This is a very good topic and very relevant in terms of financial education which I think is low in the Philippines. While the family culture in PH is strong, one of its downsides is on familial dependency. To the extent that children are seen as investments/insurances when one gets old.
"Marry and have kids so that someone can take care of you".
"Once the eldest graduates, I can retire"
Sometimes I feel bad that I have never offered something to my parents for their daily needs. However, my mantra is that I am ready to help once asked, but will not offer something unsustainable and unnecessary.
I definitely believe that it is the parents' job to raise the child and guide them to their success. No obligation whatsoever for them to pay back. This also means, parents should still prepare for their own retirement and not rely on their children. Definitely agree with what you say, "Giving back should be out of gratitude".
I respect your decision whether or not you plan to have an offspring. Come to think of it, it's actually responsible people like you who is conscientious about sustainability and financial education that should go forth and multiply.
Hopefully, more blessings to come your way. :)
That's the problem. Financial education is very low in the Philippines. And lots of old mindset. Children are not born and raised to be investments. That's a life you made, parents should be responsible to give their children the best, not the other way around. If the children would want to give back, it's really heartfelt if it's out of gratitude.
Hahahaha no pa rin sa offspring, katakot! hahaha