
✦ Let's talk about tricks for creating a beautiful, sustainable fashion closet. I'm a fan of slow fashion and I don't think that's what you and I have been talking about here, dear friend :3c - Edition in Picsart-CapCut, photo by @Tesmoforia ✦

🇪🇸 ~ Hoy ha sido un día ajetreado y ayer dormí especialmente mal (-‸ლ) estoy tratando de terminar un proyecto "simple" de reciclaje antes del viernes y no me esta yendo muy bien, así que aquí estoy para relajarme, leyendo publicaciones en la comunidad de Ladies Of Hive y con buen ánimo para conversar sobre las preguntas de esta semana (ノ ω ヽ)
🇺🇸 ~ Today has been a busy day and I didn't get much sleep last night (-‸ლ) I'm trying to finish a "simple" recycling project before Friday and it's not going very well, so here I am relaxing, reading posts in the Ladies Of Hive community and in good spirits chatting about this week's questions (ノ ω ヽ)


✦ "Sustainable Fashion: How do you dress stylishly and ethically without breaking your budget?" ✦
La ropa de "segunda mano" es una opción más genial de lo que crees. Deja que me explique: La moda rápida que inunda la mayoría de las tiendas pequeñas o grandes es ropa destinada a durar muy poco para que compres más lo más pronto posible; la confección por lo general es malísima y los materiales ultra-económicos por no decir de muy mala calidad hacen que estas prendas pierdan su encanto (si es que alguna vez lo tuvieron) después del primer ciclo en la lavadora.
"Second hand" clothing is a cooler option than you think. Let me explain: The fast fashion that floods most stores, big or small, is clothing designed to last a very short time so that you will buy more as soon as possible; the tailoring is usually lousy and the ultra-cheap, not to mention very poor quality materials make these garments lose their charm (if they ever had it) after the first cycle in the washing machine.
¿A qué quiero llegar con esto?: Soy una apasionada del "Thrifting" desde muy niña, aunque originalmente de muebles de madera, ya como adulta me he fijado en que la "ropa antigua" esta mucho mejor confeccionada y la calidad de sus materiales es increíblemente superior, por lo que buscar tiendas que vendan este tipo de ropa es algo que te sugiero altamente. A mi personalmente me gusta la ropa de buena calidad, resistente, durable, no algo que tenga que tener cuidado de cómo me siento o por dónde camino porque las costuras se puedan romper.
What am I getting at?: I have been passionate about "thrifting" since I was a child, although originally from wooden furniture, as an adult I have found that "vintage clothing" is much better made and the quality of the materials is incredibly superior, so looking for stores that sell this type of clothing is something I highly recommend. Personally, I like good quality, sturdy, durable clothing, not something where I have to watch how I sit or where I walk because the seams might break.
"¿Eso quiere decir que tu compras ropa usada y pasada de moda porque te parece mejor?", ¡no!, de hecho mi forma de vestir siempre recibe muchos halagos, no me gusta usar cualquier cosa a menos que a propósito quiera pasar desapercibida en algún sitio. Entonces te cuento uno de mis secretos, yo ubico este tipo de tiendas en mi ciudad y busco tranquilamente con mucho cuidado en todas, absolutamente todas las secciones, ganchos y percheros de TODA la tienda, y he descubierto que puedes encontrar ropa completamente nueva y en perfecto estado, el truco es avanzar lentamente y no permitir que nadie te apresure, si vez algo que te guste revisa primero la etiqueta y confirma la marca, la talla, y los tipos de textil que la componen, cuélgalo en tu brazo y sigue avanzando hasta completar el recorrido hasta que finalmente puedas ir al probador.
"Does that mean you buy used and old fashioned clothes because they look better to you?" No! in fact my way of dressing always gets me a lot of compliments, I don't like to wear just anything unless I'm deliberately trying to go unnoticed somewhere. Then let me tell you one of my secrets, I locate these types of stores in my town and I quietly look very carefully in every, absolutely every section, hook and rack in EVERY store, and I have found that you can find brand new clothes in perfect condition, the trick is to move slowly and don't let anyone rush you, if you see something you like check the tag first and confirm the brand, size and type of fabric it is made of, hang it on your arm and keep moving forward until you complete the tour until you can finally go to the fitting room.
De entre todo lo que escogiste, descarta lo que no te entalle correctamente, lo que sean prendas demasiado en tendencia, específicas o poco combinables. Compra solo aquello que realmente te enamore y haga que tu cerebro te grite "¡lo necesito para ser feliz!", y siempre piensa en lo que ya tienes en casa. La ropa "nueva" es bonita claro, no quiero decir que me privo de ella porque los jeans son algo que renuevo cada cierto tiempo igual que mis camisetas, peeeero he encontrado auténticos tesoros de excelente calidad en tiendas de segunda mano, de hecho tengo un blog pendiente de eso, en mi último recorrido incluso conseguí un vestido nuevo de una marca de ropa alternativa italiana (aún no completo el conjunto pero será parte de un atuendo 100% decora japonés), ¡y en una salida anterior por 15$ me llevé 3 vestidos nuevos cuyo valor original superaba los 60 euros! (soy fan de scanear las etiquetas de los vestidos que me llaman la atención, es de gran ayuda para verificar qué estas comprando).
Among all the things you have chosen, discard what does not fit you, what is too trendy, too specific, or cannot be combined. Buy only what you really love and what makes your brain scream "I need it to be happy!" and always think about what you already have at home. "New" clothes are nice of course, I don't mean I deprive myself of them, because jeans are something I renew from time to time, as well as my t-shirts, but I have found real treasures of excellent quality in thrift stores, in fact I have a blog coming up about this, on my last tour I even got a new dress from an Italian alternative clothing brand (I haven't finished the outfit yet, but it will be part of a 100% Japanese decora outfit), and on a previous trip I got 3 new dresses for $15 that were originally worth over 60 Euros! (I'm a fan of scanning the tags of the dresses that catch my eye, it's a great help to verify what you're buying).


✦ "Mindfulness: How do you achieve inner peace despite busy life and daily struggles?" ✦
"(...) La paz interior es un estado de calma, serenidad y armonía con uno mismo, los demás y el mundo (...)" o también "(...) es un estado profundo de aceptación y satisfacción (...)" son algunas de las descripciones que encuentras en Google, y lo he tenido que googlear porque para mi el termino "paz interior" es muy difícil de tener en claro.
"(...) Inner peace is a state of calm, serenity, and harmony with oneself, others, and the world (...)"* or also "(...) is a deep state of acceptance and contentment (...)" are some of the descriptions you can find on Google, and I had to google it because for me the term "inner peace" is very difficult to define.
Cuando pienso en "lograr la paz interior" quiza hace algunos meses hubiera contestado que recurro a alguna actividad tranquilizadora, relajante o satisfactoria, como jugar mi videojuego retro favorito de SNES, hablar de BL con una amiga, pasar algún tiempo haciendo jardinería ensuciándome los pies, o comer algo de confort food, pero en este momento cuando pienso en cómo lograr la paz interior a pesar la vida ocupada y las luchas diarias... siento que todas esas cosas son distracciones, porque su efecto es temporal y cuando termine, mis problemas seguirán allí, la situación que me alteró aún habrá pasado y mañana será otro día lleno de incertidumbre a merced de todo lo que no puedes controlar pero te afecta negativamente.
When I think about "achieving inner peace", maybe a few months ago I would have answered that I turn to some calming, relaxing, or satisfying activity, like playing my favorite retro SNES video game, talking about BL with a friend, spending some time gardening and getting my feet dirty, or eating some comfort food, but at this moment when I think about how to achieve inner peace despite the busy life and daily struggles... I feel that all those things are distractions, because their effect is temporary and when it is over, my problems will still be there, the situation that upset me will still have passed and tomorrow will be another day full of uncertainty at the mercy of everything that you cannot control but affects you negatively.
Justo este mes de febrero comencé a tratar de "desintoxicarme" de la dopamina. Procuro recurrir menos a los medios de entretenimiento o la comida o los pasatiempos lindos como recurso para reconfortarme y en lugar de eso estoy tratando de recostarme y respirar, buscando dentro de mi el silencio suficiente para conseguir un autentico descanso. Quisiera llegar a un momento de mi vida (espero mas pronto que tarde) donde no dependa de situaciones o elementos externos a mi, alcanzar un estado mental y emocional que no solo sea resiliente sino que este verdaderamente contenta con el silencio y con la sola presencia de "soy, y estar"; conseguir que mi mente no se vaya lejos a diferentes lugares, personas o acontecimientos (mente rumiante) y se quede solo allí tranquila siendo suficiente recurso para procesar lo que este pasando, aprender lo que haya que aprender y luego dejar ir sin hacerme juicios de esto o aquello. Esa idea me hace feliz, tener la capacidad de dejar de pensar si esto es bueno o malo y ver todo como una espectadora, no sintiéndome como "alguien a quien le pasa algo y debe hacer algo al respecto".
Just this month of February, I began trying to "detox from dopamine", trying to rely less on entertainment media or food or cute hobbies as a source of comfort, and instead trying to lie down and breathe, searching within myself for enough stillness to achieve true rest. I would like to reach a time in my life (hopefully sooner rather than later) where I am not dependent on situations or elements outside of myself, to reach a mental and emotional state that is not only resilient but truly content with silence and just the presence of "I am and being";to get my mind to not wander off to different places, people or events (ruminating mind) and just stay there quietly being enough resource to process what is happening, learn what needs to be learned and then let go without judging this or that. This idea makes me happy, to have the ability to stop thinking if this is good or bad and to see everything as a spectator, not feeling like "someone to whom something is happening and who has to do something about it".

Esta es mi participación para el "Ladies of Hive Community Contest #226" y aún tienes tiempo de participar, espero te animes a escribir y sobre todo leer a otras autoras y dejarles un lindo feedback 💕
This is my entry for the "Ladies of Hive Community Contest #226" and you still have time to participate, I hope you will be encouraged to write and especially to read other authors and leave them some nice feedback 💕
✦ Good night dear ones ✦

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✨ 🍓 All texts and images by @Tesmoforia 🍓 ✨
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🚨 ¡Please do not take, edit or republish my material without my permission! 🚨
💌 ¿Do you wish to contact me? Discord #tesmoforia 💌
🌙 Banner, signature and separators by Keili Lares
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I agree with you, it is preferable to make a good unhurried tour in the shops until you get what you really love, good that you get offers that you like, wanting to have the ability to stop thinking if this is good or bad and see everything as a spectator, it is already a big step, I wish you get all that inner peace you deserve, thank God for sharing your experiences,
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tokens.Use !LADY command to share LOH! More details available in this post.@cautiva-30, you successfully shared 0.1000 LOH with @tesmoforia and you earned 0.1000 LOH as tips. (2/11 calls)
$PIZZA slices delivered:
(3/10) @cautiva-30 tipped @tesmoforia
You’ve got a really introspective approach to finding inner peace, @tesmoforia . It’s true that many of the activities we turn to for comfort are temporary distractions, and it’s great that you’re exploring ways to find stillness within yourself. Detoxing from dopamine and focusing on inner stillness sounds like a meaningful journey toward lasting peace.
Reaching a state where you’re not dependent on external factors for your emotional well-being is an admirable goal. It’s wonderful that you’re aiming to achieve a mental and emotional state that’s content with just being present.
Your idea of viewing things as a spectator, without judgment, is profound. It’s a powerful way to process life’s events and let go of unnecessary stress. Keep pursuing this path, and I’m sure you’ll find the inner peace you’re looking for. 🌟
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tokens.Use !LADY command to share LOH! More details available in this post.@silversaver888, you successfully shared 0.1000 LOH with @tesmoforia and you earned 0.1000 LOH as tips. (10/50 calls)
I love to Shop Thrift shops too. About 75% of my wardrobe are Thrifted Vintage treasures. A place where if I am patient enough I can find a quality Vintage gems and fair price come together. Such shops are often non-profit where profits go into social needs and charities. ❤️
It's unhealthy relying on medications, still better to go with natural things..
but really, sometimes I just don't want to think about things around me..but it's also impossible not to think haha..
I have the same opinion about second hand clothes... It is a very underrated market. A lot of really nice stuffs can be found there at a ridiculously affordable price.