Snaps container post
Snaps Container // 1734288480
2 days ago in Snaps by peak.snaps (68)
- Pending payout amount: $81.42
- Breakdown: 40.71 HBD, 138.94 HP
- commentrewarder: 99.00%
- Payout in 5 days
120 votes
- ranchorelaxo: $21.93
- trafalgar: $19.91
- zingtoken: $15.48
- acidyo: $5.74
- haejin: $4.64
- peakd: $4.48
- jarvie: $1.80
- traf: $1.71
- asgarth: $0.92
- condeas: $0.73
- kvinna: $0.67
- steempeak: $0.59
- poshtoken: $0.32
- raindrop: $0.31
- friendlymoose: $0.28
- peakmonsters: $0.23
- louis88: $0.21
- woelfchen: $0.16
- santigs: $0.15
- softworld: $0.13
- and 100 more
“All things are difficult before they are easy.”
That's why they're worth it.
Very true.
an other holozing healer concept, for i think it would suit well as accessory a will-o'-the-wisp floating around and giving some kind of support
#holozing #ai
That is very well thought out, and the design is also very good and eye-catching.
This is amazing
I want to encourage other communities to recreate the Vibes model of restricting upvotes and unlocking higher upvotes after community members make a promo video.
First month Vibes community had 20k views on Web2 socials from promo vids and this second month we got 62k views.
It works. Imagine if all communities did the same thing. We could easily be doing north of 1 million views and getting 500-1000 Hive promo vids out per month on Web2.
@acidyo @splinterlands @good-karma @liketu @anomadsoul
Ive also been testing short/reel creation for various projects. Travelfeed so far has shown most progress. Over Youtube and IG they got close to 100k views and circa 500 watch hours with a reusable template on 15-20 sec videos for a cost of 150 HBD.
Definitely something we'll be doing as soon as we're in alpha and nearing beta, we have the advantage that we can also ask artists to post video progress of fanart as well as gameplay by then so plenty of content to go around
Sounds interesting. Although I think my community should be a bit bigger and more active for that to.
Do you have any reference links maybe?
Most of our entries on Vibes have the promo video links inside them.
Verbal-d did a post last month summing them all up. He hasnt done one yet for this month.
Actually he did do one for this month.
I think it works better with music videos than with cycling clips though, but good initiative!
It can be adjusted to each community.
I make a fortune with YouTube Shorts shared on my Ecency blogs. Easy to get 1 Million views on a YouTube Short and Monetize after a few weeks.
At a christmas market booth in #vienna: #bitcoin is accepted! The guy told us, only 2 customers so far have used this option.
BTC has to be everywhere.
May more establishments like this emerge as a crypto payment option. It's a dream that I want to come true as soon as possible.
2 Sounds good. What’s the method?
good promotion. He even have leaflet about BTC
He had a terminal where he could issue lightning or BTC invoices as QR codes. Very efficient.
That’s indeed efficient. Already same as common tradfi payment system.
Feels like, we just need to change mindset in order to make mass adoption a reality.
I minted NFT on @nftshowroom after a while. It's fun 🥳 久しぶりにNFT作りました。楽しいですねー!ビットコインネタということで21個発行してみました。来年はビットコイン・クリプトネタのNFTの展示をオンラインでしてみたいな。
#hive-158302 #nft #alienart #japanese #crypto
Just like what they say, BTC is King! You created such a nice piece 🍻
Yes, it’s king 🍻
NFT needs more visibility to be taken seriously.
I still don’t know how to explain and use NFT but just it makes me intersted in it. We will see how it evolves in this crypto cycle 😉
Let's hope for the best.
Christmas is near and all things are starting to get bright. As I look from left to right here in our town, there are christmas lights in every house.
And so with the main branch of our cafe.
We ordered stocks in preparation for the upcoming holidays and we just smiled when we see the new design in our cup. Perfect for this season.
As you can see in the photo.
That's our green apple fruit tea by the way.😁
This tea looks great.
庭のサザンカが満開です💮 お婆ちゃんが「山茶花の宿」と言う歌が好きで、よく歌っていたのを覚えているのですが、大人になって聞き返すとこれって不倫の歌やん!!ってちょっとびっくりしてる😂 今思えば、オカンやオトンがお婆ちゃんによくあきれていたのを大人になってわかるのと、「昭和」と言う時代は「令和」と違ってコンプラ意識も今とは違って、いい意味でも、悪い意味でも「ゆるかった」ってことかなぁ😉 #japanese #12162024 #hive-158302
Lovely! So many flowers for such a small tree 🤩
Yeah, indeed!!! So beautiful! !HUG 😊
Beautiful flowers (and colors).
I tried generating an image using @peakd AI image generator but this error appears, I did not get the image, but the payment has been done.
Hmm... what's the reason?
seems you have to report it in their discord so they are aware of your situation
How about @asgarth
This is correct
Yes thanks for the heads up.
Our upvote should be more than enough to make a few more images.
But if you want the direct HBD refund let us know and we'll do that instead.
I haven't tried it anymore.
because of not getting an image or because you simply haven't needed it?
Did you ever get a non-delivered image?
I have had the error twice. I haven't tried it anymore after that. I don't need it that often and I use ChatGPT then.
We like being informed about these things because we have a system that tracks potential non-delivery but the only one we have seen be a possibility was with @friendlymoose like a week ago. But haven't seen him mention it. Still curious if he got it or not.
Thank you!
I will try it again and check if it will work:)
Christmas Kitty - My cat decided to immerse herself in the Christmas experience this morning. 🎄 😻
#photography #cats #pets #hivepets
Seems your Christmas tree is not going to survive ;)
It's possible. There have been a few ornaments on the ground.🙂
Trying to help, haha!
Oh yeah, she is always a BIG help. lol
#japanese #hive-158302
A giant carrot? Haha!
Does anyone here trying to use #HiveAnalytics feature of PeakD?
I've been using it for a while and it helps me to understand my readers.
I learned that we can take advantage of this feature and identify which is popular topic and how your readers find your content relevant.
I wrote an in-depth analysis and a bit of tutorial here:
Sometimes I do. It's very good!
sure it is!
Best feature so far!
Can anyone confirm that the option to convert HIVE->HBD with an average of 3 days is no longer available?
#hive #hbd
it's available have you clicked on advanced options
No new user is gonna use something like that and will simply confuse them so it's only on "advanced options"
yeah! I didn't select YES in the advanced options! thanks 💓
Greetings @claudio83 ,
Looks like you have it sorted now...I just did one a couple of days ago.
Preparations for the next bullrun have begun, it's a good idea to check that everything is in the right place 🤩
So true @claudio83 ...thank you for the reminder!
It is.
Not for me, which frontend are you using?
The printscreen is from Peakd wallet. Keychain offers it too though:
Mmm ok mate, thanks
You're welcome :))
Ecency 使うと、ビデオも比較的簡単にアップできるようになりましたねぇ。少しづつですが、Hive も使いやすくなってきました🎵 みなさんは、ビデオとかショートビデオは何を使ってHiveにアップしますか??? #3Speak ですか??? #japanese
We can upload a video clip through Ecency - Snow snow snow! - sometime in Sweden 🇸🇪🍧🇸🇪🍧🇸🇪🍧🇸🇪
I was lazy and chatty, and they made me do 15 minutes of exercises.
#japanese #hive-158302 #Metaverse #VRChat
#art #ai-images #snaps #hive Fluxpro-ultra
If the beard wouldve been red it could be me😎
My HBD is flying out of my wallet so please if you wanna be so kind so i can keep making these fine pieces of art !!!
Hehe, is there an armored military version of that?
Imagine that but with an ambulance strecher, that would help alot to paramedics around the world :)
Whoa 🤯 who’s controling it?
LOL! 🤣
#hive-158302 #japanese
#japanese #hive-158302
Amazing that Japan still has post office boxes. I saw this in my last trip.
#japanese #hive-158302
Japanese mailboxes come in a variety of designs, so it is fun to look around.😀
Japanese mailboxes come in a variety of designs, so it is fun to look around.😀
New profile picture!
Cool! Is this a Hive Punk?
I had never seen one in the shape of a monkey, cool
I like it a lot, since it has that personalized touch and on all of it there are a couple of very good emblems. How are they obtained?
Its a Hive Punk, and Xmass
Well said, greetings
Christmas' vibe got you. 😅
#japanese #hive-158302
そうですね!友達が卵入りをおすすめしてくれました。今度試してみます。 :)
山本屋本店ですか?名古屋勤務に時によく行きました🎵 鍋の蓋を使って食べるんでしたよねぇ。 おいしそー🤩👏 !BEER !BBH
すごい!合ってます😁 よく行かれてたんですね!懐かしい気持ちになりますね。
View or trade
.Hey @ohlnwwlknat, here is a little bit of
from @mizuosemla for you. Enjoy it!We love your support by voting @detlev.witness on HIVE .
View or trade
.Hey @ohlnwwlknat, here is a little bit of
from @mizuosemla for you. Enjoy it!Learn how to earn FREE BEER each day by staking your
.@ohlnwwlknat! @mizuosemla likes your content! so I just sent 1 BBH to your account on behalf of @mizuosemla. (6/20)
(html comment removed: )
Hello friends! Thank you for your sincere words of support and know that my wife, daughter and I are home.
We've just arrived, but even though we spent the whole day with this problem, luckily nothing happened to us.
It was necessary to call a tow truck.
Teu carro deu problema? O que aconteceu? Adivinha o que aconteceu hoje com o meu kkk, a patroa foi na minha sogra levar as criança pra ficar la essa semana, ai o cabo da embreagem quebrou, resumindo, ela conseguiu chegar na casa da mãe, mas vai vim mais gastos pra mim kk
Nossa mano! Que situação. Ainda bem que ela conseguiu chegar em casa.
Mano... Faz tempo que preciso ver o meu, pois acho que é alternador ou o motor de arranque. O carro apagou... Foi preciso ir de guincho pra oficina e o cara lá fez a chupeta.
Entendi, caramba tenso demais... o carro deixar na mão é complicado. O meu agora a embreagem, parece que foi o cabo dele que partiu e tal... foda, to tentando segurar o dinheiro mas so da merda kkk
Pois é mano, complicado demais.
Essa de embreagem, eu lembro que aconteceu algo semelhante com o carro do meu pai antigamente. Mas o cabo eu acho que nunca vi isso acontecer.
Sua esposa foi passar a marcha e quebrou? Foi assim?
Eu nem entendi direito, pelo o que ela disse, o mecânico que foi la com o pai dela disse que o cabo da embreagem quebrou, ai nao sei se é por passar a marcha ou algo assim.
Entendi, de qualquer forma, espero que consigam resolver isso aí.
Mano... Tô dando graças a Deus que tô no Hive, pois agora mesmo vou tirar alguma coisa aqui pra patroa vir de Uber. Dinheiro foi praticamente todo só ontem 😅
Rezando pra esse mês acabar pra esse ano vazar. Quero ano novo, vida nova 🙌🏻
Imagino mano, pra mim ta do mesmo jeito, tento q tento segurar a grana... mas ta foda, toda hora acontece algo
E não é? Tbm to na mesma. A gente consegue juntar uma grana e começar a fazer ela trabalhar pra gente e acontece essas coisas... Parece até feitiço kkkkkkk
Creating dreams into screens #sora
Sora is HUGE!
Looks like insurance companies have gone ahead and started using AI to write out their decision making on not covering their client's medical treatments, nice...
This is a path of no return. Any company in any segment will start to use AI as its work tool.
Any company that doesn't start doing the same will be left behind. These insurance companies are smart.
I really don't agree here. There needs to be common sense restrictions on when it's fine/okay to use AI and when it shouldn't. Giving you devastating news that your insurance isn't going to pay for your potential life-changing medical expenses is not okay to use AI, IMO.
But in this case of insurance, it's quite simple, just close an agreement with another company.
A person is not obliged to accept something they do not agree with. If the insurance company changed its terms and you didn't like it, look for another one that suits you.
Insurance denial seems to be the first reaction. I read something about it in a John Grisham novel, The Rainmaker.
When it comes to greed, those people has no limits. It's pretty sad to see this happening.
So the health insurance alone is unhealthy nowadays, they know whats coming i guess and they dont want a dry wallet... So they start to denying people insurance or they flip negative. Its prob nothing😌 The world is run by assholes atm, Fuckn Biden/Obama are worst..crazy devils.
My curation rewards feel like a rollercoaster kkkkkk, but it's good, always getting above 1 a day is already a big plus for me. #peakd #analytics
O importante é continuar fazendo isso.
Exatamente, espero que em breve esse gráfico fique sempre acima de 2 HP por dia.
Só questão de tempo (e esforço, claro) até chegar lá (e ir além).
Isso aí! Valeu
My stats are also like this it coincidence that my soon-to-be published post is about my Hive analytics?
It's always good to analyze the data we have available, it can show us a lot of cool and interesting things to define the next steps in our growth strategy.
For sure!
Do you also use it?
Yes, I always keep an eye on the analysis section, both for HP and for votes and comments. I keep an eye on it so I can understand how my routine is going.
Cool...I check the curation rewards more often:)
I need more HP so that I can curate more. 😀
Kkkkkk... O termo montanha russa foi bem engraçada. Mas só o fato de que vc está tendo uma média boa, prova que vc está no caminho certo.
kkkk pois é, estou conseguindo mais de 1 hp por dia, então ta bem legal. Isso vai ajudar e muito a crescer meu HP.
Com certeza. Já vi gente falar que consegue ganhar mais HP com curadoria do que com os posts. Mas usando ambas as formas, o aumento é muito mais rápido.
Taking a 15-minute break from work to upvote & comment #snaps 😁
vote me, me, me hahaha.... back to work you infidel😉
Haha good thing my boss isn’t here in snaps
I'm always ready for it, haha!
My favourite post from todays #traveldigest is from @alecaltab 😎
Such great photos with wonderful views that you should not miss.
You find this great post as 1st place winner 🥇 in @worldmappin‘s post here 👇🏻 check the other posts out too!
#worldmappin #winterchallenge
Great choice @littlebee4🐝🐝
It was a stunning post 😎
Every judge knows bananas splits.
Credit: reddit
@worldmappin, I sent you an $LOLZ on behalf of littlebee4
Delegate Hive Tokens to Farm $LOLZ and earn 110% Rewards. Learn more.
I'm so glad you appreciated the post... I already told you somewhere else but I get the chance to repeat it here :)
Esteem is definitely mutual :)
Thanks! You deserved the first place. So good to see the post won. You earned the 3 tickets 🥳🥳
So keep the great posts coming… looking forward to reading more.
Enjoy your Monday 😊
Thank you so much :)
You are welcome 😁
You can query your personal balance by
The more I get to know Hive, the more I find analogies with the state, social behavior, greed, stupidity—everything is like real life, only in miniature. Don't you think so?😀
Haha yup "miniature" how dare you 😄
Hive is def a mini world of sorts, I have thought of it before also seeing a lot of things in miniature form on here.
I would like this mini-world to serve as an example that could be scaled to entire countries. After all, it's all about people—not the code or the speed of the servers. It's all about the people.
yeh I agree, but not all of Hive haha!
We will take only the good experience.
Somewhat for sure, yet i find quite a bit of very good content and discussion which you don't find so much of on the more centralised platforms.
In the real world, you can also find a lot of interesting and valuable "content." I'm not talking about centralized services; I'm talking about the society we all live in.
I've been doing analogies since the beginning, haha!
Here, you can sort of assess the situation from the outside and reflect. In the real world, when you're immersed in it, your mind can get a bit clouded. It's an interesting experience, to say the least.
another beautiful but tiresome morning, slept around an hour in total last night.. 😴
You’ll need double shot espressos 😁
due for my 3rd cup soon enough 😅
It feels like a portal is opening in the sky. 👀
the aliens are coming! 😝
They're already here. 😂
My thanks to @lizanomadsoul for supporting her community partner who is sick and bringing up the #worldmappin highlights post.
You saw the last edition I leave it here.
And another ticket goes to you @soyunasantacruz! Thanks for spreading the word and supporting all the curated authors 🐝🐝
And another ticket goes to you @soyunasantacruz! Thanks for spreading the word and supporting all the curated authors 🐝🐝
And the music switches on in my head :D
Another day, another #traveldigest. Congrats to all the authors who got 3 more tickets for the #worldmappin #winterchallenge
mas bacano, yo sali en una imagen mira
Pues si, ya eres gran parte del challenge @suisver! 😎😎 Bien hecho ❤️🐝👍
#BTC と #HBD #Hive のシールは自作ですか??? 👏👏 !BEER !BBH
That's a great combo (btc and hive).
I think so! I hope that #HBD will be more prevalent in the future haha! We will see! !BBH !BEER
Let's hope for the best.
Indeed! Indeed!! !BEER !INDEED
View or trade
.Hey @wiseagent, here is a little bit of
from @mizuosemla for you. Enjoy it!Do you want to win SOME BEER together with your friends and draw the
@wiseagent! @mizuosemla Totally agrees with your content! so I just sent 1 IDD to your account on behalf of @mizuosemla.
View or trade
.Hey @wiseagent, here is a little bit of
from @mizuosemla for you. Enjoy it!Learn how to earn FREE BEER each day by staking your
.@wiseagent! @mizuosemla likes your content! so I just sent 1 BBH to your account on behalf of @mizuosemla. (4/20)
(html comment removed: )
It is already halftime at our #worldmappin #winterchallenge. What are you waiting for? - Join in and write another travel post to get curated in our daily #traveldigest 😎
In case you missed this, you still have a whole of half month to post about #winterchallenge and earn fame with exclusive rewards!
Highlighting PHOTOGRAPHY 📸 posts by @curamax, @jlinaresp, @jlinaresp, @x-rain, @monochromes, @monochromes, @godfish, @belug, @castri-ja, @daveks, @shiftrox, @barnabo73, @lightcaptured, @tattoodjay, @tattoodjay, @stayoutoftherz, @stayoutoftherz, @bil.prag, @bil.prag, @marialeovalless, @lucianav, @mattsanthonyit, @papilloncharity, @kristal24, @grafvisionsp
Check the full post here:
Thank you!!!
Thank a lot
What a shame! I've been away for a week only to find out about #worldmappin #winterchallenge Making time for a quick post today. Hope I can make it to the next #traveldigest. If you haven't joined, it's not too late yet! Let's go!!! ❤💪
Well, we only have way @patsitivity! You can still join in fully and win everything 😎😎 nothing is decided yet. you already got 7 tickets as far as I can see on the worldmappin leaderboard:
Do we all agree that this is a great tool we have here? And that the community is missing out not using it?
I am talking about SNAPS
SNAPS is pretty damn good for short messages and fun bits of 10 second comments
i completely agree
We just bought some #gifu on hive engine, they will be burnt on the BSC side soon 🔥🔥🔥
That's the memecoin, right?
We actually have real utility (we make gifs) but are disguised as a meme. We have incorporated pm multiple burn mechanisms and our supply goes down by the day.
You can view the burns here
~96% chance the feds lower interest rates this week by 25 basis points.
Last night’s Christmas lights display at the Gardens by the Bay 🤩 #photography #singapore
Great photo and a tremendous display!
Thanks! It was fun passing through these lights :)
Yeah, it looks like a great atmosphere to be in.
It looks like a kind of "gateway". 😅
Indeed a series of gateways 😁
Yeah, haha!
For a moment I thought it was stained glass, but it wasn't. It's really very beautiful.
This is without a doubt the best time of the year. The lights always give a magical effect to places.
Like a cathedral window 😁
Yeah! 😀
All very nice and perfect for this Christmas season, plus you can surely witness more lights.
Yeah. Plenty of visitors even on a Sunday night.
Very good that.
Lots of Christmas lights hanging in our area too.
Best time of the year 😁
here we go, the #traveldigest #winterchallenge #worldmappin
Well done @viviehardika 🐝👍 Which post was your favorite?
I heard that you can now use #GrokAI on X for free. So I tried asking it about the Hive blockchain and here's its answer...[check the comment]
~~~ embed:1868045124028268983?t=CdJdcQ0JqGPSKftDbeoYdw&s=19 twitter metadata:eGFpfHxodHRwczovL3R3aXR0ZXIuY29tL3hhaS9zdGF0dXMvMTg2ODA0NTEyNDAyODI2ODk4M3w= ~~~
why wouldn't you just share a screenshot of the answer?
I thought it will be embedded lol.
I also tried the Share button — it's my first time using it with X.
i think it's embedded in the snap but not the snap comments from what i understand
It is an honor to be parr of #travelsdigest. Join us on this exciting and wonderful #winterchallenge here in #worldmappin.
#photography #nature
Such a great shot! Nature acting.
thank you @wiseagent
Nice capture!
Thanks @oldmans
You're welcome!
You are welcome!
Check out today's #traveldigest #worldmappin #winterchallenge
And another ticket goes to you @itravelrox🐝🐝
An honour to be in the top three of the #traveldigest for the second day in a row.
One more incentive to seduce my career in the #winterchallenge by #worldmappin
Well done @castri-ja😎☀️
All aboard! 😎 And ready for a new journey through our travel digest #2410.
#winterchallenge #worldmappin #traveldigest
The NEW #traveldigest 2410 is out and is today presented to you by @lizanomadsoul 😊
Go and CHECK OUT this AWESOME selection of #travel posts from all over the world 🗺️ here 👇🏻 Don’t miss it, just have a look 😉
#worldmappin #winterchallenge #wanderlust #travel
Another awesome selection @littlebee4🐝🐝
Thank you ☺️
You can query your personal balance by
What a great challenge by @worldmappin #winterchallenge
Some amazing posts in the travel digest 2410. Must see them all!!!
Thanks for spreading the word @parvkhuller. Please note that you have to snap within the community to get a ticket for it :)
#japanese #splinterlands