- and thought-management.

So to run the world, there’s nothing wrong with creating an epic career. There’s also nothing wrong with being a SAHM. Don’t forget that a stable society cannot exist without stable families. A woman committed to family-care is therefore the backbone of every society.

“The human soul needs actual beauty more than bread.” – D.H. Lawrence

To run the world it’s fine to be girly, giggly, and bimbo-y, and it’s equally fine to be poignant, articulate, and political. Don’t forget that a stable society cannot exist without beauty & playfulness. A woman committed to body-language over intellect is therefore a vital piece of a stable society.


There’s value in all these things, society can benefit from all these things, and the universe values all these things.

The trick is to know what you really, truly want deep down, not what centuries of conditioning have subtly persuaded you to want.

The trick is to use both valuable energies inside you, in whatever stable balance feels correct to you as an individual.

The trick is that in a over-masculine society, you absolutely must reclaim your connection to the feminine. You must practice getting in tune with it, and aligning yourself with it. And the more practiced you are at doing so, the more you can ‘do anything.’

Because this is how power flows, from one polarity to the other.

This article is already insanely long, so I can’t get into the nuts and bolts of exactly how to do this here, but it’s basically the foundation of the law of attraction.

Manifesting change through the law of attraction is basically the harmonic union of your feelings and thoughts, the feminine and the masculine.

You can manifest a truly incredible life that changes the landscape of society, but only if you practice the law of attraction techniques that suit you, and only if you practice well.

To help with that, I’ll link you to my deep, insightful writings on just that.

Empowering Law Of Attraction articles & teachings.

I’ve written thousands of words explaining the intricacies of the law of attraction, and following them is how feminine-identifying souls can truly realize they do indeed…

…run the world.

And I want you to experience your monumental power.

Passionately so.

Because it’s time for the world to rebalance. It’s time for it to embrace the love that was once front and center.

It’s time for more women to step up and create the lives they want, because we’ll all be better for it.

Society would flow smoother if the feminine stepped up.

Society would flow smoother if feminine and masculine were seen and understood correctly as two powerful polarities, meant to be balanced in power and application (but not ‘equal’ or ‘the same’, since they’re polar opposites.)

And this doesn’t require permission or ‘allowing’ from men to happen. Michelle Obama, Margaret Thatcher, Dame Sandra Mason and more have tapped into their power, manifested change, and claimed positions of authority and impact despite all odds against them.

I believe if we want to claim our real power, then we must become completely honest about who we intrinsically are and our heart’s truest desires. That means not letting ‘the patriarchy’ tell you what’s right for you. It also means not letting a certain flavor of ‘feminism’ tell you what’s right for you.

It means a real, honest look at yourself. It means introspection and experimentation and following your heart until you zero in on what exactly you want from life.

It means having the guts to choose what you want, even if it looks scary, hard, or upsetting to others.

And if you do choose in favor of your heart’s desire, moment to moment, whether it be getting up for a drink of water, or moving to another country… truly supportive people will applaud you for exercising your power and owning your choices.

Real feminism is about giving every woman the choice to live a life that is right for her. She must have freedom to choose what comes most naturally to her… without judgment, ridicule or any other kind of pressure. From anyone.

If a woman finds satisfaction by working at an office and earning money, so be it. If a different woman finds satisfaction in being a stay at home mom, that choice must be respected equally too.

You can create any life you want, but only by creating a stable balance of feminine and masculine that suits you personally.

Imagine if we restored feminine values to their rightful, balanced place?

If person A loves person B…
Person A is connected to person B and…
Person A can’t harm person B without harming themselves.

“I'm going to tell you a story. It’s a true story about a woman who once attended my workshops, and is on a spiritual path like all of you. This woman was walking alone in Central Park in New York City at night. A man jumped out from behind the bushes, put a gun to her head, and started raping her. She looked deeply into this man’s eyes, and she could see he was overcome with fear and incredible pain. She began gently stroking his face. ‘It’s ok,’ she said, ‘It’s ok. It’s ok. I love you.’ The man stopped immediately and broke into tears. ‘No one has ever told me they loved me,’ he said. ‘Ever. Not even my parents.’ This woman’s compassion touched this man so deeply that it changed his whole life. ‘The park is dangerous,’ he said. ‘I’ll walk with you and keep you safe.'” – David Deida

Imagine if more people accessed more feminine values, more often. Not going overboard or taking things out of balance, but just enough to connect their heart’s emotions to their thoughts and decisions, and achieve their dreams.

Murders, abuse, bombings, etc. would drop massively.

Because harming others would be harming ourselves.

It’s one of the most beautiful visions I can imagine.

Picture it.

All 8 billion humans on the planet, in tune with their femininely ‘divine’ intuitive side. All 8 billion understanding we’re all connected, all one, all evolving together. All 8 billion, understanding that harming another harms ourselves and elevating another elevates ourselves.

And we have the power to make that a reality, but all my words won’t teach it.

The only thing that will… is leading by example.

The only thing that works is starting with the woman in the mirror.

The only thing that creates change is being the change.

Reconnect to your feminine power, master the law of attraction using the links above, and 'girl…' you really will 'run the world.'


Note: Law Of Attraction is simple at its core, but like many skills, has a nuanced execution and takes a decent amount of time & effort to ‘get right’ for those not naturally gifted… so there’s more to it than I mentioned here. I wrote because many women I know would love an improved society or a changed world, and I wanted to help them achieve it.

I hope you enjoyed it, and I appreciate you reading, commenting, sharing, and even skimming, and I wish you huge joy and success in creating the life you want.

David Deida, Abraham-Hicks, Charlotte Higgins, Kate Douglas, Jesus / The Bible, Bill Donohue, Douglas Krantz, Casey Kochmer. Stock images from the amazing stock site, Envato.com


So I've finally managed to find some time and space to read through this fully and it's given me lots to think on a perhaps even revealed some truths about myself. In many ways I think I am torn between the feminine which is who I am and feel comfortable with, if only I were allowed to truly embrace it, and the masculine which is what I have to rise up to be to protect myself and those I care for. My thinking is more logical, but it can sometimes try to deny my intuition, with the belief that they must clash. It's taken me years to accept that they can coexist. Perhaps that is down to the imbalanced world we are currently living in.

I feel I want to add something to what you mentioned on the constitution using men. The word man at one time had no gender connotations, any more than the word bear does. I recall reading description of woman being a word to describe a female human. Man was literally just a word to describe our species. That said, I am also aware that at the time the constitution was drawn up people were not certainly not considered equal. So the word man would most likely have referred to the aristocracy or landowners, who would all be equal among themselves. Perhaps this is where that divide came subconsciously, in the knowledge that women were not counted among those men, so men became the only ones able to take that species title?

It also reminds me of the Manga Carta that so many believe gives us rights. It was never meant to give rights to the commoners, only to the aristocracy who created it and demanded the king sign it. Which he duly did, then proceeded to ignore. Any documents to give us equality in the past were never meant for the cattle that we are and I'm seeing this being made clear again in recent years as we foolishly believed we were included in those documents.

Unfortunately, often the women we've had in powerful positions end up following in the footsteps of the males around them. Margaret Thatcher started out well and made some huge strides, initially. However, by the time she was ousted it seems that the power had taken her to the same place as many men in that position. Power should probably never be more than temporary.

I'm grateful you took the time to read my article fully, and I'm happy if it managed to spark some truths for you. Each of us is meant to find a comfortable balance of masculine and feminine for ourselves, and sometimes this can take courage. Someone might want to be a hyper-feminine 'girly girl', but be scared of judgment. Or another might want to be a hard-nosed political warrior, but be scared of judgment. Someone might want to be a non-binary, ambivalent, neutral-type, but be scared of judgment. Ultimately, people have the choice to be what they want, proclaiming it with self-love 'loud and proud', or to shrink back in fear, relegating themselves completely out of their desired balance.

Interesting addition about the constitution! Great point! And in ancient times I imagine 'man' was just short-form for human being, but there were clear gender differences and castes implied by 'man' and 'woman' from medieval witch-burning ages and centuries after. By the time the constitution was written, they most certainly were aware of this and could have used 'human', 'citizen', 'person', 'people' etc. In fact I believe they did use "We the people", but the switched to 'man' during the equality statement, specifically to exclude 'slaves', 'women', and 'children', whom they did NOT consider equal. But even if I'm wrong, whatever the case, it's 2021, and that language in such an 'important' document could most definitely be updated.

But like you said, just like the Magna Carta and other political documents... those documents are often made with strange motivations and agendas, and they're the 'letter' of the law not the 'spirit' of it, and they often go ignored when it suits a king or whoever.

As for power, I believe I've said all I can say on the subject here and here, lol.

As always, thank you for your wonderful, well-thought out contributions to the discussion, I value and appreciate you. #KeepRyzing 🙏

The thing about words when it comes to common law in the US, UK and British commonwealth (where common law is still acknowledged), is that they still have those original meanings. So a woman in court needing to express herself as someone free would address herself as a man. To address herself as a woman denotes her as belonging to a man, thus having no rights. I believe therein lies the trick with the word man as it's being used in the constitution. If you want to play their game, then you use their words and apply them as needed. They aren't interested in you getting offended at having to call yourself a man. People is the collective word, so you can't call yourself that, then person refers more to the 'paper' self, so a company can also be a person. An entity on paper has no rights in law, only in the legal system, where the rules can be changed at their leisure.

Still, it's all a separation of us and them. As you say, the letter of the law and not the spirit.

Thanks for the added clarity here! And you're right, the law does have an interesting approach to language, but ultimately " letter of the law and not the spirit" is the most vital issue from which others spring.

I could write another 10,000 words on language-reflecting-thought, evolving meanings, and the power of labels, but at least I touched on it here: Why No One Reads What You Write: A Masterclass In Communication (linking it in case anyone is following our discussion and wants to dig deeper.)

As always, thanks for a great chat! 🙏

Tagging some wonderful women who may appreciate this: @miriannalis , @sindetalles , @nioberojas , @riverflows , @minismallholding , @aguilaazul7777 , @mipiano , @brittandjosie , @purepinay , @enmy , @callmeenjoy , @zullyscott , @SamSmith1971 , @crosheille , @josie2214 , @silviabeneforti , @dreemsteem , @soyunasantacruz , @sofs-su , @rosa4r , @yolimarag , and @dswigle :) I poured a lot of love into this, hope you like! 🙏

This was a truly wonderful and inspirational read @ryzeonline. I have no idea why I missed your tag previously 😢When you have something to say, you go all in and I !LUV it. Our duality is so important as you have shown and as a woman, I find I am in a very privileged position to be able to exhibit freely both sides of that duality in ways that feed my needs. Physically, I am able to dress up girly for a girl's night out or chill down in jeans and t's with my boys and have fun playing football or cricket in the backyard. I am able to use left-brained logic and intellect and enjoy and take part in engaging and captivating intellectually stimulating discussion, as well as tuning in with my creative soul to speak to the things that move me deeply, passionately, emotionally. I can organise and run a household and work as a professional in an intellectual environment, and still provide the necessary gentle touch of a Mom and wife needed to nurture my children's ouchies, be they of the body or of the heart, and provide comfort and care and wipe away the tears when they come. You are so right in that the duality of our nature lies within each and every one of us, born male or born female. We just need to recognise this and learn how to access the strengths that each facet of our beings empowers us with so that we can use them appropriately when required and learn that when we use either aspect more dominantly, it does not have to be to the exclusion of the less dominant characteristic at the time. It is important not to lean too much as you say...if we put a big kid on one side of the seesaw and a small kid on the other, nobody ends up having any fun or success. So we temper right with left and we temper left with right. I am bookmarking this and reblogging and I hope a lot more people have the blessing and grace to come across you. You are a special person on this platform and we are all truly blessed to have you around🙏!PIZZA

Ayyy, so glad you found the post, enjoyed it, and shared your thoughts here, thank you!

Yes, you seem to be quite at peace with both sides, and get that everyone gets to choose which energy is most dominant within them, if any. It also sounds like you're quite capable of expressing either as suits you, which is a major blessing that makes navigating life much easier, imho.

And wow, I deeply appreciate the high-praise concluding your comment, and thank you for taking action and helping my content 'grace' more people :) You're a blessing to have around too, as far as I'm concerned. !PIZZA! 🙏

I am so pleased I saw it too. I saw you pop up in my notifications just now and I thought....hey, you know what...I need to go read YOU! Little did I know what I was letting myself in for 😂 It is so easy to get tied up in so many little projects that we spread ourselves too thinly in an effort to reach and support as many people as we can and then we forget that there are people that we want to be reading a lot more for ourselves as what they have to say fulfills us and nourishes our souls. So I am glad you popped into my notifications this evening🤗🙏I have some dreemporting to do now but I'll be back in the coming days to read your more recent articles too...although...I've popped my upvote on them already as I know they will be valuable reads already. And yes, I think I am fortunate to feel fairly comfortable in my skin ... I know I have both masculine and feminine strengths and weaknesses and I try to work on enhancing the strengths and reducing the impact of the weaknesses. It is not always an easy task but we can all strive to become more conscious of what makes us tick and helps us to be of better value to our world. Take care Jay, catch you soon on another post🙂

(grin) It's funny how life goes, but I'm glad you managed to make time for and prioritize 'reading for yourself' whatever content that fulfills you (whether that turns out to be well-crafted Netflix shows, or ramblings from me :D)

Wishing you wonderful dreemporting, and I look forward to your thoughts on my other pieces, and am hugely grateful for your trusting 'pre'-upvote! <3

I love people who are comfortable in their skin and love that you aim to enhance strengths and shore-up weaknesses. As long as people are applying themselves and doing their best, then we all continue to #ryze :) Take care and catch you soon! 🙏

@ryzeonline, sorry! You need more to stake more $PIZZA to use this command.

The minimum requirement is 20.0 PIZZA staked.

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@ryzeonline, you've been given LUV from @samsmith1971.

Check the LUV in your H-E wallet. (1/1)

Estoy preparando mi respuesta. ya lo leí una vez, deseo volver a leer varias veces y ten la seguridad de que te comparto mi experiencia. Abrazos para ti.

Te agradezco profundamente que te hayas tomado el tiempo de leerlo y comprenderlo a fondo antes de responder. Me encantaría que más personas se condujeran como tú. ¡Abrazos! ¡Te deseo un gran día! 🙏

I deeply appreciate you taking the time to read and understand it thoroughly before responding. I'd love to see more people conducting themselves as you do. Hugs! Wishing you a great day! 🙏

Always tag me too to this kind of post... I am a fan as well. Thanks

My pleasure, thanks for inviting me to tag. I posted a new article just now and tagged you! :) 🙏

Thanks for the tag.... It was timely

My pleasure, thank you for inviting it! 🙏

And it’s totally fine to be any of these things –no judgment– do whatever suits you because the universe has room for (and values) all.

In fact, no one can ever be completely one or the other, because there’s always an element of the feminine in the masculine, and vice-versa.

Thank you, Rye for this inspiring and motivational article. I somehow feel ashamed on how I was walking on an eggshell because I was protecting this reputation and in a society where everyone is entitled to our own opinion, where do you find your safe place? And how did I not find my voice? But even the most awful feeling and traumatic experience, I am surprised I still keep showing up and this because of the people that I surround myself with, those who believe in me and people like you actually understand and cares about true humanity.

It's funny because I was never the person who will ignore the critics especially and would always fight back. My sister even said, "this is isnt you, why are you letting people judge you like this, they dont the real you!" I wasnt really sure how to answer this because did have so many things to say and to be honest I had so much anger that I wanted to reply to every single comments just to justify and prove where am coming, it might have helped? I dont know but as far as I know it was painful not to defend my side but it would have been more painful if my team will continue to read the toxic comments. When I invited them to join me here on Hive because it is a better place to share their talent and creativity. I still believe it is because that is the mindset that I am sharing with others. It might sound naive and unrealistic but everyone is different and its the way we see things and even when I did hit the rock bottom and failed so many times, I will still keep showing up and continue to learn throughout this journey.


You're amazing Gil, thank you for this heartfelt comment and it's great to see you back on Hive, sharing whatever you're inspired to.

Since 'we are all one' any judging someone does just comes back on them, and really, they're mostly just judging themselves. Hopefully we're all strong enough to ignore judgment and do what feels best to us in our hearts.

Sometimes the most courage and integrity of all is to put away defensiveness and 'turn the other cheek', and it sounds like you did that for the good of your team, which is a loving, beautiful thing to do.

Thank you for making Hive a nicer, kinder place, I appreciate you.

J 🙏

so sorry hehehe I still haven't been able to read the whole thing. my day goes from 6am to 10 pm and I keep dropping in here to read a bit more and then get pulled away again! LOLOL

but from what i DID read - you're encouraging women to step up and be more confident in who they are. Yes - I believe that is a human charge. Not just women but men. Men have been groomed to do this -moreso than women. but so many men are also slacking these days.

it really is an individual journey and too often - people realize that they missed out on so many years of expressing who they are

I don't know much about the law of attraction - but for me, I think it would sort of align with my faith. I believe that Christ has given me the gifts and the power to use those gifts in a way that honors Him daily. I use them to spread love, joy, peace, to all those around me (on good days hehehehe) and on the bad days - well, I'm more selfish and focused on me. Thankfully - He doesn't hold a record of wrongs - but His mercy is new everyday and blessing me fresh to open my eyes to the day before me. I physically BURN with delight when I get to DO the things I'm equipped to do - and I long for more aspects of those passions in my life. so maybe that is a little bit like the law of attraction for you?

My heart sings as I get to do the things i was designed to do- and the more I do them, the more joy I have and spread, and even radiate in a contagious way to draw others to me to share in that joy! hehehehe For me- my faith in Christ is everything! (can you tell? hahaha)

so i hope I did an honorable job commenting here - and so sorry I wasn't able to fully digest this!!! thankfully the blockchain is forever! hahahaha so I can always come back to peek at it :)

sending love to you @ryzeonline !!! :)

All good, I encourage people to read as much or as little suits them.

Yes, you're right, it is a human, individual journey that people often miss out or slack on for years.

I was raised in a Christian family and believe Jesus was a 'master manifestor' able to use the law of attraction with stunning, 'miraculous' results, so I'm sure it'd align with your faith. In fact, I made a meme about Jesus & LOA here. His teachings were extremely LOVE & LOA-based, and living with love, passion, and good will towards others while leveraging the laws of the universe is a pretty solid approach. :)

I appreciate your comment, you did a great job with it, and I hope the article holds enough value to call you back for a full read, but either way, sending love to you as well, @dreemsteem !!! :) 🙏

hehehe ok - this is a 43 minute read! LOL

so I am going to try to leave this up throughout the week and snack on it!!! hahahaha

thank you for tagging me! I definitely want to support all this hard work you put into this post! :)

Yeah, I've written almost a million words on Hive at this point, I consider it offering 'a generous library' of work freely to the public, and I make a point not to 'waste words.'

Personally I believe it's one of the most empowering pieces written on the topic, but I could be wrong. Either way, I hugely appreciate you checking it out and I'd love to hear your thoughts as and when it suits you. Much love! 🙏

Awe.. I rarely see men who were vocal enough to admit that we run the world. :) Thank you so much for this amazing post Ryze. Sometimes, we need this kind of words to uplift our energy when dealing with so many things, especially with a single mom like me. You're amazing! thank you.

Hahah, well I'm almost at a million words 'vocalized' here on Hive since I started, lol. And my pleasure, glad you appreciated it, keep #ryzing and shining, the world benefits from people like you. 🙏

Thank you so much! 🥰


Greetings friend I share with you that we are like that there should be a balance between the parts man and woman, for both was the creation and I believe that there should be that competition that many have between the two as we are all powerful and have wonderful things in our being that we can offer to the whole world.

I love when you talk about your mother and the teachings she left you from that wonderful book as the Bible.

I especially admire her teachings "She raised me to be generous of heart and kind to others. She raised me to seek understanding and harmony as a priority, rather than jumping to conclusions. She taught me to have perspective and be considerate rather than selfish, petty or antagonistic. She taught me to be in tune with my feelings and the feelings of others...without compromising my integrity..."....

You had priceless courage and some great teachings that now it's your turn to pass them on, thank you truly for tagging me in this very valuable post 🤗. A hug. @ryzeonline

¡Saludos amigo! Me alegra mucho que me hayas hecho este comentario, y que entiendas que todos somos poderosos y que el mundo felizmente hace espacio para el equilibrio de ambos. Escribir sobre mi madre fue una de mis partes favoritas del artículo, así que me alegra que lo aprecies. Ella me enseñó muchas lecciones maravillosas sobre la vida, y estoy feliz de transmitirlas como pueda. Te deseo un gran día. Abrazos. #TogetherWeRyze 🙏

Traducción realizada con la versión gratuita del traductor www.DeepL.com/Translator

Greetings friend! I'm so happy you gave me this comment, and that you understand we are all powerful and the world happily makes space for a balance of both. Writing about my mother was one of my favorite parts of the article, so I'm glad you appreciate it. She taught me so many wonderful life-lessons, and I'm happy to pass them on however I can. Wishing you a great day. Hugs! #TogetherWeRyze 🙏

I have an hour reading your post and I got half way through I had to get to the Beyonce part 😂, I'll start processing the first part to continue.

Thank you for tagging me in this very select group it's an honor to be among those women so valuable to the hive.

Greetings @ryzeonline, I wish you rest and that you recover soon the energies invested in this article.

lol, bueno te agradezco que leas y comentes. También me alegra que te tomes tu tiempo para procesarlo, escribí algunos pensamientos profundos. Es un honor etiquetarte y te agradezco tus amables palabras y deseos. ¡Gracias y te deseo un gran día! 🙏

lol, well I appreciate you reading and commenting. I'm also glad you're taking your time to process it, I wrote some deep thoughts. I'm honored to tag you and I'm grateful for your kind words and wishes. Thanks and wishing you a great day! 🙏

Empowering Thank You for using LOH.jpg

Thank you for such a warm welcome! I appreciate you! 🙏

I super love it, Beyonce's energy is powerful indeed.

I hope I have the same energy as her, lol.
Thank you for this article, it means a lot. Women should support each other. But sadly in reality it is very rare but I am truly blessed to have a few yet supportive pals cheering me up when I am in doubt.

I so glad you love it, and I agree! Huge congrats on your being blessed with supportive pals cheering you up, I imagine this article is inspiring some others toward the same already. Many people shared it with their friends :) Thanks for your awesome comment, wishing you a great day! 🙏

Thank you so much, hope this blog enlightened the mind of the people not only for girls/women but for all.
Life is too short to be mad, insecure, etc name it. We should cheer people and be happy for the achievements of others and wait till it's our turn. 😊😇

Yes, I hope for the same (and thank you for reblogging it to help it reach more people!) Indeed, happy cheer is a great approach. :) 🙏

Hola! 🤩🤩🤩

Me estoy disfrutando este post, pero es para leerlo despacito y releer otras partes.

Después que termine paso por aquí a dejarte mis comentarios del post.

Te adelanto que es un tema que siempre me ha cautivado y hoy me regalas esta oportunidad 😍


Hello 🤩🤩🤩🤩.

I'm enjoying this post, but it's to read it slowly and reread other parts.

After I finish I'll stop by to leave you my comments on the post.

I tell you in advance that it is a topic that has always captivated me and today you give me this opportunity 😍.

Thanks ....

¡Hola!🤩🤩🤩 Me alegro mucho de que te esté gustando mi post, y me alegro aún más de que te tomes tu tiempo con él, porque quería tratar este tema en profundidad y bien. Espero tus opiniones al respecto cuando sea el momento. ¡Gracias y te deseo un gran día! 🙏

Hello! 🤩🤩🤩 I'm so glad you're enjoying my post, and I'm even happier that you're taking your time with it, because I wanted to treat this topic deeply and well. I'm looking forward to your thoughts on it whenever the time is right. Thank you and wishing you a great day! 🙏

Bang, I did it again... I just rehived your post!
Week 78 of my contest just started...you can now check the winners of the previous week!

You rock! 🙏

And humans are designed to be ‘lights’ on earth.
We’re all meant to ‘light up’ our lives, and that can’t be done without some amount of both energies. Feminine and masculine.

Polarities are important.

Yes! We are all meant to be lights. We're meant to be happy and light up from within. I spend a lot of time in my masculine when I'm working. I can tell when it's time to stop, dance, sing, or create and get out of my head and get back into my body. My body will start to ache, I'll start to feel uncomfortable in my body and sometimes I even find myself getting annoyed with work. When these things happen I know it's time to stop and break and get into my body and out of my head. But I definitely need the polarity of both feminine and masculine. I used to think masculine meant being "manly" but I was wrong. It just means thinking more, being logical, and using my brain for work. I definitely identify as feminine though. I enjoy being in my body more. Being creative, dancing, and FEELING not thinking.

Male-led institutions have tried hard to degrade the feminine.

they have. And we've allowed it for far too long. I allowed it in my life repeatedly. Now I refuse to allow anyone to degrade me unless I choose to 😉

Progress happened as women’s steps into ‘the market’ was celebrated as ‘being more on the same level’ as men. It had a side-effect though. The art of being feminine, homemaking, nurturing, and everything traditionally connected with women came to be perceived as derogatory –not just by men– but by women themselves.

I got a lot of shit from women when I decided to quit teaching and become a full-time SAHM. My family, my friends, my co-workers all thought it was ok to tell me what a mistake I was making. The judgment was so gross. I stopped it by leaving the country and getting far away from their judgment. But it was the same when new people would ask me what I did and I said I was a SAHM. The judgment or the pity in their eyes lol. I loved being a SAHM. I spent time nurturing my children, my home, and myself. I wouldn't change it for anything. Even now when I tell women I love being traditional and love my life as a submissive they judge. But now I don't care. I know it's because so many want to be that way but are afraid of judgment or are afraid, to be honest with themselves about it. Women have definitely judged me more for my traditional choices than men. Men are like well duh that's what's natural for you and most women want to buck against what feels most natural so they can be perceived as strong.

But You once told me...strong glass breaks when it falls. A squishy, soft newborn bounces and doesn't get hurt when it falls. I'd much rather be soft and squishy than harsh and strong.

Excellent article. Thank You!

Glad you're feeling it, and I'm glad you're in tune with both sides of yourself and pay attention to them.

I'm so glad you understand that you decide what's allowed in your life or not.

Yep, hopefully people are supporting you whenever you're choosing for yourself, whether that be a teaching career, SAHM, or whatever else suits you.

Thanks for all your help with this article. #KeepRyzing ❤️🙏

Always my pleasure. I love this article. You did an amazing job to help empower women. You did the same for me and I'm forever grateful ❤️❤️❤️


I am a woman and I am proud to be one. I enjoyed every word of this article. Thanks

I'm so happy to hear it, I poured a lot of love into it! #KeepRyzing :) 🙏

Hey mate, sorry to jump in off-topic.
Do you mind reviewing and supporting the Hive Authentication Services proposal? That would be much appreciated.
Your feedback about the project is welcome too.
Thank you.

HAS sounds great, definitely something Hive could benefit from. Reviewed and supported. Only note might be more clear reassurance that such sensitive data would be stored and handled with extreme care. Wishing you lots of success.

The other HAS-related posts address the subject of data security in more detail.

Thank you for your support @ryzeonline, really appreciate it! 👍

My pleasure, you do great things for hive. I only mentioned it because data safety for a key-holding/login-platform is something that may be worth addressing upfront on the proposal page. I could see some people bouncing or 'not supporting' simply because their data-concerns haven't been addressed clearly enough, but if you prefer to keep those things in other posts instead, totally your call. Either way, wishing you lots of success! 🙏

Too much information damages information. It is simply impossible to explain in a few lines how security is implemented in HAS. Having an endless introduction post just wasn't an option to me.

I've studied communication, UX/UI, marketing, landing pages, fundraising, and information design and architecture, so I'm well aware of what you're getting at.

I was simply suggesting a large headline or link that says "Want to know how INCREDIBLY SAFE we keep your data? Click here."

YOU literally asked for my feedback. You did it on Engage, and I gave STUNNING feedback. Now you did it again for this project, and again, I provided HELPFUL feedback.

Feel free to dismiss it, just like you did last time, I've done my part. 🙏

There are lots of take-home points in your post, you really did a great job stringing all these points together. I had a nice read.

Thank you so much for saying that, I'm glad you enjoyed it! #KeepRyzing :) 🙏

always amazed by your posts! So much dedication and passion :) Well done!

I so far only managed to browse through the article, but how do you address the problem of defining masculine/feminine energy? Where does one start and the other end? Or would you say that there more of a gradual transition?

Thanks so much, I really appreciate it!

we all have both energies inside us, and that they're energies we can personally feel and have 'intimate' knowledge with. It also mentions that just like the 'two dots' in the yin-yang symbol, there is always a bit of masculine in the feminine, and a bit of feminine in the masculine.Great question, @tobetada ! The article emphasizes heavily that

Because of all this, definitions aren't too necessary since one person experiencing a 'feminine' trait as masculine 'for them' is fine, and vice-versa. Defining whether a certain trait is masculine or feminine is mainly only helpful in 'broad strokes' to 'get a point across' and is usually quite intuitive. If someone really passionately wants to define things, the definitions of masculine and feminine traits are best pulled from the creator of gender in the first place... nature.

In nature, the lion's share of females do the nurturing across all species (but there are exceptions.) In nature, the lion's share of males are larger, stronger, and more aggressive. So we might ask ourselves, what energies does nature deem feminine or masculine?

But I must repeat, definitions are much less important than one's own personal relationship and understanding with both energies, because even if that understanding/personal definition differs from others, at least we know who we are and are in harmony with our own personal balance of energies, and that's what really matters.

Hope this helps clear things up, wishing you a great day! 🙏

thanks for the response, I can see that you have delved into this topic quite a bit! :)

Thanks for noticing!

And yes, indeed I have, as I do with the vast majority topics I write about :) 🙏


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