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RE: Snaps Container // 1734288480

in Snaps3 months ago

I see you use clickbait a lot which isnt necessarily bad... :)

"alien invasion has started". lol

How would you form a Hive related short into something thats dumb enough to attract idiot degens but not stupid enough to cause an opposite effect like frustration.
Needs a balance.


It’s all very random. Many things get downvoted to zero. (Only on Hive) … there are no downvotes on YouTube, X or Blurt. … Just create a new blog and try again…. experiment with different things. The important thing is to keep creating new and interesting things. Ignore the haters. Have fun. 😂 #lolz

Im asking about youtube shorts.

You have to try lots of different things. Especially with AI … upload them all to YouTube Shorts, add some fun music… all it takes is 1 YouTube short to go viral and then you get 100,000 subscribers and millions of views on all your videos.