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RE: Snaps Container // 1738730880

in Snapslast month

If a single trading bot with assets worth just a few dollars shoots down the entire L2 tokenomics of Hive, there’s something wrong. It is not decentralised enough.

It was likely the cheapest DDoS attack ever by the way.


Yeah, that was scary ... but also, sadly predictable. Understand what that tells us, in light of people often talking about shoving content creator rewards onto L2 while keeping L1 for whatever: better speak up for getting HIVE, and hold some stake while speaking.

Definitely not a good look.

I've been hearing from many devs that they've had issues with h-e for a long time, even offered solutions but have been ignored, so dunno.

That's quite sad. I assume Holozing uses H-E too, right?

It is definitely very worrisome...