There are 4 pages

Ready to claim almost $ 35 HBD in 10 minutes.
The 15% APR is really nice.

I'm withdrawing my HBD from savings since I wanted to profit from the dip, but the price of Hive is going up again 😂


Why I do not do short term trading, in a nutshell ... that would drive me up the wall.

I try to do it on a more longer term too, but it was heading towards 0.20 which would have been a nice opportunity.
I have some liquid Hive, but I might want some liquid HBD ready as well to prevent me from waiting 3.5 days.

LOL I did the same thing myself last night. I decided to buy and sell HBD and Hive between 30c and 45c and then this morning, back up. Withdrawal cancelled and try to be satisfied by the interest payment!

I cancelled mine too 😂

imagine how much more nice it was when it was 20%...

I think 5% more....

Market is really unpredictable. :)

Pretty good.

Now I'm a dolphin 🐬 Juhuuuuu a whale some day 😁
@hivebuzz でイルカになったよ!と。目指せくじら 🐳

スクリーンショット 2025-02-03 15.31.07.png

#hive-158302 #japanese #hive





Congratulations on becoming a Dolphin @akipponn 🎉🎉🎉

Now three dolphins in Hive JA who are here since 2010s ☺️ We will be whales some day 🐳

Looking forward to you becoming a whale @akipponn 👍



I used the latest dip and bought some #hive! 😎

There will be a big power up for the next Hive Power Up Day at the latest. 😁


This is gonna be massive.

We will see. I will try to get my initial investment back at the beginning, so I don’t really have a risk.

That's the right mindset.

Congratulations @flummi97

Cheers! Bleujay

Thanks! 😊

Very well played, these are unique moments to continue growing.

I am optimistic. 😌

WOW, here comes a big PU! Great bro, more power to the hive!

I was planning to add to my Hive portfolio anyway and the price drop came at just the right time.

It remains to be seen whether it will fall any further.

I'm happy with the drop in the value of the hive token, I needed it to keep up with some plans and strategies I'm creating. I hope it stays like this for a while.

I wish you the best! 🙂

Thank you very much, I wish you the same!

Para nuestros usuarios que hablan español y quieren conocer más sobre esta increíble nueva billetera de extensión para HIVE llamada "Peak Vault", aquí tienen un excelente tutorial hecho por @theghost:

I was making some paper airplanes with my daughter and she loved watching them fly.

Sometimes we need something very simple to create a happy memory for our children.

I wouldn't trade these unique moments for anything in the world.

Very beautifully said my friend. memories like these stay with you for life, I have so many good memories as a kid from the randomest things :D

Yes, definitely my friend. I also have it, once I remember I was very little, I think I was about 6 years old and my father made a lot of airplanes and paper boats hahaha... I never forgot that day.

It's cool that we can remember things from the past that marked us in some way.

Such fond memories also, especially when we are older and can appreciate them :) makes me very glad I had the parents I did and the things my parents did for me.

Your daughter is luck to have a wonderful father like yourself!


Thank you very much for your kind words.

I wish you all the best and that you have a great week.


You too my friend take care have a lovely week!!

Thanks, have a great week for you too.


A good part of life is made from this: memories.

Yeah! For sure.

You're absolutely right.

Hi, @coyotelation,

This post has been voted on by @darkcloaks because you are an active member of the Darkcloaks gaming community.

Get started with Darkcloaks today, and follow us on Inleo for the latest updates.

Hi, @coyotelation,

This post has been voted on by @darkcloaks because you are an active member of the Darkcloaks gaming community.

Get started with Darkcloaks today, and follow us on Inleo for the latest updates.

What's up snappers?

Everything okay😎

Nazis 😂

Everyone is a nazi now days.

You call me a Nazi? 😐

Depends. Do you breath air? Because everybody knows that nazis breathed air.

You're MAGA 😂 How do I know? You're talking BS 🤣

🤣 isn't MAGA the new nazis now anyway? Pretty sure they breath air too.

Scrolling through the snaps feed. It’s a really cool feature in my opinion.

We need to normalize snaps with more support... this is fantastic! Creating content and being rewarded like this is unreal. I already have my funds to invest in HP and L2 tokens this week!

Thanks again Snaps!

#hive #snaps


Wow thats crazy. Never seen such a high tip before 😍

Thanks, last Monday I managed to get a lot of engagement, but it also depends on the total value of the snaps container, I think this is the one that could have a fixed profile to vote heavily on it and reward everyone with more emphasis like last Monday.

You deserve it for sure 💪

Thank you very much! I'll keep interacting and engaging with people to maintain this good average.

Thats much appriciated :)

don't forget to drop a 100% upvote on the snaps container, the option should be on the snaps page on the bottom left

That's right, I've been holding various votes, but I think I'm going to focus on 50 or 100% of the container votes - this will help everyone who gets involved on the day

Is the tip amount based on the amount of engagement we build here? Btw, congrats and let say thanks to Snaps. 👏👏.

There are actually 2 factors that make up the calculation. The first is the total value of the snaps container, the bigger the better for everyone, and secondly, the interaction and engagement of your snaps. If you manage to balance this, you'll be successful 😄

Well, I need knowledge like this. Thanks for the additional lesson,.. Salute! 🤟🏿🤟🏿

I'm happy to help in any way I can, and if you have any questions you can ask me and I'll be happy to answer them. Cheers.

I am even more pleased with your generosity. Thanks again.

ok.. that's all i can say! :D

Engagement and interaction is the best business kkkk, very nice to be able to participate so actively and be rewarded for it.

sure it is. business is a bit extreme but i can't contradict that for it is true. I really need to hone talking skills. like a businessman :)

Engagement is the best business is a phrase I've coined, but it's not just about the money you receive. This catchphrase is like "engaging is the best business", in which case business would encompass everything, meeting new people, knowledge, resources, new contacts and so on.

Yeah its much clearer when you phrase its like that. Connection is a really critical part of running a business in which we are using a model on what we are doing here on hive. Interaction here is really beneficial not just by tokens, but business as you describe it

That's right, I agree that interactions, knowledge and meeting new people is the best thing we can have, I love that, meeting new people and stories every day 😃

wow those rewards are huge, crazy! Congrats :D

Thank you! It was very good to receive this, it gave me a lot to look forward to this week. Now it's time to save up and reinvest haha

You got this my friend, many good things to come just keep grinding away!

Building a strong portfolio and profile every day! That's it! Let's keep evolving!

Feels like we've both made some good progress already this year!

That's true, we're making good progress. Have you seen the price of hive? It's already improved enough to be able to change HBD well and make a lot of investment.

Incrível mano! Parabéms!

Valeu! Agora é começara votar 100% em todos os snaps kkk, acho que todos os amantes do snap tem que fazer isso, vou começar a fazer também.

Tem razão, eu votava em 50%, mas se todos fizerem isso, as recompensas serão muito maiores mesmo.

Amazing rewards. Congrats!

Vota 100% toda vez no snaps hein kkk

Need to think about to stack up mining or buying a chest.
What do you think would be better?Playing #crownrend and I am on my way to 100 DENAR in my pocket.


If you have enough toughness mining basically doubles whatever you are earning in the first level.

Im struggeling what will be the best toughness value before upgrading mining. Wont be an easy target ;)

since your defense is only 10, do not and i repeat do not upgrade mine. you won't make anything if you do.

So I would be an easy target for all players above?

yeah, and they will wipe you out. take a look at my recent snap

I did. Thats really hard when it happens so close...

yeah. so upgrade your defense really high before you upgrade mine...

Good advise. Will wait then until I have an higher defense 😅

denar can be stolen?

Yeah as long as it is unlclaimed ;)

ahh like that. no need to defend the claim? sorry for asking this questions, i am not playing yet atm

Excatly that. Unclaimed value can be stolen but claimed value is save

Thanks. Goodluck on your gameplay

Thanks I hope I will have enough luck to grow my castle there 💪

So I will build up my defense first and add all my DENAR into it for now 😀

Hive with long green candles
It seems that people are buying the dip 🟢
#crypto #hive


glad I was awake at thr dip for once!

3 more kitten 🤣 thankfully, some friends of mine wanted to adopt these babies

Finally the urgent demands have started to decrease, and I believe that now I will be able to return to regular postings. GM family.


Hey hey 😄🙌 !wine !BBH

WINEX Tokens To Make Another Successful Call.Hi @mizuosemla, You Do Not Have Enough
Please Stake More WINEX Tokens.
(We Will Not Send This Error Message In Next 24 Hrs).

Contact Us : WINEX Token Discord Channel
WINEX Current Market Price : 0.031

Swap Your Hive <=> Swap.Hive With Industry Lowest Fee or Highest Reward : Click This Link
Read Latest Updates Or Contact Us

Boaaa, agora é criar conteúdo e botar para ferver mano!

Aì sim meu doutor

Calma que falta uns dias pra prova ainda, se eu passar ai mudo até no nome aqui por uma semaninha, haha

Olha aí as coisas se ajeitando!

Meine Morgenroutine:

Ich notiere für was ich Dankbar bin, was ich am Vortag Gutes für jemanden getan habe und meine drei tollsten Erlebnisse und Erfolge vom Vortag. Darüberhinaus meine Affirmationen und ich manifestiere meine Ziele.

Wie startest du in den Tag?


Heute? Boxtraining :)

Thanks for the Upvotes :-)

Geil, wirklich? :-)

He was 4fold championship candidate, olympiad gold medalist and former Top3 chess player. He was also very good in Chinese chess, Xiangqi and renowned for his publications and analyses.R.i.P. Robert Hübner (1948-2025), the best German #chess player since Emmanuel Lasker.


I recently found out one of my kitten birthed 3 more babies. So I currently have 11 cats 🤣 and my friend said I am becoming a cat lady.

Do you keep lots of cats, are they village cats or what kind of cats?

They're all indoor cat, just one big family.

you're on a good way to 101!

😂definitely since most of our cats now are female

Today's lunch 🥄🍴


Looks delicious!

This looks very nice.

Thank you 😋 Decently healthy aswell!

This is a very serious question, in art there is a lot of talk about the gift of song, the magical brushstrokes of painters nnd magic evoked by the feeling of story by writers.

Why is it that today Hive only cares about valuing the first two?

Don't make excuses for AI or poems.

Another tip: find a community that already has good curation support. Give yourself six to twelve months there, writing and getting to know and support fellow writers at least three times weekly. You must build your own audience.

Fully agree. Sometimes you have to be the change you want to see.

So far I have not seen a community that supports curatorship in the way you say. If the maximum power of a community is $10 in votes, do you think it would be fair to someone who studies and writes a book with more than 3000-5000 words in a post in one language?

I lie, there was one, Writing club and it made the best literature contests for that time, with very good rewards both in votes and merit awards, just as they do with Vibes, of course not on that huge scale either.

  1. Have you built an audience for that book by getting to know sufficient readers and writers on the platform?

  2. Do you know what the length sweet spot is for well-rewarded posts?

  3. Do you know what the average good post reward is going to be while Hive is ranging between 30-50 cents?

1The few writers are focusing on participating in contests, cuz they know that there is no chance for the rest
2u can take a second and look for a movie review of 400 words at $20 and another review of the same movie with+1000 words at $2
3Have u seen the Vibes competition votes?

Literatos community has unparalleled creativity, and even with that, having potential writers as well, they do not have enough support.

It takes longer for writers to break through. Music and art hit immediately with sensate pleasure, and draw more eyes and ears by virtue of that -- so if you want people on your platform, you reward that more. But writers consistently writing can break through. I am one.

I've been writing in this blockchain for 7 years, and I still don't think it's the way to break through, I think literature should seriously be taken into account, it's not fair that someone thinks to sell his book on amazon when he has such a powerful tool like Hive.

But Hive is not your tool, or my tool to use the way we want. It's a community tool. You cannot make it over to suit you -- not even the biggest whales are completely successful in that when they try. You have to learn and work with the system as it works to be successful.

Do you know what Hive is and who owns Hive? I think your answer is a bit wrong, of course Hive is a tool for us content creators. And we are not talking about needs, we are talking about balances and covering spaces that are important too.

Also, understand: no one, no matter how talented, is entitled to an outcome on Hive or anywhere else. Just like on Amazon or anywhere else, you have to market in a way that makes sense for the platform you are on.

There are those who don't need talent or effort, nor do they need to be an important part of the development of Hive or a project, they just need a connection.

Making connections is an effort ... and resenting those that have them won't build the ones you need. You can get connections. But that takes consistent effort.

No, I'm sorry, but you definitely have a rather innocent view of things that happen, when apparently you don't look behind the scenes. I think it's best to leave it at that, even though it was an excellent feeback.

You broke the thread of the conversation when you pretended to say that my participation in the debate is out of resentment.

We always say that talent and interest (interaction and consumer) is what brings you closer to success as a creator. So are you changing that?

I have talent and a track record of delivering in a way that makes sense to readers and curators on the platform ... and I have offered you three key tips ... add photos ... be present posting and commenting at least three times a week in active communities ... take 6-12 months.

go to my profile and give me some tips.

Do you have any idea how many writers there were in 2017-2018-2019...and how few there are today basically losing their muse and ingenuity to create stories for a couple of coins?

I was here in 2019. This is my sixth year. My muse is not for sale for the price of Hive. I know how to work in the system, and I have dropped you several valuable clues.

I've been here since 2017 and I know what this is about because I had the opportunity to go through communities of which I've already lost count. I'm not going to talk to you about something without having some history.

A couple of tips: work with the trend, not against it. I was advised to include an interesting photo ... Unsplash, Pixabay, Pexels, and our own stock libraries have images you can use, and if you have a cell phone, you can add your own photos.

I think it's the medium, honestly. Is it normal for consumers of such content to come to a site like this? I know I personally mostly look for relatively short posts here. I can appreciate visual art and songs quickly. A good story would take me a lot longer to appreciate.

I remember in 2017-2018 and 2019 literature was something very precious, there were writers developing books inside the blockchain and very good plots, and very well voted, even by Curie for example, by cervantes, sometimes by OCD and so on.

Now who supports literature? like they do with music and art?

It even had to be appreciator and upmewhale the only whales that agreed to support communities like writingclub which was a boom at the time and there was no AI, there were excellent curators and high end writers.

Yeah, I remember. I think it was just a lot of the momentum was lost through the bear and maybe just the aging of the user population. I know I stopped interacting here for a while. Many of my friends are still gone. They just moved on to different things with their enthusiasm.

If once it could be done, why not now? Someone bets on daily organic content, others on art and makeup, others on games, and others on music in a beastly way and literature?

Did we forget that this is a reward pool?

Oh I'm not saying it can't be done again. I feel like hive is surging again. So we can ride that wave... Then again I might just be wrong about that.

One tool i have been using a lot is RepoPrompt (On MacOS) i use it to grab the code of entire codebases to then take to to use with my o3 or o1 prompts. Here's a playlist of videos to learn more

They have internal tools so you don't have to leave the tool to go to ChatGPT but instead of paying API costs and the fact i have unlimited o1-pro and 03-mini-high prompts i usually just copy the prompt and take to

I used a similar tool on windows machine... but repoprompt is being updated almost every single day with new features and quality of life improvements it's getting really good

Bought two chests today and got this...

Screenshot (11).png #crownrend #hivegaming #play2earn

Screenshot (10).png

bought 20 earlier and got this nice upgrade!


oooh... legendary... whoever gets the first divine will be the luckiest person ever...
i am going to upgrade normally for a while and then buy more chest..

And you @acidyo have a much luck in rng again :)

Damn thats unlucky 😕

yes, so far bought 6 packs and all are common. 4 came with one single stat and 2 with double stats. i am going to stop buying chest, and just upgrade normally until the upgrades costs 100 denar.

I love craft microbreweries. Like Němý Medvěd in Mělník, the Czech Republic. Quite charming, right?

Read more in my most recent #beerstaturday post ;)


for some reason this place looks like it was carved into a stone mountain or something...

It's just in a few centuries old building ;)

amazing, how they made a curved roof.


#Japanese #photography #snow #hive-158302







Wow! Such a nice landscapes.

It is for sure. I’m glad that I didn’t get snowed in though 😅 I head out home at right time.

I bought a lot of hive at 30c, but don't wanna convert it into hbd yet, enjoying some passive APR on it on binance earn for now, tho!

not bad


A lot of people in the Brazilian community have done this and I need to do it too! This APR from earn da binance is very interesting.

Yeah it's quite decent, especially when there's a lot of demand from the futures market I suppose!

Interesting, I need to run and get some more, at the moment I only have 48 hive there. I need to leave at least 200 or 300 hive.

What a good price...I will look into the APR...thank you!

Hope you are well.

Regards, Bleujay

Same strategy here... when it consolidates a bit I might move it over to the chain and power up some or stake HBD but for now, Binance earn it is

I regret that I bought hive at .38 when it shows more giving. Binance earn sounds interesting hmm

Nice move.

Please please make good quality content just because you want to... not because it makes you money from Hive's reward pool.

Let's get good riveting content on this platform ... the stuff people would go out of their way to come here and read.

Thank you for the reminder @jarvie ^__^

Some of us have been doing it, day in and day out ... bears, bulls, and in between ... grateful to have a place that does not steal from us as we are working, where real interaction is possible ...

Your point is interesting, my noble friend!

I love this place for the interactions we have. I love everything from the supportive environments to the passionate debates and even the flag wars. I like the content too.

You have a very nice (and valid) point here.

It took a while, but I finally got into the swap.hive:zing pool. Now I have to add liquidity with some frequency. #holozing #zing


É isso aí mano! Devagar e sempre. Vc terá um bom retorno o futuro.

Imagine quando ZING custar $0.01? Vai ser excelente né?

Nossa vai ser doido demais, se chegar nesse valor, eu ja to com 22k em stake e correndo atrás de mais tokens! Se subir mais ainda o valor vai ser um recurso bem valioso!

Vai sim sem dúvdas.

Pretendo ter 50k, mas meu objetivo maior é 100k. Ter 50% em stake e os outros 50% em liquidez.

top mano, é um grande desafio mas sei que você vai conseguir. No futuro será muito bom ter tudo isso de patrimônio.



Segue o baile.

Tentar por mais liquidez na pool

Errado não tá.

Quando a hive engine voltar eu tento T_T

New political compass dropped


Where is Trumpstupiditism?

woah! quite complex hehe

"Fuck it" nihilism
I like that one cause its a #TooFuckeh challenge to @FJism !LOLZ

I was once accused of having a foot fetish.
But that’s a lie. I much prefer the Metric system.

Credit: reddit
$LOLZ on behalf of fjworld

Delegate Hive Tokens to Farm $LOLZ and earn 110% Rewards. Learn more.@deepresearch, I sent you an


A day goes out behind the horizon of Caracas and with it goes a day full of dreams, hopes, struggles and successes!

#photography #city #nature

WhatsApp Image 2025-02-03 at 7.43.01 PM.jpeg

A very nice photo and captured at the right time.

@davidpena21 Thanks for your comment, my friend. Greetings and hugs!

Very nice, what a fantastic photo!

Just lovely ... the pastel palette is OUTSTANDING in this!

I just claimed my 10000th account creation token!


I recently created an account using one of these :)

Hi, @godfish,

This post has been voted on by @darkcloaks because you are an active member of the Darkcloaks gaming community.

Get started with Darkcloaks today, and follow us on Inleo for the latest updates.

Congrats on that number :)

A pig without 3.14 is 9.81

took my brain a bit to get up to speed

hehe same here!

peguei a referência, infelizmente.
triste vida dos nerds, não há futuro na humanidade.



love this, but technically the g is different based on which planet you are considering...

Do you have a DEEP RESEARCH request you'd like me to run and don't have chatGPT-pro?

Will run some of the best requests for people today and post on Hive post for you.

Hehe, have you told HW about your intention? :))

this is not an attempt to make money or get from reward pool. I don't have to ask them anything. I doubt people will vote on the post this account has no followers.

I know you don't have to ask them, but they get easily triggered with anything AI related :)

Please never ask them for permission on anything that's a horrible idea. You can ask around to many to see how other's may respond to you getting money from Hive's community reward pool... but your place on the blockchain is yours opt out of the pool if needed.

I've logged on for the first time in ages. What are "Snaps"?

Peakd micro blog similar to X and Meta Threads. We also have Waves from Ecency, Threads (in this case from Inleo) and moments from Liketu.

Short form content, similar to Twitter

It's like the old Twitter, but better.

She sleeps like a little angel 😺✨


Crunchy chips with sour cream dip.


I'll take one of those and a beer on the side!

That's a great pair though 🫰

I love these snacks!

We just wrote this article that talks extensively about the power of GIFs and the impact they can have on your brand if they are your brand's signature.

#gifu #gifs


If you want to expand your brand horizon but don't know how to go about it,? We'll advise you to try GIFs, other than the contemporary ads you're used to.

GIFs can aid your brand's recognition, marketing, and community engagement, and they're relatively cheaper.

Let us at Gifu make your brand some custom-made GIFs that will go on to preach the gospel of your brand to a wider audience.

Time for more #DwarvenRealms!

Live now over on twitch!

#VTuber #Furry #FurryVTuber #Rikkor

Arrancamos la semana con estas recompensas de los snaps. Gracias a este proyecto.



This incentive helps a lot, so as well as gaining from interacting and making new friends, we also gain resources to be able to reinvest in the hive.

Either way you win and you have to take advantage of the opportunity.

That's it, that way! Interaction is the key to success!

Well said, best regards.

I've been writing stories and poems since I can remember, I've gone through so many things that could have ended it, but no, I've decided to fight for what I like even though I'm not valued.

Now my writings will be published also in soundcloud spanish version.

I found my new favorite pork chop at Hans Union Ato. Funny how cravings hit again as I write my post about it 😂.


Para-glider dropped in to say hi then continued on his way up the #OregonCoast. July 2021

#photography #flying #silverbloggers



That ride must be a rush. Good timing!

Thanks! I had just got out of the car and there he was. Not sure where he came from. I thought he was going to crash at first but he just kept gaining altitude and flew off.

I think these types of sports are really cool! But I wouldn't have the courage to do it. LOL

The photos were incredible! Have you ever practiced this sport?

I'm with you. I don't think it would be something I would try. 🙂

I love this kind of adventure.

Thanks to @tfranzini I now know what snaps are.

To celebrate, I'm going to give away 24 SBI to the comment/reply that gets the most votes here.

If you don't know what I'm talking about check out this community -

#hivesbi #hsbi #hive

There was no clear winner, things aren't very active around here. So I have sent staked 4 SBI to the following accounts:

@tfranzini @shiftrox @dubble @bleujay @johnhtims @moeknows

Thank you so much! I'm grateful for this opportunity, if you're going to do any more contests or sweepstakes please tag me! Cheers!

thank you!

Greetings @noloafing ,

How very kind of you to award all of us....Thank you!

Hope you are enjoying Snaps.

Kind Regards,


thanks 👍

Hey thank you!

You are welcome! Happy to help :)

Good luck to everyone!

Damn kkkk, I wish I'd introduced you to snaps sooner xD I hope I win some SBI, lets go!

Damn, that is a lot of SBI's! Very generous of you :D Good luck to all!

Greetings @noloafing ,

Welcome to are ahead of the curve...Snaps is on the cutting edge!

Cheers! Bleujay

welcome to snaps. congrats to whoever wins.

Welcome to snaps. I find it to be the smoothest microblogging solution I've tried on Hive so far. Though there are things I like on all three that I've tried (snaps, dbuzz, inleo threads), snaps has the best on-chain experience IMO.

Binance Earn is offering a nice APR on liquid Hive, btw. Picked up some more here at 30c.

34% apr? thats a lot... i don't know much about this 'simple earn', is it safe?

As long as you trust the funds on the exchange there's no risk to the hive you place there as far as I know.

ok, i am going to put some in there, i bought a bunch when hive was at 0.50

This Reddit user I was chatting with about helping out with something Holozing related happened to have this amount of karma, what are the odds.
(I usually don't chat with many there regarding anything)


says it symbolizes new beginnings :P

11111 seems to be appearing a lot recently. The amount of extra HP I gain in a game I'm playing called Dwarven Realms. lol.


I can't imagine living below a snow mountain.


#photography #nature

The rewards earned on this comment will go directly to the people( @logen9f ) sharing the post on Reddit as long as they are registered with @poshtoken. Sign up at Otherwise, rewards go to the author of the blog post.

I wish I could live nearby at least.

The subject for this week is landmarks
You have until Sunday the 9th of February to submit an entry!Come and join the #pobphotocontest this week!

Happy shooting!


Great picture. I guess it was made in somewhere in the Netherlands right?

You're totally right!

Sounds interesting! May I ask if we should tag you in a post or not?

There are 4 pages