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RE: Week 6 - end of the challenge - but the START OF MORE!

in Ecencylast year

I think that's such an important message... that once you start making lists and plans, things suddenly become a lot more visible or doable... or you realize other opportunities that you wouldn't have seen otherwise.

I've often thought that "luck" is mostly just being open to new opportunities.



I've heard it said in a way that I love...

when you're making plans for step A and step're in the valley.

but as you climb the mountain you see the whole landscape in new ways

step D and step G weren't even visible when you made step A!

so just keep moving and viewing the changing landscape and see all the possibilities that come into view as you make your way.

I love that because it encourages you to KEEP MOVING!

stagnation is a bad enemy! hehehe