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Green is always easy on the eyes.

#nature #photography


I love nature shots. That's beautiful.

Thank you! I liked the way the ivy covered that tree, and the different shades of greens.

Yeah. Looks really beautiful

Indeed it is ... thank you!

So glad you liked it🌳

it's relaxing. nice view!

It looks nice and lush there.

Tnx, yeah shrubs are healthy here for an island country. Warm weather made them happy. :)

My kind of place.

Being in nature is peaceful, as long as there no bears around :D

Sure. No bears, please. 👀

So beautiful… I’m ready for summer.

Freezing cold here today ….


That's a wonderful icy landscape, but hopefully you'll get warmer days ahead.

Mt Washington from Sisters Oregon in #CentralOregon

#photography #mountains #silverbloggers


The rewards earned on this comment will go directly to the people( @oldmans ) sharing the post on Reddit as long as they are registered with @poshtoken. Sign up at Otherwise, rewards go to the author of the blog post.

What an unusual peak, as if the sides eroded away. The dusting of snow at the base looks very cool.

That's kind of what I always thought. That it had a hard plug in the middle and the rest is eroding away.

Wow.. thats not an iceburg?


Looks stunning!

fantastic view, do you know the name?

Amazing view. Sure thing!

So beautiful

今年初サイフォンコーヒー☕を飲みに来た。いつもの常連のおっちゃんと、おばちゃんが醸す会話を聞きながら、HIVEスナップに投稿。とりあえず、今年の目標を文字化して目標を明確にしよーっっと。HIVEで100ドル稼いで、HIVEのゲームを楽しむ🎵 #hive #hive-158302


This place looks simple, but with a good vibe.

Yeah ! !BBH

6:10 am. Mis días siempre inician muy temprano, hoy respiré y agradecí mientras observaba el amanecer 🌅


Another day. Another chance to make it better.

Late night thoughts ;)



ooooookay lmao xD

Hi, @godfish,

This post has been voted on by @darkcloaks because you are an active member of the Darkcloaks gaming community.

Get started with Darkcloaks today, and follow us on Inleo for the latest updates.

Coming down with some type of sore throat. It's time to rest 😄 and sleep

get better soon!

Thank you! felt much better today

Get well soon 🫶🏻

Thank you so much

Stay safe.

Screenshot (7).pngalmost lost a lot of denar, my storage was full, unlucky for this guy, he attacked moments after i claimed. #crownrend #hive-gaming play crownrend here:

ouch lol, woke up to a full storage as well, that vault is expensive!

because you are on the top... no one is going to attack you. you are fine with a full storage... 😛

I have experienced something similar =)

You need to be a fast trigger... like on GO

yep, during raid, i will do fast click on raid buttons and then immediately click claim... before my account can go up in anyone else's feed...


What's your review of the game?

i like it very much, a lot actually.

give it a try, its fun and profitable within a few days. because its new

Alright, I'll take your word for it. Will try it after work. :)

Bildschirmfoto 2025-01-14 um 14.02.34.png
What do you think? HIVE to the moon 2025?

Fingers crossed ;)

I think market is good and potential is here :) May 1 or 2 dollars? And than crash again ... or like 0,65

no cost in hoping

Definitely, hoping we skyrocket past the $1 mark soon enough!

Hell yeah! We deserve this!

Me encanta jugar futbol cuando los atardeceres se ponen realmente geniales! #spanish 😍


Two minutes and she fell asleep on my laptop😅



aaww, so cute 😍

She says thank you

This is often happens!

Yes, it happens a lot hahaha

Cats always choose the best places to rest haha

Yes, so true

what is it with cats and laptops/keyboards? haha

They saw that on annoying cats class

The brakes of my bicycle really needed some maintenance since they were malfunctioning during my last ride 😲

But I managed to fix them 💪


Looking at it this closely (photo), it could be one of Jigsaw's traps, haha! 👀

Thanks, everyone, for supporting the monthly delegation initiative. Here are this month's recipients:

@mariiale1979 nominated @jose1804 @Cositav nominated @marian.briceno @angeluxx nominated @edreisito @helicreamarket nominated @s-alvarez @gwajnberg nominated @danicaave


Excelente thanks success

Thank you very much @hivetrending 💜☀️

Our boss just got home from their vacation and they got a dog for me to adopt.
This one has a breed of K9 and Aspin.
I don't know the exact breed of this dog but I'm happy to adopt him as part of the family. Yiee.

He's been on my father's lap for a while after we got home and they're ok already.

such a good boi!

Yeah ..I thought it will take long for him to calm down and be at home but it happened quickly.

Such a cute little dog.

Wahhh, what a cutie baby. If he is half a k9 keneme then he'll grow big for sure 🤔

Pongal celebrations in the city today!



What is this about?

It’s a festival where they worship the sun god Surya, that’s all that IK about it haha

Oh, I see. It seems to be something important.

Yes, it’s an important festival in Tamil Nadu.

It feels like discussing the hive with everyone. How I missed spreading hive to the community.


Such a lovely work.

If @acidyo downloads this game and starts collecting cards, I promise that when the devs enable the internal trading of the game I will give you this one that you will like for sure.


#Pokemon #pocket #collecting


Squirtle. Sqwirttle... :)

For now I have these 3 versions




Wowcoool.. did you mint this 1?

Oh my God I love this one, I love it. Although it would be better if a different basic attack could be used for each Pokémon that's on the card. That would give it more value and meaning.

Yes, but there's also squirtle in there... Although just for the background. A group of poke cuties..

I need to come up with a plan so I always work 9 to 6 and can avoid the weeks doing 8 to 5!

It sounds like a nice plan.

A nice idea, the plan I still don't have it... any suggestions?

You have to do what is the best for yourself.

find a remote job in the other side of the world :)

that could be an idea.

out-3 (1).jpg
out-2 (1).jpgGiant mushroom related ai art, made using peakd's #ai-images generator. #ai #ai-art

out-1 (1).jpg

out-0 (1).jpg

AI has a great imagination!

ummm, what?

The Smurfs (live action). 😅

White Rock Beach, Subic, Philippines


#travel #photography #bbh #cent

The rewards earned on this comment will go directly to the people( @logen9f ) sharing the post on Reddit as long as they are registered with @poshtoken. Sign up at Otherwise, rewards go to the author of the blog post.

Wow! It's a beautiful beach.

I love art in my friend's office. On the walls, doors, sometimes on the floor. But this is my favorite ❤️ almost a fresco



resembles a window opening...

yes, a little

I had a wonderful time during my walk in the city earlier. It was much-needed exercise and a great opportunity to practice my photography. Cheers!

Life happening around us.

I can't decide if this is hilarious with "Humanity" doing what "World" does (those names! 😀) yet in a handsy way; or if it's worrisome with "social reputation" built in and, yawn, yet another token launch. #crypto #altcoins

Shared parenting responsibilities that is what I see here. I went to my parents house and saw this cuteness. Being a cat lover I immediately took a snap. Found out these are two mom cats looking after the kittens not sure which one is the real mom

Took a closer look. They are protecting the young from intruders they are carefully watching as I get closer. They are stray cats lounging in my parents yard I wish I could take them home but I already have cats and a dog but these photos warm my heart

Such a cute moment.

Two moms better than one I guess they are lucky to have both

WHO knows the video I’m just watching?

Plus: who did it?


#fun #movie #pulp

Quentin Tarantino , Pulp Fiction? just guessing cuz of the word and it's what showed up in image lookup xD

Maybe because I posted it on HIVE, my YouTube video got 200 likes! Thank you!#japanese #hive-158302

If you'd like, please give me more likes! 😀

out-3 (2).jpgTried generating future city that is environment friendly with peakd #ai-images generator. any thoughts? #ai #art #ai-art

out-2 (2).jpg

out-0 (2).jpg

out-1 (2).jpg

It seems like a good glimpse into the future.

Unedited Hutchison Effect: 2 Hours of Rare 1988 Footage

Many objects are see levitating, ripping apart and being thrown around, including a heavy canon ball literally hovering in the air for minutes! Truly mind-boggling stuff!

#HutchisonEffect #AntiGravity

ive always felt like there should be a free energy community on hive. its one of the most interesting subjects that you can find on the internet. i made a community for it while go which is pretty inactive. i just enabled snaps there for you though

Yup for sure. I have my MES Science community which I post all my science related stuff. I made it because back in the Steem days I got trolled for my free energy / anti-gravity posts, so I made my own community. Feel free to post anything science / free energy related!

Didn't feel like writing a blog post today, so I did some Snaps. If you don't feel like writing, do it anyway. You might write something short or you might end up writing something amazing.

Writing, even when you think you can't or have nothing to say.

Discipline is more powerful than motivation.

Funny, the video game adapdation of my favourite book series has plenty of product placements for the book 😂



I ont know this one but it looks cool

Very fun game series!

It looks great and that cover photo allows it to be very eye catching.

Some smart product placement!

Never heard of it until I read / see this snap.

Great book + video game series!

Thanks for the recommendation.

We have winter in #Aachen and I miss the #winterchallenge from #Worldmappin for some extra motivation to create content.


I love this kind of view. I know it must be really cold, but damn it... It's so beautiful!

Yeah - it‘s nice but to cold.

I can imagine.

とりあえず、HIVEゲームの古参、 #RisingStar をやってみることにした。スナップで小銭を稼いで、それをRising Star に使うって感じで、2025年にどこまでバンドを成長させれるかやってみます🎵 #japanese #hive-158302 #RisingStar #01152025



ですよねぇー🎵 !BBH

Sometimes old doesn’t mean it has to be completely abandoned, rather preserved for its value.

I shared a few about one of my projects for 2025 in my post of today ☺️

#snaps #blog #art

I thought I was asking too much of PeakD's #ai-images generator by using a very challenging prompt, but it turned out not to be an issue at all. It created the artwork effortlessly, as if it were nothing.


out-1 (1).jpg

Wow, that's so cool!

Hivers celebrating the rise of cryptos. 😅

Looks cool. Prompt?

Full moon night, smudging night 🌝 満月の夜、浄化の夜。ここからは新月に向けて不要なものを手放していきます。


#hive-158302 #japanese

Do you think this post is worth ~$90 in author rewards? Why/why not?

Measuring the financial value of a post is a complicated thing (in fact, everything that involves money is), and it ends up having a very personal weight.

Considering the ecosystem as a whole (as an extension that connects people) and all the whales, orcas and double dolphins that are part of it, I don't think the value of this post is high (because it has a relevant and well-written subject).

Not only does it have an interesting theme, it also generates an interest in multiple responses in a broad way that goes hand in hand in the balance of interaction vs.reward...


I have seen this post the first minutes after it was published, then hours later reading the comments and so on... I noticed that the reward was rising as more interactions, contrary to what I see with other whales...


first comes the reward in a matter of seconds and minutes (by autovotes) and then comes the interaction that could well be for a debatable and interesting topic, or simply because it is in the trends (by the high autovote, which of course generates advantages to the interaction).

I think Snaps needs a premium paid system to increase the limit of characters to write xD

Speaking of which... What I really miss is seeing more relevant posts receiving the same kind of rewards (or at least something more substantial).

Projects with higher voting weight should look more broadly at other users. Curation work isn't easy, but could be (even) better.

That's a difficult one. It depends what you value most I suppose. It also needs to be seen relative to other posts and I'm not familar, as you are, how much other posts do and don't earn. $90 is way more than I ever earn but then my posts don't generate this level of discussion.

i agree with both @wiseagent and @friendlymoose points about the rewards being spread out more and higher rewards being given to people who make a lot of effort. But, when I read your post, I couldn't really think of any solution to the points you made.

I've suggested in one of the comments to assemble a think tank to discuss some of the ideas that were mentioned in the blog and the comments.

Do you know who it is who actually makes these types of decisions. Is it just the top 20 witnesses?

It depends what decision you mean. We can all decrease the value of a post with a downvote. But downvotes are not very commonly used for this. But they can...

No. I meant the bigger decisions like how votes are paid out. The split, the dust amount etc. etc.

I also suggested to configure a maximum reward for posts. I think would need to be changed in the blockchain. I don't know who decides these kind of changes.
Maybe @acidyo knows.

Value is a matter of opinion. As a Hive OG you can benefit from your connections (as do I), but we have creative people making art and music who struggle to make $5 on a post. I tend to focus on those as we need more of that. Just my choice :)

When I compare it to the average rewards of similar posts and the effort that has been done to make the post (my assumption) I do think it is a bit overrewarded.

But since there are a lot of interactions on you blog make it blog more valuable.

I would rather see lower rewards and the total reward pool divided over more users.

no comment?

Honestly it was well written and was presented in a serious and view changing manner, so yeah i feel it was worth some value :)

I am going to need a snap sized summary lol. Congrats on the big reward!

In my opinion, the author of the content is just as significant as the content itself. For someone as influential as you, people recognize the value in your words. There is a high level of trust in what you say, and even a few missteps can spark discussions. So yes, it's worthit.

Depends on what the interaction offers.
But a snap with 90$ seems to be a lot / to much

Maybe it's late, no it's never really late to talk about this. Yesterday was the world day against depression, something that for some is a “stage” and “whim” and for very few is a disease as serious as cancer.



If I could represent depression with a video, it would be with this one, forgetting that it's a pop star wearing meat as a dress, and leaving aside maybe the lyrics of the song.

Look at the graphics, it's sick, just like depression.



#japanese #hive-158302

スクリーンショット (801).png



#japanese #hive-158302




【一の倉 上野店】

【上野市場 本店】




Giving AI a hard time with my senseless prompts 😆. #ai-images


Lol did the ai complied with your prompt?

Lol, it has to. I've paid some HBD.

Haha it would be funny if the ai complained

what was the prompt? 'mermaids playing on grass?'

Yeah something along the lines, "I want mermaids unicorns and centaurs playing in a park."

very bizarre prompt, nicely done

What kind of world is this? 🤣

My magic number (right now, 'cause the full one is 49K). 😅

ORCA status is coming to me!


Wow!!! That's amazing!! Good luck on becoming an Orca... :)

Thanks! The journey has been wild! xD

Nice one, congrats!


You're welcome!

A big congratulations!

A big thanks!

we are on the same run......

Ocra soon

Good Morning Community, how is your day so far? I am still ill, laying in bed and hope to get fit soon. Maybe I should not work on the computer hole the time. What do you think?

Mine is going fine so far. Yeah, you should take a break for your eyes too.

Yeah still lying in bed :-)

Hallo Schmidi!
Werde bald gesund! Und schau doch mal auf inleo vorbei dann kannst du LEO auch noch mitverdienen ;)
Funktioniert genauso wie snaps nur verdienst du halt einen weiteren Token ;)

Macht es Sinn einen Post überall zu posten?Nun ich habe auf @peakd eine Möglichkeit das ich überall poste. Aktuell nutze ich snaps aber natürlich macht es Sinn da und dort zu posten.Jedoch was hat langfristig Potential hmmmm wie gesagt alles spannende Themen für das HIVE Mee up!

Du verdienst halt dabei kein LEO wenn du auf threads postest von PEAKD aus. Ich verstehe ja dass Menschen Gewohnheitstiere sind aber neues ausprobieren macht auch Sinn.
Langfristig hat die Engstiernigkeit einiger Wales 0 Potential auf Wachstum, das ist mal garantiert. Leo öffnet die Tore für user von anderen Chains etc.
Alles ein gutes Thema fürs nächste Meetup und ich hoffe, daß ich da endlich wieder mal am Start sein kann.

Leider kann ich hier keine lan gen Texte schreiben. Nun ich bin auf HIVE - ich habe auf HIVE angefangen und habe hier Spaß. Macht es Sinn auf "inleo" zu posten? Ich meine meinen Content? Gute Frage und mit Sicherheit um LEO zu verdienen. Ja wichtige Themen für Alle ...

jetzt bist du schon seit Jahren hier und hast es immer noch nicht begriffen. 😂
Inleo PEakd Ecency arbeiten alle mit der selben Datenbank und wenn du auf inleo postest und dort eine community auswählst wird das auf allen frontends in der community angezeigt..
ABER nur wenn du von inleo aus postsest verdienst du acuh $LEO mit der geschichte.
Du kannst auf inleo genauso deinen blog posten wie auf PEAKD

Danke weiß ich :)

Get well, stay in bed, work can wait.

yeah i mean hmmm heheheh i made anyway good passive income ... but could sometimes more and more :)

It's raining a lot here! 👀

Better rain or snow?

Depends on my mood, haha!

Go watch the Moon and Mars kiss #space #astronomy

The shades are drawn over the Pacific skies, so I'm afraid I can't peep at the steamy cosmic scene 😘

C'est dommage. It is beautiful, warm and clear night here but it was a small sight. Mars was a just a little tiny dot.

Have fun! xD

I tried a couple nights ago but it was so windy and cold I had to retreat back inside. 🥶

We had a pretty nice night here. I watched it approach and then re-emerge; there were also some pretty good watch parties available online. Always an option when it is cloudy where you are:)

Oh, I've just reached reputation 76. Thank you, guys, for your support :))

I'm heading towards 75 myself 💪


It's amazing! Very well done

Thank you. I made it with Night Cafe Studio 😀

It was sensational, you can invest in making more and share it with us here, it will bear good fruit

That's a good work.

A couple of new games are entering the space; which one do you like, except Splinterlands?

used to like splinterlands, holozing isn't playable yet, hopefully this will be good.
played dcrops, did not like it, at all. i think i entered into rise of the pixels but did not play.
and you forgot to mention crownrend, brand new with a lot of players

I am the same, playing Splinterlands and waiting for the Holozing. I have noticed some new but didn't try. Thanks for sharing your experience.

Interesante información

I tried dCrops, but it was slow and I wasn't interested much.
I used to play Splinterlands and now I am back to it again after a while.

I think Splinterlands is the game everyone enjoys as it was the pioneer; I found very few people enjoying the newly introduced games. I have joined Holozing and am waiting for it as my second adoption, but I could not decide on the third one! Thanks for sharing your experience.

Oh, my! So many games. 😂

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