Los gurrufios los hacíamos con botones grandes no me dejaban hacerlos con tapas de refresco porque cortaban la chapa, de verdad que eramos creativos con los juegos, bueno eran juegos pasado por la abuela, pero nos divertían mucho. Todavía tengo una perinola por allí era de mis hijos. Que época más linda. Muchísimas gracias por el comentario. Un abrazo.
We made the gurrufios with large buttons. They didn't let me make them with soda lids because they would cut the metal. We really were creative with the games. Well, they were games passed down by our grandmother, but they had a lot of fun for us. I still have a whirligig there that belonged to my children. What a beautiful time. Thank you very much for the comment. A hug.