Week 6 - end of the challenge - but the START OF MORE!

in Ecencylast year


It's the final week, and you've all done well, but now its time to tie a ribbon on this challenge and gift it to yourself.

Have you had all the help you needed in establishing the first steps in pursuing your dreem? Have you given out help, advice encouragement and more to the people on your own teem?

It's so simple to draw up plans and start. dreaming. You can live in a fantasy world with all kinds of visions and steps that never come
to fruition. The hardest part ....the scariest part...but the most EXCITING part is taking that first TRUE act to morphing that dream into a dreem.

I'm not ready to share all the parts of my dreem with the world yet, but I will share a bit, and I will share parts that I've accomplished so far.

  • Three years and counting, building DreemPort.com with the best TEEM I could have been blessed to have.

  • Four years and counting, researching the country of Panama.

  • Finally able to go explore Panama with two dreemers.

  • And the latest, start to find small projects that will help me learn how to build and repair things

My post today is going to be sharing a little bit of that last and newest step and how you don't have to look far to get started once you set your steps on the right path .

Since I've been doing this DREEM challenge, I've been trying to find the next steps to realizing this dreem, and also clearing the random blocks that are in my path of this dreem. One thing that has always frustrated me was my inability to be able to build and repair things. The answer to that finally came from several sources all at once....just build something! anything!

and my reply was...oh! yeah! I guess I could!!!

It's so simple! But I was thinking that I would have to build a house! or some important project that has to be perfect! And then several smaller opportunities presented themselves for me to get my hammer and nails and begin!

Sometimes the best way to get pushed into doing something new ...is for a friend in need.

Without going into too much detail, we lost a friend recently. He was a lovely man that spent the last few months of his life surrounded by love, and for that we are so grateful. He will be missed and he leaves behind some animals that need new homes. Because of this, I will be learning how to build a fenced-in enclosure and a new house for this guy!

(He's so much bigger than you can see on these pics hahaha)

If not for the need, I would probably find a way to procrastinate and psych myself out of this opportunity. But look at that face!! He's such a good boy! A love of a dog! Very protective of us, very obedient, very special. He is a Beauceron, and if you haven't heard of the breed, they're quite impressive dogs. They naturally guard and protect, so whenever we walk, he comes alongside us and watches for anything out of the ordinary. He's larger than most of his breed and his name is Taruk. He would be a great dog for a home with a lot of land and animals that need herding ...say, in ... Panama?

Not sure if you're seeing all the connections yet but they are all beautifully fitting together like puzzle pieces that make a gorgeous picture! And they are all getting me closer to my dreem!

When you know what you need, and start daring to make lists and plans - you'll be surprised how many solutions make themselves available for you... just be bold and grab hold of the opportunity! No matter what happens, you'll be learning along the way. And maybe you'll get a new friend in the process too!


this week.

You're STARTING. This is the end of the challenge but the START of you accomplishing your dreem.

Your post will be explaining to us how you've started THIS WEEK! Show us pictures. Give us definitive plans and a roadmap. And most importantly, give yourself a deadline (and tell us the date!) to accomplish this first step in making your dreem.

PRO TIP: Don't underestimate yourself and don't talk yourself out of it. Get started and make progress.

Your post is due Thursday and it's your final chance to earn points for the challenge!

Our Hunt is right around the corner!!! Are you as excited as I am????

Thanks to @shadowspub, @penderis, @bluefinstudios, @kemmyb, @wesphilbin, @mypathtofire, @melinda010100, @samsmith1971, @silversaver888, @lizelle, @kenechukwu97, @jacoalberts, @acgalarza, @blackdaisyft and @dreemsteem for making the @dreemport voting power go farther! ❤️

Images are mine ❤️


@amberkashif Thank you for appreciating our effort. ^_^

Thank you so much ☺️

Thank you

Thank you for the token Amber.

Thank you.✨

Thanks a lot

Thanks Amber!

Most welcome. Seasonal greetings

Thank you

Thanks a lot, I appreciate the reward 🤗🤗

Thank you so much for the reward.

Thanks so much for the dreem tokens ❤️

Congratulations on the DREEM journey if I am allowed to put it that way and the rest of the things you accomplished. It's kind of you to build a place for the animals to live even though they are experiencing a loss at the moment, I am sure they are moved by your kindness @dreemsteem.

I am already underestimating myself because I feel I have a lot to learn and to cover so I can fully understand this place and gain exposure. This week, every step of the way, I want to put that into perspective as I write, read, and learn from older users.

#dreemerforlife #freecompliment

Congratulations on the DREEM journey if I am allowed to put it that way and the rest of the things you accomplished. It's kind of you to build a place for the animals to live even though they are experiencing a loss at the moment, I am sure they are moved by your kindness @dreemsteem.

I am already underestimating myself because I feel I have a lot to learn and to cover so I can fully understand this place and gain exposure. This week, every step of the way, I want to put that into perspective as I write, read, and learn from older users.

#dreemerforlife #freecompliment

ahhhh don't underestimate!! hehehe

you have gifts and abilities that no one else in all the world has!

just start to identify them and tap into them

no step is too small! I know that sounds cliche but...it's true!

the smallest step can be huge when it gets you in MOTION...so don't feel intimidated.

just do something for your own dreem journey today! you can do it!!!❤️

and....let me say I admire your desire to learn!!!

there are so many people who can help you to grow here!

and many who can't! lol

the trick is finding genuine people who care and connect and then building a tribe with them!

happy that you're here to learn and grow!!! dont rush anything, it will come slowly

I'm here for 7 years now and I'm still learning things hahaha

it will come...just take baby steps and HAVE FUN while you're doing it !!

steer clear of toxic people also....they will suck your joy out of this so fast !!

hope that helps!!

You have been here for 7 years and still learning? This is the exact thing Miss KittyGirl said to me in The Terminal. If you all are still learning then I need to calm down. With time it will all make sense as long as I don't stop trying to learn about them.

Thank you for both your comments and encouragement. I am presently finding my way around Dreemport and I am watching the 9-minute video you created for newbies like us. Thank you for that too @dreemsteem

I've known @thekittygirl a very very long time hahaha. she is a GREAT person to know!! very helpful and loving.. the Terminal is a wonderful place for newbies to learn !!!

and yes...hehehe definitely take your time and calm down hehehe

you will learn and grow as you're here. be humble, be kind, be willing to learn, and be patient

and you'll have a much better time! hahaha


That's the right definition of her. She was amazing to me.

I will do all of these

Thank you ma'am

oh and if you need help with DreemPort... come tag me or Sam in the discord server!

once you do it once ...you'll see how easy it is!!! hehe

I am already bombarding you all with questions on the server. lol.

Yes, I met Sam yesterday

hahahaha keep.bombarding...lol

@mcyusuf and @penderis are usually in the server to help also...if Sam and I don't respond quickly!😊

Nothing is as beautiful as having a great teem that supports in building your dreem and you are really blessed to have these two dreemers in your teem.

And yes the best way to put your dreem into motion is to start building from somewhere, anywhere until things fall into place.

I can imagine how sad you have been to witness the loss of a friend. Accept my condolences.
It's a good thing to hear that you will be taking care of Taruk, seeing his cute face already melted my heart that I just feel like giving him a big hug 🤗
I believe you will take good care of our dreem dog.

#dreemerforlife #freecompliments

yes these two are special dreemers to me! hehe Sam has been a dreemer for 2 years now - but Pen has been in my life for 5 now hahaha

Maybe yu didn't know but he is the one that built our site .. he's our dev :) it was great to hang out with them again. We have met before in UK and we plan to also meet next December for the dreemup - where I will pay for 2 dreemers to come meet 7 of us!! hehehe should be a lot of fun!!

thank you for your condolences., he was a wonderful man - and he was a mentor to my son (that you see in the first picture with Taruk)

hehehe dreem dog! i like that! i'm going to call him that!

We had another dog that we called the wonder dog. i'll call Taruk the dreem dog for sure hehehe

"THE START" can be possible if we believe in ourselves and take that bold step into bringing the first step of our dreems to light. This time around all blocks on our way to living out our dreems have to be removed.

The week has begun, taking bold steps in life's journey could be difficult at times but we still have to take them.

Mum Dreem, you took us (dreemers) on a journey to begin to actualize our dreems, all the challenges you brought our way were pieces matching up to something great and now we're here to take actions on the big piece.
Thank you so much, you have lit the fire in us, made us connect and bond with dreemers and give helping hands to one another. This is beautiful 😍
I'm glad to become a dreemer ❤️.

You have beautiful pictures here with dreemers, and for Taruk, he's also cute. I used to like dogs when my Dad had different breeds as pets when I was much younger, I was never concerned about knowing their breeds and got scared of dogs when one of them (Robert) chased me into the house 😂😂.

Accept my condolences. It's so sad you lost a friend and may his soul rest in peace, Amen 🙏🏻.

Thank you so much Dreem ma'am 😍 and teem ❤️

hahaha i had a really bad experience with a dog as a child too - actually TWO! but finally i got over the fear. hahaha not sure how I did get over it. maybe when I started riding horses, I realized that horses are much bigger - and I can handle them... so why be afraid of dogs? hahah i don't know because dogs can be vicious and horses rarely are LOL oh well - a mystery LOL

I'm so glad that you've appreciated this dreem journey. It really has been all about helping people to see that we are SO CLOSE to our dreems. much closer than we realize. the biggest obstacle in our way is usually our own minds! but once we get our mind on the right track to just start and keep going - things start to really fall into place!

I hope that you do bring it to reality for you too! this life is much too short to give up and surrender.

and dont' be afraid of failure hehehe failture can still be fun - and its a great teacher of what to do next time... better! LOL

love to you!! :)

Oh! You actually overcame the fear fast and that's good. Horses and Dogs 😄... I'm wondering how you were able to work that out. Horses are on the big side but even a puppy could still bite. I would say you're really brave. Actually, I'm more settled when I see Dogs with their owners, it releases out some fear 😄

You're right ma'am, are dreems are really closer than we can imagine and the mind is really a powerful tool we need to own and use to achieve whatever we need to achieve.

Yes, life it too short and we need to actualize our purpose here on earth before we leave it.

Oh! Yes, I've learned to accept failure, as one who loves being perfect in doing things, it was difficult to accept failure but it actually opened my eyes to see the success in failure, learning from it and becoming better.

Much love ❤️ 🤗

I'm back again this time from #dreemport, being a #dreemerforlife

Congratulations on brilliantly completing this challenge, and more importantly, for embarking on an even more exciting journey towards realizing your dreams!

Your journey is truly inspiring. The way you've turned the simple idea of building and repairing something into an opportunity for learning and personal growth is admirable. The loss of your friend and your commitment to Taruk show not only your ability to tackle practical challenges but also your great humanity.

Thank you for sharing these reflections and for reminding us that every small step counts in the pursuit of our own dreams. Best of luck and looking forward to following your future adventures!

It's always amazing to work with great Teem. Looking at that picture above, I can imagine how the Dreemport project has bonded you folks together and still counting, you are blessed to have them Dreemie 🥰. I am hoping same for my new teem.

It's a pity to hear the news of the death of your loved one. I can imagine the feeling, not always a good one. Please accept my condolences Dreemie and receive strength to take care of Taruk

How time flies, wow..we are just close to the end of the challenge and the beginning of a new thing. Thanks so much for this provoking challenge..my mind really have shifted and how I have started taking action for my dreem space and received unexpected support marvels me. I am glad I started somewhere. Expect my post on Thursday.


We appreciate you taking the time, to either use #ThoughtfulDailyPost, or otherwise help this Community grow. So...

Thank you!!

Wes & Grindan

thanks @wesphilbin and @grindan!!! love to you both!

Big hugs your way, it's so cool to read about your dream dreem coming together bit by bit! 💗

hi gorgeous hehehe

its coming SOOOOOOOO slowly hhahahaha

but maybe this year will be the special one!!! 2024... come on!!! we need a GREAT year lol

how are you???

Visualizing... You... Succeeding... I think I see the future 😉 hehe

I BELIEVE IN YOOOUUUUU!! (and that 2024 is gonna be a great year, because it just has to be...)

I'm doing well, same ole same ole mostly 💃

Sending you big ole heart hugs! 🤗


You must be killin' it out here!
5.000 PIMP@grindan just slapped you with , @dreemsteem.
You earned 5.000 PIMP for the strong hand.
They're getting a workout and slapped 2/2 possible people today.


Read about some PIMP Shit or Look for the PIMP District

Dreemers! We are already at the end of our Dreemer of the Year Challenge. But, this is the beginning of something new.

Enjoy the adventure...

@jane1289, @juliamulcahy, @bluefinstudios, @acgalarza, @samsmith1971, @wrestlingdesires, @sacra97,@palomap3, @oceanbee, @unklebonehead, @ngwinndave, @hannes-stoffel, @kei2, @nkemakonam89, @lordtimoty, @anonymous02, @george-dee, @mypathtofire, @iskafan, @creatr, @melinda010100, @buezor, @idksamad78699, @joseph23, @merit.ahama, @cool08, @b0s, @mrenglish, @hopestylist, @maryjacy, @fragozar01, @kenechukwu97, @ayesha-malik, @sacra97, @jpatrick28, @blackdaisyft, @deraaa, @ijohnsen, @anonymous02, @fragozar01, @simgirl, @dwixer, @blackalbino1, @depressedfuckup, @intishar, @edystringz, @maryjacy, @moontrader, @tengolotodo, @cescajove, @olujay, @ijohnsen, @chincoculbert, @kemmyb, @zyzymena, @aroojkhalid, @mcyusuf, @onyinye.nmeri85, @sommylove, @ksam, @raj808, @melinda010100, @jfuji, @dibblers.dabs, @litguru, @ifarmgirl, @coquicoin, @esther-emmanuel, @mmykel, @adoore-eu, @zonniasparkle, @darthsauron, @stevemuis @snook , @dreemsteem, @beeber, @tengolotodo, @anonymous02, @ksam, @itsostylish, @grocko, @george-dee, @deraaa, @belleflower, @b0s, @buezor, @hopestylist, @merit.ahama, @darthsauron, @dwixer, @amberkashif, @mrenglish, @jpatrick28, @juliamulcahy, @creatr , @fragozar01, @nkemakonam89, @marbrym, @joseph23, @intishar, @litguru, @palomap3, @ahmadmanga, @officialrosh1, @danokoroafor, @sam9999, @grindan @nevies @erh.germany @killerwot @shadowspub @alekst7 @strega.azure @timmy-turnip @lhes, @bnbsc, @jadams2k18, @madeirane, @wongi, @jhymi, @amiegeoffrey, @jellyvine, @ibbtammy, @julti1985, @kingsleyy, @treasuree, @sperosamuel15, @balikis95, @adetemi, @ukrajpoot, @veganuss.family, @ojbear, @madeirane, @seunruth, @rukkie, @zitalove, @kilvnrex, @machalavienici, @rafzat, @jessicaossom, @abu78, @omotife, @emreal, @sam9999, @nwothini335, @princess-dara, @glorydee, @ginika, @wallay, @jazclassic, @luchyl, @idlemind, @abdul-qudus, @holler, @peacious, @princessbusayo, @nwothini335, @quduus1, @emrysjobber, @winanda, @lorylol.

Thank you for the tag

Well Done, Bro

Thanks a bunch for the tag.

Well Done, Bro.

Thanks for the tag🙂

Tu bebe

Haha, I see you are taking your Spanish lessons well. 😉

Thank you so much for the tag.

Thanks for the tag 👍

@kenechukwu97 Thanks for the tag! Happy holidays!

Happy New Year

Thanks for the tag 👍

Thanks for the tag.

Thanks for the tag.

Thank you big boss

Thanks for the tag.

Hellooooooo!!! So good to see your beautiful faces!! Although I'm sorry I only recognise the 2 😅

@dreemsteem @penderis so good to "see" you xx


I just saw your dm!!!

get back in discord hahahaha

I think that's such an important message... that once you start making lists and plans, things suddenly become a lot more visible or doable... or you realize other opportunities that you wouldn't have seen otherwise.

I've often thought that "luck" is mostly just being open to new opportunities.


I've heard it said in a way that I love...

when you're making plans for step A and step B...you're in the valley.

but as you climb the mountain you see the whole landscape in new ways

step D and step G weren't even visible when you made step A!

so just keep moving and viewing the changing landscape and see all the possibilities that come into view as you make your way.

I love that because it encourages you to KEEP MOVING!

stagnation is a bad enemy! hehehe

hehehe I love these pics! Such great memories. Can't wait to make more with you both 🥰 Fab challenge to end off the Dreemer of the Year race. And you are right... we all just have to make that start. When you are zoned in on your dreem you start to see all sorts of possibilities and opportunities to bring it to fruition🙏

Love you, Ms. Dreems! 💗


#dreemerforlife #alwaysthebeginning

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@samsmith1971, you successfully shared 0.1000 LOH with @dreemsteem and you earned 0.1000 LOH as tips. (1/3 calls)

Use !LADY command to share LOH! More details available in this post.

You must be killin' it out here!
1.000 PIMP@samsmith1971 just slapped you with , @dreemsteem.
You earned 1.000 PIMP for the strong hand.
They're getting a workout and slapped 1/1 possible people today.


Read about some PIMP Shit or Look for the PIMP District

(1/10)@samsmith1971 sent you LUV 🙂

Made with LUV by crrdlx

for sure - you know how you talk about a red car and then that's all you see for the next few days. hehehe

same with ideas. immerse yourself in the concepts and prospects and then all you see are all these connections for you to piece together for your plan!

and yes - those pics got me so excited too hehehe i wanna go back in the most urgent way LOL

We are really at the end but the end seems to be a start to new beginnings. I love every single one of these pictures 😍😍😍😍

I am sorry about your friend and I love that Taruk is surrounded by all the love he can get.

Thank you for all you do @dreemsteem

Always a #dreemerforlife

thanks rukkie :)

and yes - death is not easy. but life continues on for those left behind. Taruk will be loved dearly!!!

I'm glad that you enjoyed those pics hehehe I was caught up in that trip when I went back to look at all those pictures. hahaha Sam too! lol We can't wait for the next adventure! LOL

the dreem trip next December is making us excited to make that group of 3 into a group of 9 hopefully! hahaha

The end but the beginning of something new is just awesome.
Let's see how the week goes.
I am only starting to think what and what pictures I should start making first. Hehe

hehehe just capture the pictures of whatever showcases the start of you making your dreem come true!!! :)

When a loving person dies, we feel pain and we will be in sorrow. Sorry for the loss.
I know Taruk will also miss his master, God knows the best for us.

Hurray 💃💃💃💃, I am happy this is the last week in this Dreemer Do the Year December challenge. It will be fun writing about how my week commenced.

I can't wait to hear about your week and your dreem starting!!!

and thank you for your condolences! God does know the best :)

This is a great way to end the challenge, and a beginning of something new self reflection and self motivation are key to growth.

I would love to read all the entries.hehe


quite a lot of entries to read - hehehe our little dreemer group is getting too big to support everyone, everyday! h ahaha thank God that DreemPort allows us to support a new 5 each day and make our way around eventually hehehehe

That's right, the group is getting big haha, but eventually, we'll make our way around through the week.

It is the 6th week already, time really moves fast doesn't it? The conclusion of the dreemer of the year challenge, taking steps. No matter how big a dream is I guess the first step in making it a dreem is to start from somewhere or something that way little by little the whole dream will be achieved. Looking forward to seeing you achieve your dreams, as a matter of fact I believe Taruk is in good hands.

Here we go again dreemers, the last lap😂.


that's right emrys - taking steps. and 6 weeks FLEW by. I always look back and think - how??? how was it just the start of this challenge only moments ago?!?!? and now i blink my eye and its 6 weeks hahaha

I'm already looking forward to January - when we have 4 new dreem teem staff join us... hmmm i wonder who one of them can be hehehehe

get started on making those steps this week - we want to hear all about how you've accomplished the first part of your dreem! hehehe

I wonder who that might be, it will definitely be great privilege to work along side the dreem team.

You wouldn't believe if I told you that this dreemer of the year challenge topics/theme has forced to put somethings into action that I never thought was possible in two years. Just like you said, this is more than just a challenge.

Thanks for always coming up with amazing initiatives for dreemers🤗

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100% of the rewards from this comment goes to the curator for their manual curation efforts. Please encourage the curator @bhattg by upvoting this comment and support the community by voting the posts made by @indiaunited.

@bhattg - thank you always!!! hehehe

and thank you @indiaunited!! :)

Wow, this is getting very interesting. It is truly the beginning of something new. It is not going to be easy, but I'll do my best outlining things that can be used to begin my dreemspace. It'll be interesting to see.

Death is everywhere, and it is sad when one person is lost. I do hope the person rests in peace. Also, the dog looks very cute. And I am glad one of your dreems of building things is starting.

You are moving towards something beautiful, and I hope you achieve them.

You guys look cute... you, Pen, and Sam. You guys rock.

I'll begin somewhere and I'll need help along the way and now, I'll need my dreem teem to work with me.

I solely remain a #dreemerforlife.

hehehe as my dreem unfolds... and your dreem unfolds... I think you and Taruk might meet!!! hahahahahaha right???? lol

I really want to be able to be more self-sufficient in Panama... so yes - i've always wanted to be able to build things and repair things... and I think this is going to come in handy when we are rural in Panama...

aren't those pictures so great B??? when Sam saw them - she was like aghhhhhh!!! :) she was feeling just like me - wanting to go back immediately hahahaha

I can't wait for the dreemup next December... i'm dying for it - and praying that God would even give me some surprises on top of this dreem too hahahaha

I always ask Him! He loves when I come running to bring all my desires to our conversations hehehe

and i'm not always reading on hive as much as i used to - so if i miss something- come to my DM and share hehehe

You bet! We are both working towards this... plans have been made, and action is what is left.

It'll be nice to move around with teruk, that thought alone gives me the bumps, Hehe.

Yes, it will surely come in handy. There'll be lots of things to put into place.

Hehe, you guys love is very contagious, so give us more!

Yeah, my heart is filled with great anticipation towards it, and I know He listens... He hears us even before we speak.

He sure does. He is a marvellous one.

I sure will. Have an amazing day 💛.

Poor Taruk. He's blessed, though. He has you and a couple of people that will look after him. So lovely of you.

I am totally down to take a big step for my dreemspace. Not sure how, but I'll be daring to defy my own limitations I gave set mentally and jump at it. Let's see how it goes...


yes Taruk was without his master for a few months - as our friend went home to be with his family. He wasn't able to bring Taruk out - so Taruk was cared for mostly by my son daily. The man lived on a big ranch, so we would often go over and take walks and give Taruk some love.

As far as your dreemspace... remember - it doesn't have to be a location - or a place. perhaps your dreem space is some project that you want to launch... or a vision that needs to come to fruition...

but whatever you do - just start with something tangible that we can see and join in the excitement with you.

dreemers don't just talk. dreemers DO.

Sorry about your friend's demise, may God comfort all he left behind. Thanks for taking care of his dog, God bless you.
Am so glad to be part of the challenge till the end, thanks for geering us towards our dreem and helping us not o give up.
Let's go again, guys.

its an honor to have Taruk... and a piece of our friend's memory to keep with us.

I'm so happy to keep our dreemers dreeming towards the long journey! hehehe it's all about not giving up!!

you yourself even started a new dreem last year with your computer courses!!! you're a #truedreemer

Very correct, am shocked with your busy schedule, you didn't forget

hahaha my schedule doesn't make me forget ..my aging mind makes me forget 😂😂😂😂

Such a lovely looking dog. Sorry for your loss dearest Dreem but the smiles on your face and Sam's is all so beautiful so I hope you have the best of time in Panama and putting that Dreem together.
Let's see how we all set our dreems into fruition. Lots of love to everyone!🌺


that Panama dreem is a really big one hahaha it will take a lot of prayer and action to get it into motion!!!

but we really had a great time on that trip , looking forward to more hehehe

and hoping for more trips with more dreemers!!

I am so excited, it is the end but also the beginning, I so much love this week's challenge, long live dreemport. #dreemerforlife

hehehe life is often ends and beginnings tied together - right?

i'm glad you're looking forward to the challenge this week - lets see what you bring for us!!!

Dare to start dreeming, dare to give it a try, excellent challenge, just the push we need, dreeming is not completed with getting actively involved in building that dream, no matter how little we think it is.


I'm so curious to see what kind of dreems everyone starts to build. this has the potential to be a massive dreem explosion LOL

a lot of dreem energy buzzing around should help all the dreems rise up hehee... its kinda like when people start laughing - others laugh too.

when people yawn, its contagious.

when dreemers dreem together - its like fire hehehe

Sorry about your friend, may his soul rest in peace. That dog looks so nice, it's thoughtful of you to give it that time and attention. May God give you the strength and wisdom you need to build that fence for it.

Just like yesterday, the dreemer of the year contest is almost rounding up. We will miss it but, the end of everything is the beginning of another.

Let's see how this week goes heheh, and for the hunt, we can't wait😁😁


thank you for your condolences - i appreciate it :)

I'm excited for the end of this challenge and also for the start of the new year and beyond!!! let's goooooooo hehehehe

Looking at your teem and me trying to build mine, I can imagine how hard it was for you to get to this point and how harder it would have been without those special people on your teem.

If there is one thing that want to keep me going from what you've said is the fact that when we get the opportunity to do somethings it helps us know what we actually need to do.

I hope you get to build a great hole for Taruk, what a lovely name even if I don't know what it means, hehe

I need to go and think of how to start this week and hopefully share something that actually fulfills a part of my dreem.

you're so busy lately that I bet you are already doing lots of things to build your dreem!! heheh

and you have great people surrounding you for your teem! and you're right, I wouldn't be where I am...and DreemPort wouldn't be where it is... without this teem! they are amazing!

and these two in the pictures above are only part of our teem!!! lolol

we have so many more hehehe

I love that we keep growing too!! lol

I really hope to achieve my dreem space, a lot of things are happening lately that is taking my time and energy. Well, I'm a dreemer and giving up is not an option!

Sometimes, nah most of the times, the solutions are just around us. However, they only show themselves only when we beat our fear.


agree,,, fear is the thing that will cripple us!

but perfect love casts out fear! hehehe so I cling to this! :)

You are an inspiration to many of us. you know that

Wow...look at those amazing pictures of our big dreemers. So sorry about your friend, but it is a good thing to help nurture Taruk and I am sure he will be smiling in heaven seeing how you have taken responsibility for taking care of the pretty dog.
I am rooting for the dreemers as they complete their final challenge for the year. I cannot wait for our hunt 💃

hhehe you know these pics remind me of when we saw our Ola too hahaha and now when is your turn?? LOL

Hahaha 😆 Maybe someday in the future? 🤔😆 I desire it to happen which I believe so. I am hoping on God for that.

There were things I always thought I couldn't bring up in my life (scary things) but with the dreem challenge I have in a way put out myself and now I am hoping that dreemspace of mine comes through.

Thanks for all you do @dreemsteem #dreemerforlife #dreemport

I can't wait to see what you accomplish treasuree!!! :) glad that we could be a part of lighting that fire for you!!!

I'm so sorry to hear about your loss, he must have been difficult to say bye to :(

Taruk looks like a wonderful dog, I'm happy you and he found each other ♥️ I know you were still missing your coyote in dog's clothing, and it made you reluctant. But when it's meant to be, you just know :)

Panama? It looks like you guys had fun, will we be seeing posts about it?

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hehehe ys - you know what??? Taruk reminds me A LOT of our coyote-dog, Parker! LOL so much!!! he's bigger though... and more obedient lol

and Panama... hehehe yeah we held off on writing posts about it at the time - but maybe we will write some posts in time. I'm not sure! hahaha I'd like to - but something makes me not ready to post them just yet??? maybe i'm waiting for more of the story to unfold??? hehehehe

and yes - that man was a great mentor to our Mikey. and I was really happy that the last 18 months of his life was getting to know Mikey in a great way. and giving Mikey a taste of rancher life too... interesting how life unfolds!

how are you my dear friend???

I'm good thanks :)

I thought Parker was perfectly obedient from the way you described him!

Panama sounds exciting, do you think you saw any place that looked like home?


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What a wonderful contest idea ,is a good opportunity and everyone needs to participate.
Sorry for the lost of your friend and I pray the dogs don't miss him so much


hi yummy! hehehe

thank you for your sweet words! I'm sure Taruk will miss him greatly but I hope that we can become part of his new family too!

hope you can share your dreem with us!

I appreciate 🤗, take good care of Taruk

Congratulations 🥳🥳

@yummycruz1 you are the lucky winner of 100 Dreem Tokens for participating in Dreemport’s Bounty.


This is wonderful, thank you so much 🥰, my heart is filled with great joy

I'm sry excited for this beginning of the beginning. With only a few weeks experience on the dreem journey, I can say that it's been great. I look forward to the hunt.

I'm sorry about the loss of your friend. My condolences. Taruk is in safe hands. He'll fare fine.


thanks for your compassion 😇

and I'm so glad that you've been enjoying this journey with us!

though it's ending .. it's just beginning!!! ❤️

These are some great pictures.

This is a wonderful task but sadly, i can't join it because of my tight schedule for the week. Thanks for the wonderful opportunity.

#dreemport #dreemerforlife

you will be missed!!! I hope you get a lot accomplished this week!

This is the end but honestly, these past weeks has been nothing but helpful to me. I have gotten motivated and energized. Thank you so much Dreemie for making us experience this.


you don't know how much this makes me smile!! I'm so glad that it's helped you! I hope that even after it's over...it keeps encouraging you to keep dreeming!!! 😊

I’m definitely sure it will. Thank you so much☺️

My condolences on the loss of your friend ma'am. A really lovely task you are undertaking for Taruk.

I am excited for this treasure hunt as it's going to be my first official one.

The task this week requires courage and diligence, haha...key ingredients that are quite handy. Let's see what comes up as we start.


hehehe well this treasure hunt is a GREAT one to begin with... because it's the biggest one of the year hehehe

can't wait to see what you get!!!❤️

Same here ma'am, thank you

A deep sigh!🗣️💨

The tasks keep revolving around the Dreem made.
It's a nice one.

If not for the need, I would probably find a way to procrastinate and psych myself out of this opportunity

Life operates this way we can't run away when it comes.

Weldon ma


yes when we are faced with a challenge we can't get around - we often grow substantially when we push through!

What a beautiful pup! Great dreem you've got there!

hey Kara! hehe

this dreem has been hmmm 36 years in the making! hehehe I literally remember drawing out blueprints when i was 11 hahahah

they were... very rudimentary LOL but effective to get it out of my head and onto paper!

I really really hope that 2024 comes and God allows us to take HUGE steps forward!!!

Losing a friend is not something easy and not everyone may be able to cope with that
Sorry for your loss
I’m glad you are smiling and trying to be better

always an opportunity to grow :)

These pictures are lovely. They depict the memory of a time well spent.


it was really a great time! :)

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There were things I always thought I couldn't bring up in my life (scary things) but with the dreem challenge I have in a way put out myself and now I am hoping that dreemspace of mine comes through.

Thanks for all you do @dreemsteem #dreemerforlife #dreemport


$PIZZA slices delivered:
(2/15) @wrestlingdesires tipped @dreemsteem

Kudos for a job well done, you successfully completed the challenge. Dog's man's best friend, and regardless of the unfortunate circumstance, I'm glad he found a guardian in you.


So sorry for the lost, I hope comfort the family and friends. I believe you'll have the grace to look after the dog and other properties just as he would have loved it to be .

For this week, it's indeed important to start. Just like the saying, the journey of a thousand miles begins with a step.

I love this challenge the most... Nothing will make me miss it this time.


Congratulations on your dreem journey, there is nothing great than having a wonderful team that will support your dreem. #dreemerforlife

Ho Ho Ho! @dreemsteem, one of your Hive friends wishes you a Merry Christmas and asked us to give you a new badge!

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Sorry for the lost of your friend, may he soul continues to rest in peace. And for the dog thanks for the love and care you guys are showing towards taruk. This is a Good thing and I believe you will take care of taruk. What a beautiful dog.

Phewwww it’s been one jolly ride for the Dreemport challenge, I have had to learn new things in the course of participating in the weekly challenge so thank you for organizing this Dreemer of the year challenge.

On a side note Dreemie, it’s been a while since you threaded and it would be such a delight to see you on thread again, so when you have the time you can always swing by🥰