just bought a skateboard from another person at the skatepark in brazil with HBD using @pixbee developed by @vaipraonde LFG!!
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just bought a skateboard from another person at the skatepark in brazil with HBD using @pixbee developed by @vaipraonde LFG!!
I was there !
you are the brazilian skate god GOAT
Hopefully we can see more of this in the future. With projects like that one and this proposal moving forward the Hive days ahead may be bright. :)
i agree but the only problem with hive debit card is that the recipient of the payment needs to have a hive account, which for me is hard to find. with pixbee it sends the person Brazilian Real... currently only useful in brazil, and revolving around vaiprondes pix account ...
Definitely still hurdles to overcome but at least some small steps are being taken.
yeah. the nfc card and its basic functionality is definitely something that should have already been developed by the hive community, for merchants to explore accepting hive, so its good to see
That's great. BR POWER!
Never heard of @pixbee, but will check it out -- and congratulations to you and Hive!
Bzzzrrr, that's awesome! I'm glad to hear HBD is flowing through the skatepark community! @vaipraonde's PIXsystem is making it easy to trade Hive tokens for real-world goods, and I'm all about keeping it hive-minded!
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Que mais cnegociações como essa possam surgir daqui pra frente.
Parabéns pelo seu incrível projeto @vaipraonde.
@vaipraonde olha só, que da hora hein :D
very cool
Muito legal mesmo!
O homem é fera demais, ta doido kkk
BR power!
Você é fera
Bzzzrrr, que legal, @peak.snaps! Parabéns por ter aproveitado a skatepark e usar HBD para comprar o seu skate novo, aluguel virtual!
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