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RE: Snaps Container // 1737005760

in Snaps2 months ago

Hello from beautiful Dresden! I take wood craft course again to review wood turning techniques. Have a nice weekend 👋
一ヶ月半ぶりのドレスデンからこんにちは。友人と一緒に木工を復習しに来ました ☺️


#travel #dresden #japanese #hive-158302


美しい景色ですねぇ🎵 なぜか、欧州ってただの青空ですら絵になりますね 😊 !BBH


😁🙌🙌🙌 !BBH

Good day to you!
Although woodworking is beautiful, it has always seemed dangerous to me. Have you enjoyed it?
Hey! did you check my tag? at #BuzzParty =D

Hi Nina, nice to hear from you! It can be dangerous but my curiosity and maker split wins. If it’s a sport, I may not do 😅 Skiing was one of my hobby but I may not do it any more …

Hahaha you really don't get bored or waste your time, I'm sure we'll be able to see some work from the workshop soon.

Beer mug for next?? 😉🍻

Nice photo. Lovely weather.

Thanks, yes, it was 😊

If ypu plan to go to Bavaria in the south you can visit my friend Franz who is a wood turner himself. He has had an exhibition in Japan last year.

He really makes large pieces 😮 Series is bowls are beautiful too. Hard to stop watching his Instagram photos and videos!

glad you like them. His wife also does amazing illustrations, I love to visit them in Bavaria the workshop is amazing.

Wow! I check out his Instagram 😊 Thanks for sharing the info!