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RE: Snaps Container // 1732210560

in Snaps4 months ago

My daughter cried for ear pain because of cold late in the night ... Morning came, Yuzu tree arrived 🥹 It had been in a box for 5 days, yet it’s so lively and full of energy. 子供が風邪を引いて耳が痛くて深夜に大泣き。朝柚子の木が届いて、5日間も箱の中だったのにめっちゃ元気で見ているこっちが元気になる 🍋


#hive-158302 #japanese #gardening


Today I learned about Yuzu! 😁 it’s neither lemon nor orange… but it’s related to both of them, nice!

Yes, it's a member of citrus family. It's popular in Japan or Korea so it can be Asian thing. Good thing is that it can be tolerant up to -10 degrees or even more.

It seems like over here in Singapore, Yuzu isn’t imported by the bigger grocery stores. I haven’t seen this fruit.

Just curious is it more or less sour than lemon?
