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We got a little #snow yesterday. 🌨️ ❄️ More on the way later today.

#photography #winter





Just a wee bit....looks lovely!

It's a nice powder. Almost perfect snow. 😀

That snow looks so crisp and fluffy.

Yeah it was pure powder.

This could be classified as natural art, I love it.

I would agree.

OMG! I want this! 🙃

Should I mail you some? I have plenty. 😜

Hell yeah!

It's time to make snowmen hahahaha... ☃️

Too cold for this oldmans. 😂

Hahaha... Well done friend, I'm sure you did a lot and I can imagine how much work it will be to make a snowman.

the snow makes everything look so magical

Yes it does. 🙂

From My Satellite ...

to my satellite
we do-si-do down
the never-ending

how many
hold hands
with the soil
dual palmed

Visit my blog to view full poem


#poetry #space #science #astronomy #geology #enlightenment #love #photography

Doesn’t look cold at all but it was actually around 1 or 2 degrees! 🥶 nope, not snowing at all! tokyo doesn’t get a lot of snow.. 🥲



#japanese #hive-158302

Showers of gold from a clear blue day!

It was a great day!

nice tall trees providing just enough shade

this is a nice forest view I just finished my drawing for a contest about forest folk festival and I was searching for a reference photo of a forest. Too bad I didn’t see this photo of yours

Awesome forest trail

Wild nature.

Looks like a good fresh air walk

Just received my grow light. I hope it will help growing my cuttings a bit faster.

#gardening #plants #propagation


Very interesting that technique, it does not affect anything later on?

No, it just imitates sunlight.
You only need to switch it off for 12-14 hours at night to give the plant some rest.

Ok, interesting that.

Super cool!

Yeah, I think so too. I hope it helps.

Good to know.

what are you growing?? I was thinking of starting to grow some vegetables and so this year and wanna go with a hydroponic system!

It are cuttings from indoor plants.
But I am also going to use it to grow vegetable plants for outside.

Let it grow....

Too many waves today, at some points I was afraid they could take me away!

The magic of water.

What a natural view. Be careful.

Cool subject matter for a panorama. Well done!

Thank you ... that took a BUNCH of efforts, but it was worth it!

I always have a hard time making sure the shots overlap. I just started taking way more shots than I thought I needed. 🙂

I do that too in general -- way more shots -- I learned that while studying to become a journalist ... you need more than you will ever use!

I am so glad to see my last post may actually benefit people in earning a few extra dollars here and there. Every little helps in the long run, especially when you convert it all to HIVE :)

Very useful post and snap.

Thank you! I hope it can help some others out.

It surely will.

Thank you, I will check it out!

Have a lovely evening! :D

#japanese #hive-158302 #02062025




そうなんですよー。老後は暖かいところで、余生を過ごすっていう夢があって、それだと大阪はなぁなんて思ってます。でも、台湾有事があると巻き込まれそうなので、小笠原とかいいかもですね🎵 !BBH


I hadn't seen about this one, I'll take a look at the website.









#Japanese #photography





Hot ramen is perfect for cold, snowy weather 😀

Ramen was so goood, I can almost eat it everyday 😆




これってホーチミンですか?? !BBH !BEER


そうなんですねぇ~~~きれ~~~ですねぇ~~。 市役所がこんな教会みたいで、しかも夜はライトアップされるって、おしゃれですね! !BBH !BEER 😊👏👏👏



Night adventures.

私が「日常よく使う黒ボールペン1本で文と絵の原稿を書いたZINE」というコンセプトで制作しているZINE、ekakizine 4 を販売開始しました。今回の文のテーマは「私とAI」紙版とPDF版がありますので、お好きな方をどうぞ。下記URLからお買い求めいただけます。


The subject is LANDMARKS
There have been 6 entries for the #pobphotocontest until now. You have until Sunday 8PM CEST to join.

I will try to send a post before sunday.

Oh, so I did it right, I see my shot there :)

Can I perhaps enroll another shot?

You did, I was able to find your entry 😀
There is only one entry allowed per contestant.

I see. Perhaps next time then :)

My first witness of the moonrise as we travel to Cagayan de Oro City.

#photography #moonrise

Beautiful ... the clouds and the sea lit up in a way that recalls both silver and gold!

Thank you so much for appreciating. I was really amazed how beautiful the moon is in the middle of the sea.

Cool shot.

Thank you 😊

You're welcome.

Bought some #splinterlands cards today. 😎

I am preparing for the time when Chaos Legion rotates out of Modern format and I think Avina is one of the best summoners from Rebellion.

What do you think about Avina? 🤔


I think she is good in the right rulesets when you can take advantage of the heal ability on Grim Smith in particular.

But most of the rare summoners are completely outshined by the dual-element legendary summoners.

I would rarely select Avina over Tofu for example.

Yes, I agree. But those legendary summoners are very expensive, as always. 😅

I got all of mine as airdrops from the battle wagons.

OMG!... I downloaded Studio Brick building #software and I'm having #fun like when I was a kid! 😃


#lego #simulation #game #downloads #play #funny

Good to know, haha!

😄👍 Very funny, I recommended it! ;)

I'm gonna take a look.

Un nuevo caso tendrá que asumir un agente para así poder darle fin a todo, así que serán 10 episodios de esta nueva entrega.

Post en los comentarios

HOLOZING CONTEST: The next challenge is coming (tomorrow night)!

Are you ready? You better be, 'cause things are going to heat up.


Semana foi ruim para mim... Novamente eu terei que fazer o post aos 45 do segundo tempo. Espero que eu melhore isso...

Amanhã sem falta eu farei minha entrada.

Relaxa que daqui pra lá ainda tem tempo.

Note to self: make no frivolous side comments in snaps because everyone will fixate on that and miss your main point.

eh don't overthink it imo

COMPRETITIVE MATCH: 1V5 ACE MOMENT. Sharing my recent ace playing valorant with @zactian ...

I used outlaw gun, a double barrel sniper rifle that deals 150 body shot damage, making it very good to use after winning pistol round.


#hivegaming #snaps #fps #peakd







It's nice to see some colors again in nature 💜

Wow. We still have 3 months of snow …


That's also a nice sight!

can we switch? I want flowers and grass!

Nature gave you a show on this.

Nice looks a bit early for me.

Ahhhh - denpends where you are

West coast of the Netherlands.

Our province removed American liquor from its stores in anticipation of tariffs then had to put the bottles back when the tariffs were postponed. In support of our local distillers, I purchased a local brand of whisky that came with a free sampler bottle. 🍁


That sampler bottle is so cute! Do you collect those bottles?

I'm not a big whiskey drinker, so I don't buy it often. Their bottles have really cool designs, especially the ones from Ireland. I don't collect them, but that's not a bad idea. I bought this one because the little bottle is from an American company, so it's kind of funny.

Double trouble, in different sizes. 😂

Cross-border mayhem, for sure. :)

LOL! 🤣


Entrenamiento de Straddle Planche junto a mi gran amigo @ciberman-76

#MomentoSWC #SWC-Snaps #SWC #HIVE

Hey! Esa Straddle se ve bonita! Has mejorado! Saludos!

Muchas gracias! 💪

Saludos hermano, recuerdo ese día como si fuera ayer, grabando el último Challenge 💯💪🏻

Fue un díabastante especial, uno de tantos!

There is a nice distribution of rewards to people that have posted quality comments. Keep on engaging and you might get rewarded!

Nominating quality comments can be done by mentioning @topcomment


More info - Support @topcomment - Discord

That is one of the nicest distributions of ANYTHING on Hive, actually.

Thanks! ❤️

Excellent. This is very important work.

Good work.

I found this butterfly in the bushes at the end of our village, its name is Peacock Pansy. It was very beautiful and fast.


It's a beautiful one.

Indeed, very beautiful -- but not fast enough for you not to catch it in this lovely way!

When it flies, it flies relatively fast.

image.pngMan, what a great badge, the design is really nice #peakd #badge, having badges is really good

Hopefully, Hive-Engine recovers to full operation soon. I do have swaps currently pending because of this DDoS attack.


this is a bit of hassle. spammers are getting bored. :D

I'm not sure about the nature of the attack but I think this is a good test to the robustness of HE. Just image when Hive become popular, there will be more international attacks that will target HE.

So we have to request a security to a decentralized community, then to whom they will follow? this is a security problem right?

Hmm I don't understand your questions, would you like to explain a bit?

i am just trying to say, since hive is a decentralized chain, it is not govern by specific leader. lets say a ceo or some sort. since its a free chain, spammers like this exist, so to protect to those attackers, security is necessary which then needed to be govern by a system

Flowers for you on this lovely morning.


Thank you!

Hahaha. You are welcome.

2025-02-06 12.25.07.jpg

Enjoy your day.

Cada día ha sido un gran reto; sin embargo, estoy dispuesto a superarlo.
Vamos por más calistenia, más SWC.

#Momentoswc #swc #hive


I am pretty much done with the line drawing and will give it a rest. Depending on my mood will decide whether I add color or not. BTW this is my interpretation of Lantern Parade for the forest folk festival drawing contest

wow you are early and very much inspired. I think if you are confident using your coloring materials go for it otherwise just let this drawing as is

I love it already look at those details

Oh wow this is amazing! Love the details 🤌🏼

Amazing work.

Pretty good stuff.

very detailed I could not beat you on this round

Whoot we had 23 entries at the #BeerSaturday challenge last week?

Do we hit 30 next week??


I'll do my share for sure ;)

gary's idle sprite was the first one we animated. since he is heavily radiated, he is breathing heavy, unsure if he is alive or not.

gary idle.gif
i thought he sort of looked like a frog

Or Hulk's baby.

It looks like Hive Engine is recovering after yesterday's issue caused by a bot bombarding it. It's a learning opportunity.

Frosty here today, but I'm staying in. Got coffee and done #Wordle 1,328 3/6


Such words are rather tricky :)

Wordle 1 328 3/6


I did have to think a while about this one. Done some other puzzles too.

Well, based on my first word, I was quite sure which two vowels are there, and then I had three letters out of five after the second try :)

coffee huh now that sounds like a good idea :P

It took me some more tries

Wordle 1.328 5/6


I believe it is possible to create a script or validation for what has happened, isn't it? Something like IF x_acconunt makes a lot of transactions in a short time THEN it blocks or something.

I'm sure they will be looking for unusual activity. Have to be careful about blocking things though.

I agree with you, it takes calmness to analyze what happened and see what the best solution is.

I agree. It's honestly kind of amazing that it never happened before. Better that it happened with a low level attack at a non-critical time. We'll come out of this better than before. Adversity breeds greatness.

Nice to know about this.

Would you believe that I grow sugar apple in my employers house? Here's the evidence. I am in the desert land but I have many plants.

#photography #sugarapple #desert

On my way to Chemnitz to visit the first nursing / retirement home 😊 I’m excited!


#ai #diy #art #design #travel

Ready to travel.

Happy Friday!
I met only 3 or 4 ppl during my walk yesterday. It was so cold that only the brave ones got out of their home

Looking forward to giving them a look!

Greetings @jlinaresp

THANKS a lot dear @bleujay friend!... 😃🙏

Sensational! Congratulations on your efforts! 😍

Thanks a lot my friend! 🙏

Thank you for these beautiful images, have a good night!

Great work! B&W photos are cool!

Thanks a lot @wiseagent friend! 🙏

I believe if we simply took the money Value Plan asks for, and paid a common marketing company for a campaing on web2 social networks, the outcomes would be better.

There's still something everyone can do, though - support the Return Proposal to increase the threshold.


Monochromes photo effect to old buildings feels like a technique that works all the time 😁.


Excellent photo shots 📷

Good work on this.

The crypto market is sometimes quite funny... At the end of the year we were trying to guess when HIVE would hit $0.50, $.80 and even $1...

But now we are seeing HIVE below $0.30 and I only see one thing now, it is called opportunity.


A good time to add more Hive in our bags.

Yep, without a doubt my friend.


Exactly my same thoughts, best time to start stacking while we can!

Yes definitely. The real chances are now and we have the opportunity to accumulate more.

It's a shame I don't have enough HBD to shop during this promotion..

Repurchased my Ecency HP delegation with the points I’ve stacked up, more curation power for me 🫡


Very good, I migrated from ecency to peakd, but it would be good to keep accumulating the points to get this delegation.

I use both in conjunction tbh I mostly use Peakd for viewing and ecency for replying to stack some points and post with all the 3 major front ends 😅

Damn, now I get it kkkk, you're multi frontends xD

best way to get all they can offer! :D

i totally agree, i wish i had that dedication and focus kkkk

Clever move.

thank you bro!

Awesome info!

Good use of your points! :)

That's awesome

Good usecase for the Ecency points! Delegation always helpful :)

The more ways to use the strategy to increase your HP, the better.

I'm hoping to increase a few more points so I can get 3 months of delegation.

Good work friend!

Thank you bro! It’s a great feature they offer, helps a tonne even having 200HP extra, daily returns help build it further!

I try the 3 month delegation but it never seems to let me choose it i don’t know if it’s an option anymore

If I'm not mistaken, it takes 18,000 points. It's not long before I can achieve this and I hope this option still exists hahaha...

But if it doesn't work, I'll use the 200 HP delegation one.

The option shows but for me personally I can’t ever click it via PC or mobile, just never works! a bigger delegation would be lovely but the 200 ones for a month do help some at least!

what a trick? lmfao

Good use of some spare ecency points you may have!


Una galleta con café para iniciar el día



I love coffee and I like to eat social club as well. I really like the pizza flavor, it's delicious, sometimes I put ketchup or mayonnaise on it and eat it with a soft drink or juice.

Buena combinación, feliz día

You can't go wrong with coffee.

Mejor imposible 😃

The reflection in the water was very beautiful.

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