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RE: Week 6 - end of the challenge - but the START OF MORE!

in Ecencylast year

It is the 6th week already, time really moves fast doesn't it? The conclusion of the dreemer of the year challenge, taking steps. No matter how big a dream is I guess the first step in making it a dreem is to start from somewhere or something that way little by little the whole dream will be achieved. Looking forward to seeing you achieve your dreams, as a matter of fact I believe Taruk is in good hands.

Here we go again dreemers, the last lap😂.



that's right emrys - taking steps. and 6 weeks FLEW by. I always look back and think - how??? how was it just the start of this challenge only moments ago?!?!? and now i blink my eye and its 6 weeks hahaha

I'm already looking forward to January - when we have 4 new dreem teem staff join us... hmmm i wonder who one of them can be hehehehe

get started on making those steps this week - we want to hear all about how you've accomplished the first part of your dreem! hehehe

I wonder who that might be, it will definitely be great privilege to work along side the dreem team.

You wouldn't believe if I told you that this dreemer of the year challenge topics/theme has forced to put somethings into action that I never thought was possible in two years. Just like you said, this is more than just a challenge.

Thanks for always coming up with amazing initiatives for dreemers🤗