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RE: Snaps Container // 1736809200

in Snaps2 months ago

Screenshot (7).pngalmost lost a lot of denar, my storage was full, unlucky for this guy, he attacked moments after i claimed. #crownrend #hive-gaming play crownrend here:


ouch lol, woke up to a full storage as well, that vault is expensive!

because you are on the top... no one is going to attack you. you are fine with a full storage... 😛

I have experienced something similar =)

You need to be a fast trigger... like on GO

yep, during raid, i will do fast click on raid buttons and then immediately click claim... before my account can go up in anyone else's feed...


What's your review of the game?

i like it very much, a lot actually.

give it a try, its fun and profitable within a few days. because its new

Alright, I'll take your word for it. Will try it after work. :)