
Are you enjoying it? I have no time to play, but once I have I will buy it.

😂 I love it. It's currently on sale so get it cheap while you can. So far though, I keep loosing haha


I have all the other ANNos! so... this one was on my list for a while, for when it would either be cheap or I had time.

Holy F!!! This was 100 NZD!!!

yes! I got it for like $5.99

Assuming you are speaking USD...

Because of such low trade on NZD... Economy sucks... I got it cheaper!

WHatttttttt these servers suck...

I will play it during the weekend!

let me know if you play it!! It's pretty cool and challenging

I will probably share some pictures this weekend.

Check when I added it...

Definetely purchasedd... THANK YOU!