
Here is the challenge, as someone who has put in a few years modding: getting ahead of problems is the only way to go, especially since the chain is already under attack. We have not seen the rush there will be when Hive is at $1 or higher. Methods, however, might be changed.

I believe communities can handle most of the abuse themselves, at least the moderated and curated ones. People in the communities actually care about the topic(s).

I do see this in some communities, but not in others, so, people will tend to crowd into where the controls are loose, and again: that crowd will get bigger as Hive approaches and passes $1. I get what you are saying: maybe community leaders need to step up.

And we all can downvote if we run into someone clearly abusing the system.

We are also responsible for our upvotes ;) If an abuser gets no upvotes, they also get no reward. And then it is just a waste of time.

In general, I believe all scammers and abusers would earn more if they dedicated the same energy and mental capacity into actually participating in the community/communities with honesty.

They would in the long run ... but the desperate and the truly abuse-minded have this in common: they believe they cannot do that, that it will not get them what they need now.

If Hive as a community would take on really understanding the power of our upvotes and downvotes...

The community consists of individuals. We all are responsible.

Hive Power is called Power for a reason.