That last photo is sublime! I really love that one! 💜
I like your treatise of this week's topic. I totally agree that the marginalizing of others is one of my biggest triggers of anger, too. And, it is even worse when it comes from someone who also feels marginalized — such as those who feel oppressed by government, big business, big pharma, but then turn around and malign others because of their race, religion, or gender. It's so hypocritical. 😠
"I am committed to cultivating loving speech and compassionate listening to relieve suffering and promote reconciliation and peace..."
Oh, that above idea from Thích Nhất Hạnh... we need more of that in this world! Bravo! 😊
Oh that hypocrisy is crazy, right?? That inability to either see where you've come from eg a marginalised race marginalising other migrants, or as you say, feeling oppressed by institutions and taking it out on others. But that's where bullies come from, right? It's when they've felt bad for being mistreated themseles and have to deflect it outwards.
Thích Nhất Hạnh had such beautiful, wise and perfect instructions for living a simple, mindful life - what a blessing he was for the world. I'd rather recite that than a national anthem! Why do we swear allegiance to the state and not to humanity as a whole and how we can serve each other and ourselves in more meaningful, compassionate ways?
Lovely to see you @kittygirl, I hope all is well in your world.